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BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:50 am

Just to re-inforce that the notion of Banks creating money from thin air is completely a bogus idea ...

If a banks liquidity is down, like it was for BoC and Laiki recently, then why not just make a data entry and credit themselves with x amount?


Also, it is meaningless if they did, because they just don't have the funds to support this arbitrary data entry. Hence why there was capital Controls. In fact, if they did do it, it would only make things worse for the people.

So no, Banks can't just create money. None of them would go to the wall if they could.

Every data entry they do in the form of lending has potentially dire consequences for the industry and for the borrower. It is in fact a heavy responsibility and an agreement between 2 parties or more. There are legal ramifications, consumer protections, and the lending is leveraged against a Security.

So these anti bank conspiracies are just that. Left Wing hysteria by a portion of people who are unwilling to participate because they are too scared, too risk averse or just too lazy and then they get jealous about all the "haves" which is why they jump on the Fidel Castro band wagon, and want society to just light a big bon fire so that we can all be hippies sitting around the fire, roasting marsh mellows and sing some John Lennon songs and smoke some pot and crack. :lol:
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:52 am

Just to re-inforce that the notion of Banks creating money from thin air is completely a bogus idea ...

If a banks liquidity is down, like it was for BoC and Laiki recently, then why not just make a data entry and credit themselves with x amount?


If you understood the system the answer would be obvious as to WHY they cannot do it. Try The Banking Charter Act 1844 ........ it prohibits a private bank form ‘printing’ money. If they used their ability to create money from out of thin air to increase their liquidity, they would be doing just that, because the money created out of thin air would be credited to their own account and would, at that point become NEW MONEY just like the BoE . FED etc. explain to you.

However, the ECB could have created it as quantitative easing, out of thin air and bailed them out, but they chose not to and let the account holders take the fall, by both banks defaulting on the liabilities.

Simple when you understand how the system works!
Every data entry they do in the form of lending has potentially dire consequences for the industry and for the borrower.

Absolutely ...... but without the bank’s lending ....... they would have no assets. They have to lend and to do so they create what they need to lend, out of thin air and on demand. What you don’t seem to grasp is that any collateral makes no difference to the banks books .... it is simply a form of insurance. The only significance to the bank is how much interest they are making, the capital sum of little consequence. If I cannot cover repaying the loan capital but can pay the interest, it is not an NPL and the bank would be more than happy to accept the interest ad infinitum.

I will repeat: Please supply some credible evidence to support your hypothesis that ‘.........banks do not create money out of thin air .... they first need collateral’.

Maybe something from;
• A central bank.
• A commercial bank’
• A banking or financial institution.
• An accredited economist.
• An ex- central bank governor.
• A accredited journalist with sound economics credentials.

Surely, there is some evidence out there that will support what you are saying? because all you have presented to support your theory so far, is your own opinion and rubbish like the following ‘last resort’ mockery and ridicule!

Left Wing hysteria by a portion of people who are unwilling to participate because they are too scared, too risk averse or just too lazy and then they get jealous about all the "haves" which is why they jump on the Fidel Castro band wagon, and want society to just light a big bon fire so that we can all be hippies sitting around the fire, roasting marsh mellows and sing some John Lennon songs and smoke some pot and crack.

You lose all credibility when you rant like this! You did the same with Syria .... it was all your opinion ..... and, as events have turned out, has mostly been proven to be unadulterated hysteria on your part! :roll:
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:08 am

Just to re-inforce that the notion of Banks creating money from thin air is completely a bogus idea ...

If a banks liquidity is down, like it was for BoC and Laiki recently, then why not just make a data entry and credit themselves with x amount?


Robin Hood wrote:If you understood the system the answer would be obvious as to WHY they cannot do it. Try The Banking Charter Act 1844 ........ it prohibits a private bank form ‘printing’ money. If they used their ability to create money from out of thin air to increase their liquidity, they would be doing just that, because the money created out of thin air would be credited to their own account and would, at that point become NEW MONEY just like the BoE . FED etc. explain to you.

However, the ECB could have created it as quantitative easing, out of thin air and bailed them out, but they chose not to and let the account holders take the fall, by both banks defaulting on the liabilities.

Simple when you understand how the system works!

But they can't do it. They can't print. Only the Central bank can do that. They can't create money out of thin air. Only the Central bank can do that too, but that probably has to be supported in some way. I don't know, I will have to look into this.

Banks only create money from established wealth. Otherwise they might as well just create money in their own names and

Every data entry they do in the form of lending has potentially dire consequences for the industry and for the borrower.

Robin Hood wrote:Absolutely ...... but without the bank’s lending ....... they would have no assets. They have to lend and to do so they create what they need to lend, out of thin air and on demand. What you don’t seem to grasp is that any collateral makes no difference to the banks books .... it is simply a form of insurance. The only significance to the bank is how much interest they are making, the capital sum of little consequence. If I cannot cover repaying the loan capital but can pay the interest, it is not an NPL and the bank would be more than happy to accept the interest ad infinitum.

Of course the borrower has assets. I have never heard of a Bank that is willing to lend without Security. Let me know if you find one. If you are asking about a borrower who has no assets, they need to place a minimum 20% deposit down and the Bank will take the asset being bought. So yes, there is always a security.

All you have to do is walk down to your nearest branch and ask for a loan application. That should tell you how that loan is created.

Robin Hood wrote:Maybe something from;
• A central bank.
• A commercial bank’
• A banking or financial institution.
• An accredited economist.
• An ex- central bank governor.
• A accredited journalist with sound economics credentials.

Robin Hood wrote:Surely, there is some evidence out there that will support what you are saying? because all you have presented to support your theory so far, is your own opinion and rubbish like the following ‘last resort’ mockery and ridicule!

There is lots of stuff.

You can start by looking at The Reserve Bank of Australia. They go into everything in VERY great detail, as well as how Banks are Capitalized and how they create loans, the Financial Services Act and exactly what they do as a Central Bank. Hours and hours of reading if you are willing to read it all.

I'm afraid you can't just make it up.

Check it all out here:

And you might want to check it this section in particular about FINANCIAL STABILITY. It has everything including the regulatory framework and how banks operate.

And also this link here about INFLATION and monetary policy.

And yes, it is the CENTRAL BANK that has all the power, not the Banks.

Robin Hood wrote:I will repeat: Please supply some credible evidence to support your hypothesis that ‘.........banks do not create money out of thin air .... they first need collateral’.

Firstly, I think it is time you provide us with links from Central Banks, or the ECB or Federal reserve explicitly stating that Banks create money from thin air. I am not going to accept any source you have provided up to now, which is not from the official sources - those who are actually in charge of monetary policy. The internet is full of nonsense, even ex Governors who have lost the plot. Surelyy what you say is supported by the ECB, Federal Reserve and Reserve Banks.

Yes there is. You should visit the websites of the Central Banks like the link I provided above.

You also need to learn some common sense. There is a formulated process to borrowing money, and it involves a Security. If you don't have Equity, then it's not possible. Therefore, Banks are lending against already established wealth just like they use to when the currency as a whole was leveraged against Gold Reserves. It's exactly the same principle, except that now the market is far more open and inclusive to a bigger proportion of society.

Left Wing hysteria by a portion of people who are unwilling to participate because they are too scared, too risk averse or just too lazy and then they get jealous about all the "haves" which is why they jump on the Fidel Castro band wagon, and want society to just light a big bon fire so that we can all be hippies sitting around the fire, roasting marsh mellows and sing some John Lennon songs and smoke some pot and crack.

Robin Hood wrote:You lose all credibility when you rant like this! You did the same with Syria .... it was all your opinion ..... and, as events have turned out, has mostly been proven to be unadulterated hysteria on your part! :roll:

Oh come on! It was a joke.

But nevertheless, how accurate is it even though its a generalization? Even a generalization has some basis in fact.

It's not my opinion. If you look at the negotiations, they are asking for transition. I don't think that is going to stop. And it is about time Pootin does what he is told by the Coalition. We thank him for cutting the Mosul Supply line because Mosul is next. Again, it looks like a deal has been to me. It's got DEAL written all over it.
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:16 am

Do banks really create money out of thin air? ... -thin-air/

Do Banks Create Money from Thin Air? ... n-air.html

Money creation in the modern economy ... 14q102.pdf
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:00 am

Banks are only able to create BROAD money, which is backed up by a Security. It is not creating money from thin air because to facilitate the "data entry" a transaction takes place. Someone sells their home to someone else. The seller no longer owns this house but the buyer does.

The transaction is backed up, wasn't just created.

In fact, let's say Banks never existed. Well transactions will still take place between persons without an intermediary (Bank).

Let's say person A sells a house to person B valued at 100,000. Person B does not have 100,000.

So to facilitate the transaction, person A and person B must come to some form of agreement otherwise the transaction will not occur - person b can not buy the house and person A will get no money.

So person B agrees to give person A 20,000 and pay the 80,000 in installments over a 20 year period with interest. Yes, people can form such agreements.

So person B ends up with a house valued at 100,000 but has an 80,000 liability to person A.

Person A has 20,000 plus another 80,000 IOU from person B.

Therefore, person A and person B have just created 80,000. That is how it is done. nothing weird about it and certainly no conspiracy. If person A and B agree to this, then no worries.

However there are a couple of problems. Person A needs to secure this IOU, therefore requires a lawyer to author the agreement in writing so it holds up in court and to enter a caveat on the property to ensure Person B pays the debt. Person B will have to cover the legal fees or fees, just like they do in a normal Banking Transaction where the Bank assumes this risk rather than person A.

So the bottom line is, human beings, you and I are also able to create BROAD money in the same manner as Banks can. That is, we can make Balance Sheet "data entries" like the Banks can.

In fact, businesses do this all the time with their 7 day, 14 day, and 30 day accounts to other businesses. Businesses owe and are owed money by other businesses all the time until the account is paid. These amounts are even entered on the businesses quarterly Balance sheet and should be tracked by a bookkeeper, otherwise it's easy to lose track. These amounts are in fact BROAD money and exist until the debt is paid from one business to another.

So yes, the money creation by Banks is not properly understood at all.

But let's be completely honest here. Without Banks, transactions like the example above would be much more difficult. Not to mention the fact that BROAD money is diminished. The result of this, is that property values would be very low. Some of you might say good. but it's not really. There is virtually no means of investment other than labour. Businesses will not open easily and jobs won't be created. Most of us would more than likely be unemployed and very poor. Hospitals and schools will be without funding. In fact I couldn't imagine what life would be like. Can you?

Be careful what you wish for.
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby erolz66 » Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:03 am

Paphitis wrote:Person A has 20,000 plus another 80,000 IOU from person B.

You are correct but the difference in doing it this way rather than via bank intermediary, is person A can not easily use this IOU to himself pay a third party C. If it is done via an intermediary bank then the IOU to him can be used to pay other people or indeed Government taxes. You try paying your government tax with an IOU from me and see how far you get :). The IOU from B to A is not 'money' in the sense that it can not be widely used to pay for services to other. The IOU from the bank if used can be used to pay for services to others and thus can be considered money.

I still maintain the the key flaw in this system is that money creation is too important a function to left near exclusively in the hands of private banks. How much they decide to create or not create is a function of their 'optimism' about the future and it inevitably out of synch with the wider needs of society. They create too much , too freely when it would actually better for society to create less, and too little when it would be better for society for them to create more, more freely.

You portray the banks role in the scenario above as being that of an 'intermediary', with a role of increasing convenience for both parties A and B but no real power or input into IF the transaction occurs at all, with that decision being purely between A nd B. Yet the reality is the banks has massive power and influence over if the deal can happen at all, because it decides to either grant person B a mortgage or not. If it does not then the deal can not happened. Sure you can argue A and B can still do the deal without the banks, but the then A ends up with an IOU from B that he can not use to pay his taxes or any thing else unless that person is happy to take an IOU from B. Now if the bank only decided on if to grant B the mortgage / loan based on dispassionate hard criteria, this power of the bank in deciding if the deal happens or not would not be too worrying. However the reality is that the bank does not make this decision based on dispassionate hard criteria. Pre 2008 B would have no trouble getting the loan so he can buy the property from A. Post 2008 he would have real trouble and the difference is NOT down to the fact that the property is worth less post 2008 or that B is less able to service the loan post 2008 - the difference is down to the banks 'optimism' about the future.

Leaving such an important decision as to if this deal happens or not down to the 'optimism' of a private Bank, gives the bank a role far greater and more powerful than that of just a neutral, convenience providing intermediary.
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:09 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Person A has 20,000 plus another 80,000 IOU from person B.

You are correct but the difference in doing it this way rather than via bank intermediary, is person A can not easily use this IOU to himself pay a third party C. If it is done via an intermediary bank then the IOU to him can be used to pay other people or indeed Government taxes. You try paying your government tax with an IOU from me and see how far you get :). The IOU from B to A is not 'money' in the sense that it can not be widely used to pay for services to other. The IOU from the bank if used can be used to pay for services to others and thus can be considered money.

I still maintain the the key flaw in this system is that money creation is too important a function to left near exclusively in the hands of private banks. How much they decide to create or not create is a function of their 'optimism' about the future and it inevitably out of synch with the wider needs of society. They create too much , too freely when it would actually better for society to create less, and too little when it would be better for society for them to create more, more freely.

You portray the banks role in the scenario above as being that of an 'intermediary', with a role of increasing convenience for both parties A and B but no real power or input into IF the transaction occurs at all, with that decision being purely between A nd B. Yet the reality is the banks has massive power and influence over if the deal can happen at all, because it decides to either grant person B a mortgage or not. If it does not then the deal can not happened. Sure you can argue A and B can still do the deal without the banks, but the then A ends up with an IOU from B that he can not use to pay his taxes or any thing else unless that person is happy to take an IOU from B. Now if the bank only decided on if to grant B the mortgage / loan based on dispassionate hard criteria, this power of the bank in deciding if the deal happens or not would not be too worrying. However the reality is that the bank does not make this decision based on dispassionate hard criteria. Pre 2008 B would have no trouble getting the loan so he can buy the property from A. Post 2008 he would have real trouble and the difference is NOT down to the fact that the property is worth less post 2008 or that B is less able to service the loan post 2008 - the difference is down to the banks 'optimism' about the future.

Leaving such an important decision as to if this deal happens or not down to the 'optimism' of a private Bank, gives the bank a role far greater and more powerful than that of just a neutral, convenience providing intermediary.

Yes indeed. There are some very bad limitations if you don't go through an intermediary like a Bank.

If you gave the Tax Office an IOU, they will laugh at you, but an IOU from Bank is fine. :D

But nevertheless, persons and businesses can create money which are simple entries on a Balance sheet and these entries are even accepted by a Bank as either an asset or liability and they will take it into account. The principle, is in fact the same as the Banks, it's just that Banks are trusted and everyone has more confidence in a bank.

The other advantage for the seller is that the get their IOU from the bank which they can draw upon whenever they like as opposed to waiting for a monthly drip feed over 20 years.
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:22 pm

Created out of thin air is not correct. Yes money is created, but it is created from existing wealth. That is, someone has to put a Security down for the money to be created in the first instance. This is what inevitably protects the Banks and the Depositors if a portion of the lending is backed by deposits, which it doesn't have to be. A Bank uses its deposits to support its liquidity to cover other deposits fractionally. If 100% of depositors ran against a particular Bank over a few days, then yes, the Bank will go Bankrupt. This was about to happen in Cyprus which is why they introduced Capital Controls to stop it from occurring.

Once again you are confusing the requirements to obtain a loan, with the requirements to create that same amount of New Money. To create New Money ( NEW = Adjective, as in produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before), all I need is access to the banks computer ....... other than that it is unconditional!

Sorry but collateral is nothing more than insurance. The collateral only becomes significant when things go wrong! The ‘sleeping value’ does not appear on any books; it does not appear in circulation as New Money; it does not reduce the new money in circulation but the creation of new money by granting credit does appear on the books.
They (The Banks) actually have a Watch Dog in the form of a Central Bank, which btw has the power to create currency and to Capitalise the Banks and Government. These Central Banks are truly independent from Government, but are Publicly owned (by the tax payer).

The Central Bank of the UK. And most others are not independent from Government, the Governments own them. From the BoE website:

“The Bank (of England) is a public sector institution, wholly-owned by the government, but accountable to Parliament. The entire capital of the Bank is, in fact, held by the Treasury solicitor on behalf of HM Treasury. Each year, the Bank is required to submit its Report and Accounts to Parliament, via the Chancellor of the Exchequer.”

The CB does not create money in the same context as a commercial bank does. It creates fractional reserve balances for interbank lending, it does not create new money for lending into the economy, only commercial banks do that (normally). The CB created money is an accounting exercise that operates only within Central Banks banking reserves system. So not quite the same thing .... at least that is how I understand this explanation:

That creation of money not have the same requirements as this does ....... as loans/debt by commercial banks

............ and big banks create Trillions worth of lending which btw will end up being IOUs for a Bank and hence a liability.

As I keep trying to explain to you deposits = liabilities; debt = assets.

You are wrong. ASK YOUR BANK MANAGER or use a bit of common sense! A loan is an asset to the bank and a liability to the borrower; a deposit is a liability for the bank. Fact! If a loan was a liability as well as the deposit the bank would have no assets only liabilities!

Loans ‘burden’ other banks only because deposits are a liability i.e. the bank has a liability to repay the depositor on demand. The deposits are never loaned to borrowers. Loans create deposit’s, the deposits are ‘borrowed’ by the bank and form part of their reserves. This is why they are a liability ........... they use your deposits as their reserves.
..........because the entire system relies on CONFIDENCE. When Banks go down, the public lose confidence and this can cause a Bank Run which is like the worse thing that can happen, and all Banks fear this. But as long as the system ticks along, everyone is happy, and CONFIDENCE exists and is measured by the amounts people are borrowing and spending.

No argument with that sentiment.
.......because their Balance sheet is not properly leveraged against Assets or lending. They will maintain this until they get back into equilibrium. And the Central Bank will let them do it because the last thing it wants is a Banking Collapse.

Explain that to me ....... ???
So it is also incorrect that Banks are going to start charging for deposits. That is actually a method they use to discourage deposits, and usually when a bank does this, it is an indication that all is not well with that Bank as it is over burdened with liabilities.

They charge negative interest in both Sweden and Switzerland and will do soon in most other countries. That will be the first step into making people spend instead of save.
The Central Bank is eventually forced to print and capitalize the Banks, and also lower the cost of money.

Explain that to me ........ ???
The money created supports property prices, share prices and just about everything else in the market place.

That is called asset inflation and is a bad thing .... not a good thing. Too many IOU’s chasing too few assets. Therefore more IOU’s per asset! None of it goes into the real economy!
Without it, our economy, hence employment will only be a fraction and business will not be able to function unless you just want to grow tomatoes and kolokasi and sell your toil by the roadside.

But what you describe does not support the economy ..... it inflates asset prices, that does not create wealth, it creates an asset bubble which inevitably will burst when the banks stop lending. (Boom=easy cheap lending and Bust = little, but more expensive lending) but it does not create jobs or go into the economy. The only way you get economic growth is when money is spent into the economy. It is growing tomatoes and kolokasi, wealth creating industries, and your toil, payment and subsequent spending that expands the economy.
Next time I see my Bank Manager, I am going to give him a big hug! I truly appreciate what they do now.

If you do ....... make sure your wallet is still in your pocket when you come out of the clinch ..... oh, and by the way, whatever you do DON’T sign anything!!!! :o :roll: :wink:
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:03 pm

I side with Paphits that money taken as a loan is fully backed up by the collateral itself, in fact that was the meaning behind my term "sleeping money". Therefore Paphitis was not alone in this and even you RH confirmed your agreement by saying:

RH wrote: How about........ the USA itself!!!! The collateral for all these dollar IOU’s is the lands, resources and infrastructure of the US and the wealth of the American people.

As I previously said to Paphitis the collateral is nothing more than insurance. The collateral only becomes significant when things go wrong! The ‘sleeping value’ does not appear on any books; it does not appear in circulation as New Money; it does not reduce the New money in circulation but, the creation of new money by granting credit does appear on the books.

The money created is not ‘existing money’ that has been transferred or converted it is NEW Money as in: NEW = Adjective, as in produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before. It came into existence because of a loan, it is the provision of the loan that requires collateral ...... so until that point it did not exist ..... so therefore it has to be something NEW that came from ?????? ...... nowhere. :?: What created it was granting the loan, it cannot be any other way because until the loan it did not exist, without the loan it would not exist and the collateral requirement is for the loan ..... not the creation of NEW money ..... that was the result of the loan. :wink:
Btw before continuing let me say the post from which I took the above extract was a really great post, well done

Thank you. To me that is why I think we all need to recognise how the monetary system works is all pervasive. and truly is the root of all evil!
However I also agree with you RH that those money that the Bank gives to the borrower is drawn out of thin air. To start with It’s not even their own money. A part of it (~10%) is money that belongs to their depositors, and itself has it’s own saved value from the depositors’ labor. The other 90% is thin air.

Again not strictly true. The 10% is the banks reserve with the CB, that reserve cannot be loaned out. As the BoE says every time a loan is made it creates the same amount of new money in another account. Banks by law cannot lend heir reserves, except within the CB system, but never to ordinary borrowers. So a loan is 100% new money.

It’s like it prints it’s own money. From this side of the equation everything is fraud. The bank may go bankrupt and eat away the savings of her clients without anyone noticing early enough to stop it.

The bank does, metaphorically speaking, create its own money, but only as a loan. It only really appears as new money when it is paid into another account, where it becomes a deposit, is then borrowed by the receiving bank ..... and thus becomes a liability for that bank. The banks cannot create this new money for themselves, that WOULD be fraud.

The correct procedure would be that the state itself should print new money to reflect the "waken up value" of the asset. However this will be true for a limited time -up until the loan gets paid off in which the newly created money should be withdrawn. In reality and because of the volume of loans the Central Bank would only have to issue some limited number of extra currency to do that.

I agree with you that it should be the Central Bank that is the origin of ALL money. With private debt/loan only the origin of the money the bank loans changes.... nothing would visibly change to the borrower. The Central Bank would not need the ‘wake-up value’ in the case of funding government, the CB would create the ‘sleeping value’ by investing funds to provide an asset that had value .... a hospital, a school etc. or anything that provided real jobs. This is why Corbyn refers to it as an 'Investment' ..... the State is providing its own asset. You would not need to withdraw the funding, as there is no loan involved. As you say there has to be some sort of limit to the total supply of money or you would just have an ever expanding, ‘out –of-control’ money supply. To me that control is best provided by the CB and the government, not the private banks.

The Banks should therefore get their money for loans directly from the Central Bank, probably at zero interest, and the client’s securities assigned directly to the Central Bank.

In theory I agree but it would be far more convenient to just make sure the banks had the ‘insurance’ by laying down the appropriate legislation, than it would be to get the CB involved in the trivia.

I am almost certain it will not solve the problem of the boom-bubble circles, it will most certainly solve other problems though.

It would solve, to a large degree, the boom-and-bust associated with private loans because the CB would now control the purse strings. With government ....... austerity becomes a thing of the past, the government would no longer need to take from the poor to give to the rich, because there would be no government debt. The taxes we now use to repay loans provided by commercial banks would be recycled into the treasury to be re-spent into the economy.

NB. To make myself clear: money waken up from an asset's sleeping value is not thin air it's real/true and honest money. However the money the Banks give to the borrower is not real, it's just thin air drawn out from fraudulent procedures.

Yes they are fraudulent and illegal but banks seem to be exempt from the laws that govern the rest of society. How many of these bankers that have committed these frauds have never or will ever be brought before the courts? (Unless there is a revolution :o :roll: !!!!) The same argument applies to the untouchable politicians like Blair, Bush, Hollande, Sarcozy, Netanyahu, Poroshenko etc. they all commit war crimes that are well proven but, if you have friends in high places or are from some powerful State...... you will never see the inside of the ICC in the Haig, to pay for your crimes. :x :x
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Re: BBC – THE SUPER-RICH ..... and us!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:46 pm

Do banks really create money out of thin air? ... -thin-air/

I am sorry but what he is saying is rubbish .... and is more concerned with transactions and transfers ..... than the creation of money. (Any way .... he is South African they have gold, diamonds ..... elephants and Rhino horn, they can use as collateral ....... they can never run out of collateral!) :wink:

Do Banks Create Money from Thin Air? ... n-air.html

Where did the IOU come from? Was it created from thin air? More or less. Yes, a certain amount of paper and ink and work might have been involved in producing it, so its production didn’t come with zero cost. But typically the cost of making the promise will be so low in proportion to the amount promised, that we don’t go far wrong in thinking of the promise as having been produced from thin air, created ex nihilo as it were. And it is not as though to make a promise I have to pull the promise out of my pre-existing promise stash. The promise doesn’t really come from anywhere. “

So, they agree ..... new money does come ex nihilo ….. a Latin phrase meaning "out of nothing”.
Money creation in the modern economy

I have already posted this source but you rejected it I seem to remember ? :roll: :roll: ... 14q102.pdf

First paragraph:

Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money.”

Definition of NEW: Oxford Dictionary: Produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before.

So, they also agree ..... new money does come ex nihilo ……. "out of nothing”. :roll:

Not doing too well so far mate! 2 agree, 1 not applicable. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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