Sotos wrote:GR, you are using Chromium which is made by Google so you can't really do much in terms of performance and prevent it from crashing. Its like you take the engine of a BMW and you add it to your own car body, electronics etc. The result could be good only if you are about as good or better than the Google engineers... and you are clearly not So why would anybody bother with a crappier version of Chrome? You can do most of what you listed above with plugins. If this is for your own personal use then you can write just one plugin that does everything that you need. Some things don't even need a plugin ... like changing the default search engine can be done with a setting in Chrome.
No amigos, Chromium is not in Google’s hands but the PUBLIC Chromium project and is 100% configurable with like 500+ setup flags and memory management is entirely in your hands.
Chromium is a framework at the lowest levels so every Webkit browser including Chrome, are using it differently and thus behaving differently and offering different levels of user experience.
For example, Chrome is very busy with extra open ports transmitting your data over to agencies for a fee, promoting their wares in their e-shops, modifying search results and doing every other thing possible for their self interests while most unknown browsers are trying to deliver an honest and reliable browser that doesn’t want to sit on your couch and hug your wife!