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BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:28 am

I prefer to use the term "currency" for the real money in notes or coins in circulation, which as you said is only 2% of the total. I would then call "money" all the electronic entries in Banks’s computers.

Let us agree that whether we use ‘money’ or ‘currency’ as a descriptor, we both know that they are similar, but not the same. I think you are in a way clouding the issue, you are mixing wealth into the creation of money/currency which is only the medium of the measurement of wealth. You do not NEED collateral to create money, like you would need ‘H’ and ‘O’ to create water?
In addition I will use the term "sleeping/hidden money" being the value in "money" units of immovable properties, resources etc as shown on the diagram below.

Immovable property , resources etc cannot be described as either currency or money as they do not meet the criteria for either term. What you are referring to as ‘sleeping money’ already has a name, it is ‘assets’. Assets are neither money or currency but can be converted by exchange i.e. you exchange your asset for currency when you sell it. You do not convert it when you use it a collateral.

To meet the criteria required to be money/currency:
• It has to be portable, sub-divisible, fungible, durable and, for money ‘, .....a store of value over time’.

I find your concept of sleeping money fascinating and a concept I have never considered in that term.
All these summed up make up the VALUE of an economy. All that can be measured in money units (be it Euro, US$ etc) and that usually increases over time.

We are not talking about assessing the country’s economy, we are talking about how banks create money out of nothing. The ‘value’ of these assets does not usually increase over time, the currency you use to measure their value decreases in value due to increasing supply (creation) and this devalues it. Therefore you need more money to acquire the same value of the asset, whether that be a house, a piece of land, an ingot of gold.
You stated that "Commercial banks really do create new currency out of thin air". Imo you are partly right in that. Yes they do create what I call new "money" but it’s not out of thin air. They just facilitate the waking up of "sleeping money" usually because the borrower has chosen to do so by putting his immovable property as collateral.

I disagree, and the reason? Until the bank created the debt, allowed you (or a country) to spend money you did not have and thus allowed the creation of a deposit in another account....... it did not exist ANYWHERE. Not on the banks books, not in their vaults, not sleeping ..... it plain didn’t exist in any way, shape or form. That is why it is called NEW money. When you repay the loan ....... it is written off the books, as you have said it is not a profit to the bank only the interest is profit. It returns to what it was before it was created ...... zero, it ceases to exist, it does not go back to sleep, it just disappears into the Cosmos. The bank has no liability to repay what they claimed they lent you because they created it out of nothing.

What you seem to be missing is that it is the collateral that the banks are interested in because it has true value. What they give you against this true value has no value, it is merely a debt that will earn them some interest.

Collateral is wealth ..... that is why the banks demand it; it has intrinsic value .... currency does not, as there is no physical limit on its creation and as such it continually declines in value. Money/currency is a receipt for wealth manifested as a number in a bank account; it is an IOU and unlike assets has no intrinsic value.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong about that, the new money is NOT profit or anything for the Bank, the only profit the Bank would ever get would be from the interest. You correctly stated that this new "money" is eventually (after the borrower would pay back his loan) get killed - I would rather say it goes back to sleep as the then freed collateral, would still keep it’s money value that could be used again and again in the future.

I agree with that and accept that you see it as ‘going-back-to-sleep’, but i don’t agree with that concept. Let me ask you a question:

You refer to property used as collateral being ‘sleeping money’ to the value of 30% if there is a 70% mortgage ....... where did that 30% come from initially?

Would it not be true to say that it was originally as the result of a debt? After all, it is only money creation that creates new money and that 30% would have been derived initially from debt. Its perceived ‘value’ now in monetary terms, increased not because the value of the asset has increased but because what you are using to value it has depreciated in value over time!
So to claim that the Banks create money out of nothing, is like claiming that mother nature creates rain out of nothing. It doesn’t. It just takes water from the seas, evaporates it, makes clouds, and throws is back as rain. Total amount of H2O on Earth remains the same.

You cannot create rain, that is true but you can create currency .... ad infinitum, without physical limit and without the need for any primary ingredients such as hydrogen and oxygen.
You may not like the fact that the Banks use the deposits of their clients to do that, and you may say it’s illegal, unethical etc but that’s how the Banks work. It’s based on the fact that not more than 2-3% of their depositors would ever withdraw their money at any given time.

However you look at that, in LAW it is fraud! They are issuing IOU’s for something they do not have, they are also guilty of deception as, contrary to law they are not giving ‘consideration’ i.e. ‘.... of equal value’.

Banks do not need your money to create new money. It is debt that creates deposits, not the other way round. See the BoE bulletin 2014 ‘ When a bank creates a debt by giving credit it creates new money in another’s account’.
I don’t consider it bad. It’s just another service to our society. They get rewarded for that service with some profit.

I have no problem with then making a profit for providing a service. Although I question the legality of their services. A prostitute provides a service ..... but it is an illegal service punishable under law. Plenty of these ladies of the night are arrested and punished for breaking the law but I see little sign of this high moral attitude being applied to Bankers.
Suppose they just use ONLY MY deposits to lend someone. If the borrower never pays back, and the Bank has to suspend it’s activities they could very easily come to me and tell me, "sorry we gave your money to person A, he doesn’t want to pay back, take his immovable property it’s yours now, it’s worth 30% more, no need to thank us.

The bank does not use your money to lend to others. Banks are not intermediaries between depositor and borrower. Neither do they lose or steal your money, as many Cypriots believe. You lend the bank your money when you make a deposit, it is not your money anymore it is the banks money, on deposit and in their name. All you have from the bank is an IOU. The bail-in, enacted in Cyprus, was the banks defaulting on their liability to repay you and writing off their debt to balance the books. They didn’t lose it, they just refused to give it back.
RH said:
The Central Bank would create the electronic currency, out of thin air, just like commercial banks do now. To provide you with the currency for a mortgage or a car loan the banks would borrow the currency from the BoE and at a very low interest rate, maybe even zero. So you, as an individual borrower would see no difference except for the fact that it would be the BoE that would determine the interest rates, and the collateral would be held by the bank on behalf of the State. As the primary lender the State, not the bank, would seize the collateral if you were to default.

OK fine, although I don’t see how anyone could force a 3rd party - the Banks- to hold collaterals, on behalf of the Central Bank, without them getting at least some commission for their service. Basically that’s illegal imo. For the sake of discussion let’s correct this and assume the collateral would held by the Central Bank.

Who actually holds it is not really important but, before the bank could apply to the CB for a mortgage on your behalf, they would need collateral. If you fail to repay the bank the money they have borrowed from the CB, the primary lender is the CB ......then they do just as you said above ‘.....sorry we gave your money to person A, he doesn’t want to pay back, take his immovable property it’s yours now, it’s worth 30% more, no need to thank us’.

RH said:
If you now transfer the creation of the electronic currency from the banks to the State, the currency is spent as before into the economy by government expenditure ...... but with a big difference! It is NOT a loan, it is effectively an investment by the State (Who now own the Central Bank) in the State, just as if it were buying shares in itself.

Hold on for a minute here. The newly created new "money" in the form of an electronic entry is presumably a transformation via a collateral of "sleeping money" to electronic money. This doesn’t mean the Government would gain a surplus that she could spend into the economy! The one and only who can spend this newly created money in the economy is the borrower! You may say the Government would get a surplus by the minute the borrower starts paying back. Well, no, by the minute he starts paying back the newly created electronic money gets less and less until it finally gets killed, in the same manner as it would if it was created by any of the commercial Banks.

You are overlooking the simple fact that, in the proposal I have posted, money issued to the State by its central bank is NOT a loan. It is an investment in the country and is never intended to be repaid. The State asks for X amount of money and the CB transfer that number as a computer entry. When the State spends it into the economy, it is then new money! Money that did not exist at all until the State spent it into circulation and it will remain in circulation indefinitely.

Over time it is all recovered through taxation, whereby it returns to the Treasury who then re-spend it into the economy. It is a perpetual currency it never gets ‘killed’. Thus, once this starts circulating the need to create more money declines. The CB keeps checks on the balance between money going into the system and money being collected by taxation. If income is greater than expenditure, it can divert the surplus into the ‘Rainy Day Account’. If income is less than outgoings the CB banks dips into the rainy day account to balance income to expenditure.

Capital projects that need vast sums of money, as the Paphitis Ltd building project, with The State as the employer of Paphitis Ltd, his employer (The State) pays the bills directly. Paphitis Ltd. does not have to raise the capital on his own back as he would have to now.

On personal loans to individuals, through banks, you would not be aware of any difference. But the bank would now be doing the borrowing, but as I said this could well be at zero interest to a bank, but it would charge the borrower for its services, which is normal economic practice.
I believe this a serious disagreement, and there’s no point continuing unless we clarify this matter. Am I missing something?

I think you are missing the fact that the difference between the current system of State funding and what is effectively Corbyns proposal, is that the State would no longer have to borrow at interest from private commercial banks to fund the country and it would therefore have no debt or interest to pay, because it would be funding operations by issuing it own currency.

I answered Paphitis earlier when he asked for an example of where this system has been used and was successful? Look up how the US economy worked from the declaration of independence up to the advent of the FED. (or First/Second Bank of America ... as I believe it was initially called) Was it coincidence that in the same year the FED came into existence ..... so did income tax? :roll: Some of the quotes at the end of my last post are also relevant because it shows how Presidents of America, bankers and politicians felt about the ‘evils’ of the FED banking system.

Another similar example is Monaco. It has no public debt and funds everything it needs to fund from tax receipts. It does not need to borrow money at all but although NOT a member of the Eurozone it does use the Euro as its currency.

BTW: Having just read Paphitis remark regarding the ‘colonials’ it is obvious that even though he has been offered an explanation to prove the point ..... he hasn’t bothered to look it up. :roll:
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Mar 26, 2016 10:02 am

Robin Hood wrote:BTW: Having just read Paphitis remark regarding the ‘colonials’ it is obvious that even though he has been offered an explanation to prove the point ..... he hasn’t bothered to look it up. :roll:

No I looked at it but it didn't offer me any explanation. You just told me how the US Federal Reserve was created.

However, not all Central Banks are equal. The Australian Federal Reserve is actually owned by the Australian Government but it is autonomous. It is in fact illegal for the Federal Government to interfere with monetary policy. For some reason, it is just not on for the Government to set Interest Rates etc.

You also haven't explained to me or provided any examples of countries where your system is actually put into practice. There probably are some countries which do. Find them and show me how it works.

The USA is only responsible for pioneering some of the magic that exists today, and it made the USA a giant superpower and Americans quite well of. Doesn't mean their system is perfect or even better to other variations in place in other countries.

You are still insisting that Banks are able to create money from nothing, which is not the case at all. All loans are supported against something.
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby tsukoui » Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:25 am

Paphitis wrote: All loans are supported against something.

...indeed... in the U.S. loans are supported against the military
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:01 pm

Paphitis wrote:I'm finding this money creation thing very difficult to grasp. Because it can't be created if the money is not backed up by some other asset.

I agree with that. If you think about it even the existing electronic money is in reality BACKED UP.
It's usually made up from people's lifetime savings. The product that created it may still be tangible or less tangible.
For example the lifetime savings of a builder may still be tangible in the form of (part of the value) of a building which he himself had built for someone else.
The lifetime savings of a tomato producer is less tangible but still is. People ate his tomatoes and got energy to maintain their flesh and blood. :mrgreen: :lol:
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Lordo » Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:44 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I'm finding this money creation thing very difficult to grasp. Because it can't be created if the money is not backed up by some other asset.

I agree with that. If you think about it even the existing electronic money is in reality BACKED UP.
It's usually made up from people's lifetime savings. The product that created it may still be tangible or less tangible.
For example the lifetime savings of a builder may still be tangible in the form of (part of the value) of a building which he himself had built for someone else.
The lifetime savings of a tomato producer is less tangible but still is. People ate his tomatoes and got energy to maintain their flesh and blood. :mrgreen: :lol:

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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:05 pm

Paphitis wrote:
I'm finding this money creation thing very difficult to grasp. Because it can't be created if the money is not backed up by some other asset.

Pyrolizer wrote:
I agree with that. If you think about it even the existing electronic money is in reality BACKED UP.
It's usually made up from people's lifetime savings. The product that created it may still be tangible or less tangible.
For example the lifetime savings of a builder may still be tangible in the form of (part of the value) of a building which he himself had built for someone else.

The lifetime savings of a tomato producer is less tangible but still is. People ate his tomatoes and got energy to maintain their flesh and blood.

I’m sorry but I cannot see how you guys cannot accept or undestand what has been explained to you about money creation. It is not rocket science! You seem to reject any explanation, even from the BoE, The FED, expert economists such as Prof Werner and several links I have posted.

It is irrefutable fact ‘..... banks create new money every time they give credit in the form of debt’ .....they lie to you and call it a loan! Further ‘.... banks do not need deposits to give credit as 'loans'.’ Further ‘...... deposits by a borrower into anothers account creates new money in that account.’ What is so difficult? :roll:

Where do you get this idea that this HAS to be backed. It does not need backing but the banks want you to commit yourself into insuring them, if you don’t repay. In reality if you don’t repay ...... they lose nothing. Pyrpolizer, you said it yourself ..... they make nothing out of the collateral , only the interest is profit! Why? Because when you repay the ‘loan’ to the bank they just deduct it from your debt. This removes the NEW money they created from circulation .... they destroy it! That is because the ‘debt’ is no more tha a book keeping entry and that is all ..... no actual money changes hands because there is no money!!!!!! :o

RH has opened a bank! :lol: :lol: .... Robin Hood Bank – moto ‘We steal from the rich and give to the poor:wink:

My first customer is Paphitis who has fallen on hard time and needs to replace his old banger with a new car from a very rich guy but he doesn’t have any money.

• He asks for 10K – and said he has no collateral - so I said no problem consider it done.
• He leaves, with a big smile on his face, a cheque book and goes off to do the deal.
• A few days later a cheque issued by Paphitis and drawn on Robin Hood Bank for 10k arrives in the post.
• No problem I wipe the dogs backside with it and flush it down the toilet.
• By agreement Paphitis pays nothing off the collateral ..... just interest.( because he is my dear friend , we have come to an arrangement about just interest, to cover my ‘costs’.)
• How much does he owe me ...... nothing ...... I didn’t give him anything.
• How much does he owe the rich guy ....... nothing ....... he gave him a cheque for 10k for his car and it didn’t bounce.
• He has his new car and is a very happy man.
• I’ve lost nothing and am making just a few bob out of the interest.

How did I do it? The recipient trusted me as a bank because I didn’t bounce my clients cheque and it became 10k in his account. In my books Paphitis had nothing and I had nothing, so the books balanced, all I had was the trust of the rich man that my bank was honest and I proved it to be so because I didn’t bounce the cheque.

So, with no collateral I have just created 10k which is now an integral part of the economy ...... for ever! :o

Is what I did illegal? Of course it was, but I am a Banker and such trivia does not apply to me! It’s called Fraud because I gave Paphitis something I didn’t have. It is also Deception because the rich man thought the cheque was worth 10k ..... it wasn’t, it was worth sod all.

Is everybody happy ..... sure, as we all got what we wanted. As long as every body keeps their mouth shut we can do this time and time again ..... and by this time next year me and Rodney (my brother) could be millionaires! :roll: :roll: :roll:

That is how the banks do it but, they need collateral not because they need it to create new money but because if you fail to repay they will rob you of it, to keep the books straight. It really is as simple and as illegal as that.

Right ..... any questions? :P
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:19 pm

At last a detailed explanation with an example.
I 'll just let Paphitis turn it into dust, sorry about that RH ...

NB. I agree that Banks can do some LIMITED fraudulent transactions like the one you described. Every business can do it to some degree. In the end they have to pay from their own pockets though.
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:23 pm

Money isn't REALLY created at all. The underlying fact is that it does actually EXIST in someone's Balance Sheet but is dormant!

Some ones balance sheet? ..... dormant? You are talking ill informed rubbish!
Banks are unable to just create money no matter what. That is just the Leftist argument of all the ills of Capitalism. When you dissect it, you find out that it is all nonsense!

That is exactly what they do! Or are you claiming to know more than the Bank of England, The FED and a whole bunch of eminent economists? Again you are talking ill informed rubbish!
A Bank to actually "create" money needs to actually back it up with something, otherwise it can't create it at all. A Borrower needs to offer Collateral, and that is dormant money on their Balance Sheet
It needs nothing to back it, to create a debt. Collateral has nothing at all to do with creating money! Bank of England - quote ' A bank does not need deposits to create new money' Again you are talking ill informed rubbish!
Therefore, the money creation (loan) is backed up by the value of the Collateral. Problems occur when a Bank doesn't back up its Lending Balance Sheet with Collateral and there are a few examples of Banking collapses that resulted from irresponsible lending practices _ US Sub Prime and Lehman Bros, Greece and Cyprus (Laiki and BoC).

The collateral does not appear on the banks books! It is neither money or currency! The deeds have a first charge for a specific amount listed as a pre-existing debt to the bank. Again you are talking ill informed rubbish!
It is exactly the same as backing up the currency against Gold Bullion. The only difference is, now anything can be used - land, immovables, shares, businesses, equipment and so on and so on.

The currency created by banks is no longer backed by gold or any other asset! Again you are talking ill informed rubbish!

How do you explain a US Govt. Debt of $20 trillion. A Japanese Govt. debt of $7 Trillion and a UK Govt debt of £1.8 Trillion ......and a derivatives liability of 20 times the Worlds GDP. . what is backing all that up?
I will tell you ...... Bonds = IOU’s ...... bits of paper! If that is what you call collateral then my toilet roll must be worth a few grand!
I'm finding this money creation thing very difficult to grasp. Because it can't be created if the money is not backed up by some other asset.

Again you are talking ill informed rubbish!

I think I prefer what we have right now.

You are welcome ..... but as far as what you have said about capitalism so far, it won’t make any difference! How many times have you said you are not bothered where money comes from. Nothing will change for personal loans which it seems is your primary reference but ......... loans to Government by private commercial banks with interest vs, state funding by the issuance of its own currency free of debt and free of interest ...... sorry but it’s a no contest!
If it were not for the Banks creating new money against assets, then the global economy can only be a fraction of what it is today. In other words, global poverty would be a lot worse than it is today
The banks do need assets to create new money ......... BoE 'loans create deposits not the other way round'. Again you are talking ill informed rubbish!
What you seem to have difficulty understanding is that all our assets have a value. Since they have a value, assets are actually money (at least as an entry on a Balance Sheet). Even you own home is money as it has value. Just like Gold has a value. Just like Platinum, Silver, and Diamonds have a value.

How can you enter anything on a balance sheet unless it is currency or money which is a constant number? Assets are conditional values and will vary continually. Again you are talking ill informed rubbish!
So theoretically, you can borrow against these assets of value.

Assets are a security requirement for the bank, it is not a prerequisite for creating new money.
That is how money is "created". Like it or not, when a bank offers a borrower a loan, they are actually taking your Collateral as security to release your very own wealth and give you a Credit in your own Bank account. I will go further. The Bank is actually taking possession of your asset until you pay the loan back and extinguish the debt back to its dormant state.

No it isn't! They release nothing, it is simply security! They do not give you a credit in your bank account ..... they extend credit ..... i.e. they allow you to spend money you do not have from an empty account. All that account will ever have in it is a debt (DR) or zero. The bank is taking nothing ..... they merely put a charge on the property to ensure you cannot sell it without their approval, which you will get when you have paid off the loan. Again you are talking ill informed rubbish!
Which is why Banks and all of us rely on Growth. When the economy grows, everyone's Balance Sheets grow. Our assets increase in value. Gold and commodities increase in value. Economy becomes heated, people and business become confident and borrow, thus releasing (creating) dormant money into the economy thus creating a snow ball affect.

But as previously pointed out to you growth in a capitalist economy needs a growth of 3% to survive. So western economies that fail to meet that are in decline.

But companies are NOT borrowing and the banks are not risking lending to MSE’s as it is too risky in the present economic climate....... plenty of private debt though and a lot of it secured against property ....... the QE/’loan’ money is going into financial assets and property...... it is the value of assets that are rising and high asset prices do not create wealth by creating jobs.

What is going to happen to all these people when the price of property collapses as it will, the collateral value will be lower than the debt ..... ever heard of ‘margin calls’? That’s what will happen and unless you can bring the collateral back above the margin ...... they will lose their property, that will cause a further drop in house prices and you will have the Mother of all ‘sub-prime’ collapses. And guess what ..... when all the collateral assets become liabilities the banks will empty your bank account. The banks will default .....write of their liabilities with your money, just like Cyprus but on a Global Scale! :o
At the moment, the opposite is occurring. There is no growth or very little growth. Nothing wrong with that. Markets have their natural cycle as well.

“Nothing wrong with that!!! “ :lol: :lol: No really, is that so? :lol: :lol: .......... what ever you do, don’t give up your day job to become an economist! :roll: :wink:
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:54 pm

kurupetos wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Just a friendly advice, koala...

It's always better to rely on your own experiences and judgement, than some Zionist-controlled media. :wink:

Maybe the Koala works for Zionists? :evil:

No, I doubt it... he's too stupid to work for anyone...they just use him... :lol:

Here is his controller. :twisted: :lol:
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:42 am

Robin Hood wrote:I’m sorry but I cannot see how you guys cannot accept or undestand what has been explained to you about money creation. It is not rocket science! You seem to reject any explanation, even from the BoE, The FED, expert economists such as Prof Werner and several links I have posted.

It is irrefutable fact ‘..... banks create new money every time they give credit in the form of debt’ .....they lie to you and call it a loan! Further ‘.... banks do not need deposits to give credit as 'loans'.’ Further ‘...... deposits by a borrower into anothers account creates new money in that account.’ What is so difficult? :roll:

No not at all RH.

Yes it is true that money is kind of created, but it isn't really. You have to be very honest in accepting what actually happens in practice. That is Banks are giving a CREDIT against some other tangible asset. All assets have a certain value on someone's Balance Sheet.

You go and tell a Bank to give you a CREDIT if you got no Collateral and come back and tell us how you get on.

Robin Hood wrote:Where do you get this idea that this HAS to be backed. It does not need backing but the banks want you to commit yourself into insuring them, if you don’t repay. In reality if you don’t repay ...... they lose nothing. Pyrpolizer, you said it yourself ..... they make nothing out of the collateral , only the interest is profit! Why? Because when you repay the ‘loan’ to the bank they just deduct it from your debt. This removes the NEW money they created from circulation .... they destroy it! That is because the ‘debt’ is no more tha a book keeping entry and that is all ..... no actual money changes hands because there is no money!!!!!! :o

Of course you need to pay. The Banks are in effect giving you an advance on Collateral you own. The other option is for you to sell it.

And no it is a lot more than a book entry, because that loan has to go somewhere. Someone might use it to buy a house, an investment property or to set up a business. The bottom line is that the money is created, it is invested into the community in some way, creating growth and even jobs in some cases. Someone will as a result increase their Balance Sheet and hopefully make a profit (that is the whole idea) and someone else gets a nice IOU from the Banks.

When the loan is repaid, the money ceases to exist, but not the IOU potentially. It depends what this person has done with the money. Maybe they bought a house and if that is the case, the money has gone. But not the assets both parties have. Which of course, can once again be used as Bank Collateral to create even more money, and so the cycle keeps repeating. The issue I have is, if you interfere with it, then quite literally, I believe we are all stuffed and will all be growing our own food like peasants.

It is all very intricate, and it needs balancing, but you are not recognizing this, preferring instead your own agenda.

Robin Hood wrote:RH has opened a bank! :lol: :lol: .... Robin Hood Bank – moto ‘We steal from the rich and give to the poor:wink:

My first customer is Paphitis who has fallen on hard time and needs to replace his old banger with a new car from a very rich guy but he doesn’t have any money.

• He asks for 10K – and said he has no collateral - so I said no problem consider it done.
• He leaves, with a big smile on his face, a cheque book and goes off to do the deal.
• A few days later a cheque issued by Paphitis and drawn on Robin Hood Bank for 10k arrives in the post.
• No problem I wipe the dogs backside with it and flush it down the toilet.
• By agreement Paphitis pays nothing off the collateral ..... just interest.( because he is my dear friend , we have come to an arrangement about just interest, to cover my ‘costs’.)
• How much does he owe me ...... nothing ...... I didn’t give him anything.
• How much does he owe the rich guy ....... nothing ....... he gave him a cheque for 10k for his car and it didn’t bounce.
• He has his new car and is a very happy man.
• I’ve lost nothing and am making just a few bob out of the interest.

You will end up Bankrupt in no time. The reason is, you said it yourself, you have opened a bank to steal from the rich and give to the poor. What you have done is just provide someone with an IOU of 10K. Now multiply that by several Billions. You will end up insolvent, and the other Banks will get very cross with you because they are not immune from your IOU's created on false pretenses.

So we will see you in the courts alongside Laiki and BoC CEOs - who should be in court and are not. I shall visit you in jail. :wink:

Robin Hood wrote:How did I do it? The recipient trusted me as a bank because I didn’t bounce my clients cheque and it became 10k in his account. In my books Paphitis had nothing and I had nothing, so the books balanced, all I had was the trust of the rich man that my bank was honest and I proved it to be so because I didn’t bounce the cheque.

Bottom line is you can't do it. Fact is, Banks do create unsecured loans for cars. But they also charge more for it, and they can't issue too many because their money supply dwindles every time they do it. Hence you would end up with under Capitalization. The Central Bank actually evaluated the supply of money and available Bank Notes in the system, so the Banks have some reporting obligations of what is actually on hand.

Banks also have VISA and Credit Card products.

Robin Hood wrote:So, with no collateral I have just created 10k which is now an integral part of the economy ...... for ever! :o

Sure you have. But can you keep doing it?

Robin Hood wrote:Is what I did illegal? Of course it was, but I am a Banker and such trivia does not apply to me! It’s called Fraud because I gave Paphitis something I didn’t have. It is also Deception because the rich man thought the cheque was worth 10k ..... it wasn’t, it was worth sod all.

Yes probably! At least in some jurisdictions, your "Bank" will end up in a lot of trouble and would be fined for such practices.

Offering loans to people not qualified and who are unable to pay that loan back is actually very illegal.

Robin Hood wrote:Is everybody happy ..... sure, as we all got what we wanted. As long as every body keeps their mouth shut we can do this time and time again ..... and by this time next year me and Rodney (my brother) could be millionaires! :roll: :roll:

No, there are losers in your actions. If your Bank grows, you will have another Sub Prime and another Banking collapse. It was stuff like this that destroyed Lehman Bros.

Robin Hood wrote:That is how the banks do it but, they need collateral not because they need it to create new money but because if you fail to repay they will rob you of it, to keep the books straight. It really is as simple and as illegal as that.

Right ..... any questions? :P

No that is not how the Banks do it.

First the Banks need to see whether you qualify for the loan by ascertaining your ability to pay it off within a defined period.

Then the Banks will force you to insure the car, in case of accident and for third party liability. Then they will give you the 10K to buy the car, but they would ask for the rego and take the car as Collateral. If you don't pay them, they send the REPO guy over to your house.

Once again, the money isn't really created.
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