Jerry wrote: Will it? Or will it start a merry-go-round. Make the illegal crossing - get sent back to Turkey - join the queue to gain legitimate entry to the EU.
Of course this will depend on how efficiently irregular crossing can be blocked and return as a result of irregular is implemented but it seems to me if these things are done efficiently, then why would a migrant already in Turkey spend money and risk an irregular crossing that in all likely hood will result in them being back in Turkey again and at the 'back of the list' for regular migration to EU ? The plan 'before' this latest one, as I understand it was that Turkey would take back migrants that had crossed to Greece that were not deemed legitimate refugees but those that were would not be sent back. In comparison to that proposal this one seems much more practical to me.
Jerry wrote: The scheme is a bloody nonsense, The EU should help construct better temporary accommodation in Turkey until the refugees can return home.
As I understand it the EU plan is to do both. Help Turkey (cash) to improve the conditions of those migrants in Turkey to remain there and encourage them to chose to remain there and to deal with those that will still try to reach EU countries no matter how good the conditions in Turkey are, by closing down (making ineffectual) the irregular routes from Turkey to EU countries and replacing them with working safe and controlled regular routes.