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BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:13 pm

Oh yes, and since when were you ever interested in an open discussion? Never! You just stoop to the gutter with insults and then you start to troll anyone who has the audacity to not swallow your absolute nonsense.

Really? I started the thread just one month ago and it has to date 7355 views with some 340 replies. I think that says that the subject is of interest. The only one who has to stoop to insults .... is you!
You are the individual who supports Assad and Pootin after all and recently you said that no democracy is perfect when comparing the USA to Syria. Well yes, no democracy is perfect, not even the USA but the USA still has a Bill of Rights, freedoms for all regardless of color, race or religious creed. It has a free press as well. A free press does not exist in Russia. And the freedoms I speak of which exist in the USA do not exist in Syria. So no, Syria is no democracy if you're a Sunni or a Christian. And Assad is an alleged of committing War Crimes. He will answer these allegations. It's inevitable. No one escapes, except through death!

Assad has just won an election with over 80% of the vote and Putin has a popularity rating of 90%+ with his own people ..... not bad for a couple of tyrants? In both Syria and Libya the population enjoyed a high standard of living with free health care, education, housing loans and overseas higher education. Something that is not yet available to the masses in the US? The US/NATO destroyed it!

You think the US main stream media is free? RT is banned! Why? Surely the US ‘free’ press is not frightened by the Russians propaganda? If you are black or Hispanic in the US there is no prejudice against you? Really? Building walls, shipping back all immigrants, and banning all Muslims is a fair and free society? Really, you surprise me.

Bush is a proven war criminal, not alleged but actually. He and Blair took the UK and US to war in Iraq on a proven lie ...... and hundreds of thousands died and are still dying! That incursion in turn eventually gave birth to ISIS and Islamic fundamentalism!

The UK on behalf of the US attacked Libya, and destroyed the country completely! That’s your idea of giving others the American dream of a free and fair society, is it?
But nevertheless, your idiotic views are on display and DT is going to absolutely destroy the myths you propagate.

I think DT is now reading (or has read?) the BoE 2014 Bulletin, but unlike you he will understand it as he appears to be intelligent! He will read things he finds rather strange, that he has never considered before and then will most likely read it again. He will find it difficult to believe, but it will get him thinking. He will realize that the BoE MPC are not stupid and there has to be some sense in what they say. He may then be tempted to have a look at Werner’s paper and will soon realize that he says exactly the same as the BoE but in more detail. Maybe he will even read the explanation I prepared for you? This will make DT more intrigued and he will then start to work it out for himself .......... easier for him than me as he has a ‘numbers’ background. He will then post his reply.
And no, I think it is important we put your fixations with the Banks to bed. For your own good! I am really concerned for your sanity.

See first paragraph of this reply 7355 replies! ................ obviously of more interest than your dissertation in praise of Arabs and their free and fair Wahabi Muslim society that you really desperately want to be part of, live in a Bedouin tent and no doubt swap the 4WD for a camel too .......... and you’re worried about my sanity? Thank you for your concern but I am just fine mentally and physically. :roll:
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:52 pm

An interesting and entertaining article by ………..Peter Koenig who is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staffer and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources.

I would say an informed but controversial article ….. according to your political leanings. To some it will the antithesis of everything they believe in; to others the more realistic picture beginning to come alive!

(Me? I’m neutral! :roll: :) :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: )

The Collapse of the Western Fiat Monetary System may have Begun.

On 19 April 2016, China was rolling out its new gold-backed Yuan. Russia’s ruble has been fully supported by gold for the last couple of years. Nobody in the western media talks about it. Why would they? – A western reader may start wondering why he is constantly stressed by a US dollar based fiat monetary systems that is manipulated at will by a small elite of financial oligarchs for their benefit and to the detriment of the common people.

In a recent Russia Insider article, Sergey Glaziev, one of Russia’s top economists and advisor to President Putin said about Russia’s currency, “The ruble Is the most gold-backed currency in the world”. He went on explaining that the amount of rubles circulating is covered by about twice the amount of gold in Russia’s Treasury.

It is no secret, the western dollar-led fiat monetary system is on its last leg – as eventually any Ponzi scheme will be. What does ‘fiat’ mean? It is money created out of thin air. It has no backing whatsoever; not gold, not even the economic output generated by the country or countries issuing the money, i.e. the United States of America and Europe. It is simply declared “legal tender’’ by Government decree.

Let us be crystal clear – we are all uninformed as long as we listen to and believe in the mainstream media – which are controlled by six Anglo-Zionist media giants, feeding the western public with 90% of the information, the so-called ‘news’ that we consume so eagerly every day; the barrage of lies that repeat themselves in every western country every hour on the hour – and, thus, become the truth. Period. ... es/5521107
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:01 pm

A far less contentious article by 22 academics. Many of these proposals have been mentioned in this thread.

Debt, Bank Bailouts and Austerity Measures. Proposal for Radical Change

Because we feel, in particular in the light of Greece’s experience, that banks are an essential element of any project for social change, we propose that immediate measures be taken to attain the following six goals:

 - 1. Restructure the banking sector
 - 2. Eradicate speculation
 - 3. End banking secrecy
 - 4. Regulate the banking sector
 - 5. Find an alternate means of financing public expenditures
 - 6. Strengthen public banks
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:27 pm

Robin Hood wrote:A far less contentious article by 22 academics. Many of these proposals have been mentioned in this thread.

Debt, Bank Bailouts and Austerity Measures. Proposal for Radical Change

Because we feel, in particular in the light of Greece’s experience, that banks are an essential element of any project for social change, we propose that immediate measures be taken to attain the following six goals:

 - 1. Restructure the banking sector
 - 2. Eradicate speculation
 - 3. End banking secrecy
 - 4. Regulate the banking sector
 - 5. Find an alternate means of financing public expenditures
 - 6. Strengthen public banks

Including 3 Greeks, 1 Cypriot, 2 Turks!
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:47 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:A far less contentious article by 22 academics. Many of these proposals have been mentioned in this thread.

Debt, Bank Bailouts and Austerity Measures. Proposal for Radical Change

Because we feel, in particular in the light of Greece’s experience, that banks are an essential element of any project for social change, we propose that immediate measures be taken to attain the following six goals:

 - 1. Restructure the banking sector
 - 2. Eradicate speculation
 - 3. End banking secrecy
 - 4. Regulate the banking sector
 - 5. Find an alternate means of financing public expenditures
 - 6. Strengthen public banks

Including 3 Greeks, 1 Cypriot, 2 Turks!

..... and US, UK, Canada, France, Portugal......... No Aussies though! :roll: :wink:
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Apr 23, 2016 11:46 am

Looks like this 'crazy' idea of the State being the only creator of a countries currency, is catching on? :roll:


Back in 1914, the Bradbury Pound was introduced by the UK government as an ’emergency measure’ to bolster a failing economy.

It was a huge success. The banking elite were unhappy, however and panicked – before managing to wrestle control of the money supply afterwards.

President John F. Kennedy also introduced a similar ‘Greenback’ in 1961, and again, the banking elite were very unhappy about being pushed out, and losing control of the issuance of money as debt. JFK did not survive past 1963.

Then there was Muammar al-Gaddafi in Libya who, in 2009 announced a new gold-backed dinar, issued by Libya’s state-owned public central bank, and with further plans – negotiating with the other African nations for the creation of an all-African currency to compete with the Euro and the Dollar. Gaddafi did not survive past 2011.

Who knew that the revolution would start with those radical Icelanders?
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:30 pm will enjoy this article, ... itude-debt

...indeed, Islam as a religion may provide, the Judaeo-Christian (Capitalistic) world, the way. reminds us, as Cypriots, the affects of the fractional reserve abused, with a loss of confidence. offers a clear guideline to reform.

Just like the great Muslim theologian Al-Ghazali did over 1,000 years ago, we must firmly resist duplicating Western philosophical constructs. First of all, money is a not a commodity that comes at a price, which can be bought and sold for a profit (interest). As Al-Ghazali mentioned, the medium of exchange is an instrument of transfer only, a mirror that reflects the value of goods and services. By redefining the medium of exchange properly, the ability to embark on credit creation and risk-free debt finance at the time-value of money simply disappears.
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby tsukoui » Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:06 pm

repulsewarrior will enjoy this article, ... itude-debt

...indeed, Islam as a religion may provide, the Judaeo-Christian (Capitalistic) world, the way. reminds us, as Cypriots, the affects of the fractional reserve abused, with a loss of confidence. offers a clear guideline to reform.

Just like the great Muslim theologian Al-Ghazali did over 1,000 years ago, we must firmly resist duplicating Western philosophical constructs. First of all, money is a not a commodity that comes at a price, which can be bought and sold for a profit (interest). As Al-Ghazali mentioned, the medium of exchange is an instrument of transfer only, a mirror that reflects the value of goods and services. By redefining the medium of exchange properly, the ability to embark on credit creation and risk-free debt finance at the time-value of money simply disappears.

Money is one of the crudest forms of communication, numbers... words, which can also be considered numbers at least by the kabbalists and numerologists, are also not a commodity that comes at a price, which can be bought and sold for profit (interest), they are a medium of exchange as an instrument for transfer only... however, some people cannot do simple arithmetic... prices vary from country to country, and the exchange rate is constantly in flux, the central bank can act to correct the exchange rate 8)
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:17 pm

...risk sharing, in what is most worthy.

Bankers thus, would likely charge a high interest rate to those who have the greatest ability to pay it, and the lowest rate to those who a loan would mean the most to, and who could not otherwise pay for it.
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:29 pm


An interesting read but unfortunately includes many errors; for a start the Cyprus bail-in was not what they described, that was a proposal that was rejected by the Troika because it didn’t fit the ‘plan’. The writer also seems to be a bit confused between money and currency. I have tried to explain the difference earlier in this thread. They are similar but money, and only money, is also a store of value over a long period of time.

I agree with the philosophy but it is not religion that is the key but pure simple common sense. To apply that, you have to understand the basic principal of money creation as it practised by the commercial banks. If, some cannot grasp that principal then anything they believe about money/currency and the Banks will be flawed.

I have always been certain that the Cyprus bail-in was a test to see would happen in a banking system heavily into private NPL’s and heavy debt and on a small vulnerable country before ‘they’ tried it out on a larger scale. The result; it is now enshrined in law in most countries ......... at least those hooked up through the USD based SWIFT system.

Greece was a similar exercise but allied to public sector debt. Again, the collateral ...... the wealth of the nation ...... has been stripped and sold off to large foreign financial institutions and multinationals. They have devastated the country, impoverished its people and destroyed countless thousands of jobs and then they impose austerity. They make the people pay the banks the debt the Govt.incurred that commercial banks created out of nothing! The loans are from the same banks that got them into debt in the first place, lending them even more fiat money at interest, instead of their own government creating it debt and interest free.

....... they are a medium of exchange as an instrument for transfer only... however, some people cannot do simple arithmetic... prices vary from country to country, and the exchange rate is constantly in flux, the central bank can act to correct the exchange rate.

Money, has an almost constant value. An ounce of gold/silver/platinum etc.will always be worth an ounce of gold/silver/platinum etc., it is the currency you use as a means of transfer of the wealth that varies. That is determined by ‘money markets’ and the amount that is being created by the banks.
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