our last four posts are FULL of misunderstanding, misconception even the BoE identifies as such in their 2014 Bulletin. It would take far too long to correct every point so I will comment only those that are identified as wrong by the BoE:
13/4 -2;28The only thing you got correct was the date and time.
• A bank does not issue an IOU when it creates a loan! It enters a credit limit ..... the IOU is what the borrower issues when he pays the recipient! The bank has no liability ....... the borrower does!
• When the recipient pays the borrowers IOU into his account, once the check has cleared, the borrower has created NEW MONEY in another’s account, with the cooperation of the issuing bank.
• The only thing the bank has as a asset is borrowers debts ..... IOU’s!
• Central banks do not create electronic money EVER! The Central bank issues only note, which are tangible IOU’s, which is considered ‘broadly speaking’, exactly the same as any other broad money when it is in your account.
• The only liability the banks have is to depositors, to repay the cashable deposits they borrow when you pay anything into your account. (Oh .... and shareholders/bondholders but, they are secured creditors, the depositors are not!)
• A bank run is when people try to redeem their deposits (100%) from the 2% held as cash. As you correctly say everything else is 11010010100101001110100101001001010010101, it is all created by banks out of nothing.
The rest is unintelligible rubbish; a mix-n-match of bank terminology.
13/4 – 2:43• The banking system is NOT fractional! BoE ....... the ‘multiplier’ concept is not the method used to create new currency.
• The 97-98% is produced as debt, by commercial banks as new money every time they give credit and it is taken up (i.e. a ‘loan’ which isn’t!)
• Werner ‘tried and tested’ the banking accounting system (The only live test performed in the history of banking) and proved that banks the commercial banks DO indeed create money out of nothing. The BoE came to exactl the same conclusion as have others.
• Borrowers create the IOU’s not the banks. The banks have NO liability for the loan because they have no liability to repay any other entity. The liability remains with the borrower. It is simply book keeping acrobatics. In reality, the banks consider the debt as an asset on their books even though they created it from nothing and it is effectively a negative value ..... only accountants can do that. (The ‘apples’ example ‘Pragmatism vs accounting’?)
• The only IOU that the bank creates is the one in your account ...... they have given you a receipt for borrowing your deposit which they have a liability to repay ...... in theory!
• Banks do not create IOU’s out of thin air ........ they create currency via debt, referred to as NEW MONEY.
• Fractional reserve banking principal has been dead for the last 30 years! The currently accepted concept is the ‘Intermediary concept’ which has also been proved to be incorrect.
• The system is crap, which is why it is such turmoil. It is as robust as tissue paper. Do you never watch the Financial News programmes?
• The banks in Cyprus fell for the same reason all banks fall. They created and then loaned ‘fantasy money’ to a bunch of greedy people. Unfortunately, their excesses caused economic collapse, loss of businesses and jobs and, when they can no longer meet their repayments, many will lose their homes as a result.
• I think the percentage of non-performing loans is greater than 1-4%? The increase in the money supply is as a result of bad debt. i.e. money that was created out of nothing by the banks, passed into circulation ..... never to be recovered. The increase in the money supply is a far more accurate test of failed debt.
13/4 – 2:55Bottom line Robin Hood, is that you do not know how Banking and business works at all. I really do mean that
Coming from you? ........
YOU have excluded yourself or shielded yourself from the system as much as you possibly can, which is why you manage to get everything so ass-about-face and so full of misconception and misunderstanding! You misconstrue the fundamental basics and then cross reference to aspects that are not part of the banks accounting system, in an attempt at validating your perception!
YOU are pushing the narrative which doesn't exist.
13/4 – 3:20• ALL (100%) of the ‘money’ in your account IS electronic and IS an electronic IOU. Very difficult to feed paper notes into a computer!
• Cash, cheques are all electronic once they enter the system. What is with this idea that cash is in some way different from other ‘BROAD’ money? BoE .... draw cash or vault cash .... is broad money.
• Central Banks do not normally create money from thin air. The exception is QE but even then the CB does not create it, the commercial banks do. The CB acts as an intermediary between the Government (selling bonds) and the banks (exchanging bonds for electronic money).
• Every deposit (100%) in your account is electronic but, in theory can be converted to cash ...... except that the banks only have 2% available as such.
• The ‘fractional’ bit does not come into it at all, I can’t for the life of me see why you think it does!
• “The
fractional NO! ..... just the system relies on the fact that Depositors will not want all their money at once” At least you almost got that right!