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Midnight Express II - the Sequel?

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Re: Midnight Express II - the Sequel?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Mar 05, 2016 10:46 am

Pushing pedestrian psychology is plain in every post where you peddle your propaganda.

You've come unstuck again. So here you go pinning everything on some character flaw to divert from your exposure.
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Re: Midnight Express II - the Sequel?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:33 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Pushing pedestrian psychology is plain in every post where you peddle your propaganda.

You've come unstuck again. So here you go pinning everything on some character flaw to divert from your exposure.

you are the one with the character flaw since I can vouch for similar experience to that of Erolz with your gross inventions of what you say I am saying or what you say I am thinking... and one projection being the peddling of propaganda which IMHO you do incessantly, and where you cannot stand to be criticised when your world view (in particular but not exclusively that of Greece through Rose tinted spectacles) is challenged.

You even sometimes seem to take it as personal affront when bad news about Greece or Cyprus is reported, eg

ME wrote:The Store chain appears to be in terminal decline - several stores in the Pafos area have gone , seemingly along with the big one just to the South of Nicosia just over the highway from Ikea/the mall...shelves are empty in other stores.

Are suppliers pulling the plug?

I heard they owe Sigma TV millions and to pay off the debt Sigma staff are being part paid in vouchers for Orphanides stores - not much good if there is nothing in them to buy let alone if the stores have gone....

GreekIslandGirl wrote:STUD - you wish nothing but demise for the RoC.

ME wrote:top trying to shoot the messenger: above all stop trying to malign me with lying slurs and trying to impute motives which do not exist.

The problems with Orphanides are a matter of widespread debate (including in the Cyprus mail) and no I do not wish demise for the ROC.I do not wish for the demise of Orphanides. I only want peace and prosperity for the Island and its businesses.

It will indeed a be profoundly sad day for the ROC if its biggest Supermarket chain goes down the pan, with all the pain this will cause for suppliers (and bankers) who may be owed millions and some of whom may also be tragically forced out of business and in particular for the many hard workers at Orphanides.

[quote='Geek Inland Grill"]You are not a messenger but a hopeful harbinger.

- You just couldn't wait to bring all of that bad news to my door ...[/quote]

At the risk of engaging in "pedestrian psychology" is there possibly a touch of paranoia there, thinking the post was aimed at you personally?

[quote="ME]Your door? I cannot help it if you do not like the news - I do not like it either, but your door? That makes me laugh.

Sadly the news in Cyprus is not very good and that does not make me happy. However the possible collapse of a major Cyprus business is a matter of genuine public concern which is already in the press/public domain but as I said, do not shoot the messenger as it will happen or not as the case may be whatever I may say. It is however a legitimate topic for debate , in a Cyprus Forum. [/quote]?

Certainly an unwillingness to face reality.....
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