About Assad, he is not in the clear. He will in fact be gone very soon and Putin knows it too.
Yes, if that is what the Syrian people want! As Putin said from day one ..... that decision is one the Syrian people will make and no other country has the right to make that decision for them or decide who will and who will not stand!
Everyone knows it, and now Putin and Obama are coordinating. Slowly the pieces fall into place, and as you can see, the rebels are being left alone.
There are virtually no FSA fighters left and the ‘
moderates’ have mostly either run for it or joined ISIS. Thanks to Putin, yes slowly the pieces are falling into place. You were of the opinion they would never coordinate but they are and that is not because the US wants to ..... they have to, they have no other options.
As for the super wealthy, there is nothing you can do about them. They are untouchable. Stop pretending you can. And stop pretending you are going to turn the planet on its head. Capitalism cannot be stopped.
The Original Post was to do with the ever widening gap between the Super Rich and the rest of the people. I assume you don’t deny there is such a gap? Nobody has suggested that capitalism should be stopped, it is an essential component of an expanding economy which at the moment seems to be faltering. I think that is because of the banks and uncontrolled loans.(As P has described ) .... and that is completely insignificant on the world gauge ...... and yet it runs into billions!
For this to happen, there has to be a Global structure to facilitate the transfer of wealth from the rich/middle/working class and also the poor to the rich and then to the Super rich. It has to have a command structure otherwise it will be the only business on the Planet where everything happens by coincidence. The BIS, WB, IMF and all the major banks, all work as an integrated unit.
There is only one organisation through which that could possibly be achieved and that is the Global banking system. As you have acknowledged, they are the immense power that drives world economics. This gives them power over all and the resource they use is ‘
money/currency’ whatever it is that you like to call the means of exchange. The basic tool that gives them that power is the ability to create more or less ALL the currency in circulation. They have the Worlds most significant commodity and they create it on demand as loans. To transfer wealth you have to use currency.
I said before, in the 1940’s around 50% of all currency in circulation was note and coin. It is now between 2-3%. And within 10 years that figure will be zero, there will be no paper notes at all. That will give these banks 100% control of the means of exchange and that means 100% control of ‘
us’, they will shout ‘J
ump’ and you and I will have no option but to do as commanded. If they want your land they will take it ..... you will not be asked you will be told.
Banking makes the world spin. Your pension doesn't exist either but you can still go to an ATM machine.
Yes ‘
banking’ is firmly in the driving sheet and there will be little you or I can do to change that ..... at the moment anyway but things are changing! At this time, even in the US things are changing and the people are beginning to stir and turn on those in high places. They’ve had enough!
Just today, a Panamanian company has released 7 million papers detailing the massive tax evasion fraud that the rich and obviously Super rich, are using to avoid paying taxes. From what I gather the list contains the names of thousands of politicians and Statesmen from Ex-Presidents to Corporate Heads to banking employees (
I know one. in the family, a VP with J P Morgan that has had his annual bonus paid into a Cayman Island account, set up by the bank for some 20 years) This is what has been going on without even the tax authorities getting a sniff. It will be interesting to see if Putin’s reputed $800bn is mentioned or the Clintons billions.
The guy I saw on TV was claiming, as they always do ......”
I have done nothing wrong!” Maybe you are one of them?
I have no idea where you are coming from. Sounds like chaos and mayhem to me where we will be all killing each other for a meal. Only 3% of money exists they say. The other 97% is what everyone has in their accounts and keeps people employed.
You see, if you actually understood ...... what you have in your account is an IOU from the bank. That is what 97% of the money you think you have is comprised of ..... IOU’s from the bank. Remember what happened in Cyprus ..... the banks refused to repay their debts to the depositors, their IOU's were worthless. Laiki people lost all but €100k and BoC lost 47% of what they had over €100k. Came as a bit of a shock to the Cypriots who got caught and ruined hundreds of businesses and thousands of lives. ALL banks now, including those in Australia, have the same ‘
bail-in’ legislation in place. What will happen when the derivatives market collapses? That is estimated to be 20 times the Worlds total GDP.
For the time being, Bankers are my friends and I hope that don't change. If it does, then I am prepared to take the consequences, and I will protect my most precious assets of all (my family).
Good on you! I hope they are true enough friends to warn you when the financial wobble starts!
I am a supporter of the system that keeps everyone fat, dumb and happy. Not the Bankers. We all know the rules.
Well it certainly will keep the majority dumb, fat if you happen to able to afford food and the bankers are certainly happy
.(A bistro in the City of London has special kebabs for ;bankers' they cost £935 each ...... maybe it is a branch Militi owns?) I and many others, even some on this Forum are of the opinion that there is another way that will make it a much fairer and sustainable society for all rather than just a small minority ...... the 0.01%. In history, no Ponzi scheme has ever survived ..... look up Ponzi schemes, it describes banking to a tee!