pantheman let me illuminate you on my personal background. My father was made a refugee in 1964 his family is from the village of Yagmuralan (Vroisha). One day the news came that Eoka members were congragating in a nearby village and that they had 'home made tanks' (Bulldozers with metal plating welded to the sides and a machine gun attached). The call to immediately evacuate the village was made and the villagers fled to the sourounding forests. The militia must have been pissed to have found the village empty because they used that bulldozer to destroy all the houses and make the village uninhabitable. As a young boy i asked my grandmother what she felt about that episode - to my utter suprise she said she was releived, why i asked, and she answered that due to the remoteness of their village their was an innevitability that one day Eoka would come, she was releived that she was able to leave with her own life and the life of her children.
A group of refugee's recently sent a letter to the RoC to ask what action would be taken about such events (eg an enquiry) and what compensation could they receive. They simply replied that the villagers had destroyed the village themselves and were entitled to no damages!
I would be greatful if you could give me a list of such churches, i will immediately visit the sites and petition the TRNC not only to stop using them in such a manner but also to restore these buildings. I have travelled all over northern Cyprus though and have to admit that I have never seen anything like this - if it has happened it is disgusting. please supply me with the names of the churches and which villages/towns etc they are in
pantheman let me illuminate you on my personal background.
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