that the Church of Black Cock and the militant race-traitor "white" bitches movement was the reason Hillary insisted on bombing Libya
tsukoui wrote:My Libyan friend, now working in the UK, recently confirmed what I had been saying all along... that the Church of Black Cock and the militant race-traitor "white" bitches movement was the reason Hillary insisted on bombing Libya, to take the fire out of the frying pan... given that she's such a cock fiend herself it seems rather hypocritical, if I were her there would be no way I would go back to Ireland... and my IRA m8s agree
... indeed maybe that should be a M16!
... of course "Black" women are pissed which is why they're voting Hillary to reign in all these misogynistic Eldridge Cleaver BMW ("black male warrior") wannabes... what we really need is Gaddafi to rise from the dead and make a statement in favour of Bernie
Cap wrote:As if the Negroes had a far superior alternative to White and Asian technology...
Like mud huts for the homeless, and voodoo for the sick.
30 years life expectancy and a 'Black Cock' as a token contribution to humanity.
I got news for ya.
The Jews are the planets most hated and persecuted 'race' of people.
Not blacks.
Yet look at the difference.
limited natural material technology
Cap wrote:limited natural material technology
You're kidding right?
Please tell me you're kidding.
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