GreekIslandGirl wrote:Unbelievably outrageously troglodyte!
First her husband tells women - on International Women's Day - that above all, they are mothers and should have at least three children .... and now his slave-with-no-brain of a wife praises Harems as preparing women for life!
The wife of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has praised the often-criticized harem of the Ottoman Empire as “a school for preparing women for life.” It comes a day after her husband said women are mothers above all other things, sparking protests. ... em-turkey/Welcome to the EU .....
I completely agree with the first quote. Afrikan sexuality has been misoverstood, misinterpreted, twisted, perverted, exploited, abused, and repressed by the western world. Babylon, with all their religious sexual repression has produced the most pornographic and perverted sexual society. It is either "feast or famine". It is viewed and practiced solely on the lower vibrations and void of spiritual energy. Just as they separate Man from "God", science from religion, so they do with sexuality and spirituality. In fact, homosexuality is celebrated as a norm, worse yet, it is ******** ** *Agape ***** ********* ** Plato** cymposium.