Oceanside50 wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Oceanside50 wrote:
ecigs will slowly take you away from cigs, but you're still addicted to nicotine and the smoking cigs habit can come back anytime. the one method i heard of is smoking marijuana whenever you get the urge to smoke cigs. the marijuana will dent the craving to nicotine, doing it for a week will get you off the nicotine addiction.
Oh nice![]()
You don't want me to end up in jail, or a marijuana addict, or a marijuana+cigarette addict do you?
Marijuana is illegal here my friend, even the idea I would mess up with narcotics and drug dealers scares me.
You are already involved with narcotics, tobacco one of the most addictive substances on earth ,Marijuana is not addictive.. Being extreme is not a bad thing sometimes..drug dealers are normal people, just like a fridge/car salesman, don't worry about that..
Nicotine is addictive alright but the damage it can do to the body is so insignificant that compares the same as that of caffeine. Google it.
I am not sure Marijuana is non addictive as you claim, but I personally witnessed how it can change one's brains and cause severe behavior problems.Nicotine doesn't do that! Alcohol does though.
I had an employee once that would constantly forget the most recent, and important facts. One day he just forgot where he put the keys of the company car, while he also had lost the spare key we had. How more irresponsible could he be? I just fired him. We never found the keys and we paid some 200 Euros to the Agency to ship us a set from Germany.
After I fired him, some other employee asked me how on earth I never knew he was on marijuana