Poland's Interior Ministry says it will send 120 border guards, police and migration bureau officers to Greece to help protect the European Union's borders under the mass inflow of refugees.
A communique on the ministry website said Monday that due to the "continuing migration crisis in Europe," 60 Border Guard officers and 40 police officers with the necessary equipment will soon support Europe's border protection agency, Frontex, in securing Greece's border, which is also the EU's external border.
A further 20 experts of Poland's Office for Foreigners will help with processing the migrants' requests for asylum.
. The Commission could not therefore discuss results AS THEY WERE STILL CONSIDERING THE EVALUATION!The conclusions of the two visits are currently being finalised at the expert level.
Depending on the results of the aforementioned Schengen evaluations, specific measures as referred in Article 19a SBC may be recommended.
Should an evaluated Member State be found to be seriously neglecting its obligations and progress in rectifying the situation is insufficient, the use of Article 26 SBC (as described in section 2.2 of this report) can be invoked that implies reintroducing border control at internal borders where the overall functioning of the Schengen area is put at risk.
Commission discusses draft Schengen Evaluation Report on Greece,Brussels 27 January 2016
Following a positive opinion by the Schengen evaluation committee on Friday, the College of Commissioners has today adopted the Schengen Evaluation Report on Greece and a proposal for a Council Recommendation on addressing the serious deficiencies identified in the evaluation report on the application of Schengen rules in the field of management of the external borders by Greece. The recommendations will be submitted to the Council for adoption.
The Schengen evaluation mechanism, established in October 2013, provides for the verification of the application of the Schengen rules through monitoring visits to a given Member State by Commission-led teams with experts from Member States and Frontex. The Schengen evaluation report for Greece and the Proposal for a Council Recommendation has been drawn up jointly by Member States experts and Commission representatives.
The recommendations seek to ensure that Greece applies all Schengen rules related to management of external border correctly and effectively. Recommendations are made in a number of areas such as the improvement of the registration procedures, including ensuring a sufficient number of staff and fingerprint scanners for registration and verification of migrants and their travel documents against SIS, Interpol and national databases. Greece should provide the necessary facilities for accommodation during the registration process and launch return procedures for irregular migrants who are not seeking asylum and who are not in need of international protection. Border surveillance should be improved, including the establishment of a risk analysis system and increased training of border guards. Improvements should also be made to infrastructure and equipment at the border crossing points.
In order to ensure compliance with these recommendations, the Commission may, in addition, recommend that Greece takes certain specific measures under Article 19a of the Schengen Borders Code, given the serious deficiencies noted in the Schengen Evaluation Report.
Schengen Evaluation Mechanism
The Eighth bi-annual report on the functioning of the Schengen area of 15 December 2015 already announced that, depending on the results of the Schengen evaluations in Greece, specific measures as referred to in Article 19a and 26 of the Schengen Borders Code may be recommended.
serious deficiencies ,,,,,, in the field of management of the external borders by Greece
Commission adopts Schengen Evaluation Report on Greece and proposes recommendations to address deficiencies in external border management
Following a positive opinion by the Schengen evaluation committee on Friday, the College of Commissioners has today adopted the Schengen Evaluation Report on Greece and a proposal for a Council Recommendation on addressing the serious deficiencies identified in the evaluation report on the application of Schengen rules in the field of management of the external borders by Greece. The recommendations will be submitted to the Council for adoption.
Schengen evaluation of Greece: Council adopts recommendation to address deficiencies in external borders
On 12 February 2016, the Council adopted a recommendation on addressing serious deficiencies identified during an evaluation of Greece's application of the Schengen acquis in the area of external border management. The recommendation proposes to Greece remedial action to address these deficiencies.
The Commission may also, under Article 19b of the Schengen Borders Code, recommend that the evaluated member state take certain specific measures with a view to ensuring compliance with this recommendation.
Where, after three months from the adoption of the Council recommendation, serious deficiencies persist and the measures taken have not proved sufficient, the Commission may trigger the application of the procedure provided for in article 26 of the Schengen Borders Code.
Under article 26 of the Schengen Borders Code, the Commission may propose a recommendation, to be adopted by the Council by qualified majority, to reintroduce controls at all or specific parts of the border of one or more member states as a matter of last resort. They may be introduced for a period of up to six months. Controls can be prolonged for additional six month periods up to a maximum duration of two years.
do you not understand and what part of it have either Erolz or I made up?serious deficiencies identified in the evaluation report on the application of Schengen rules in the field of management of the external borders by Greece.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:You have NOTHING new to add.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:If your 'challenges' succeeded in countering my arguments, you would not be here once again re-starting the same stuff to have another "GO".
GreekIslandGirl wrote:You are not contributing to what is HAPPENING in reality because it does NOT fit into what you predicted/lied about what WOULD happen to Greece.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Instead of accepting that things did not go YOUR way, you are now trying to thrash wildly and pin everything on what was 'recommended' by the EU or EC - as though YOU played NO part in the erroneous interpretations of intent at a solution to the TURKEY-CREATED CRISIS.
erolz66 wrote:What is HAPPENING right now in REALITY, is Greece is trying to rectify the identified 'serious deficiencies ,
GreekIslandGirl wrote:NO - It is the EU as a SHARING partner that is FINALLY now having to rectify the serious deficiencies in the SHARED MANAGEMENT of the EU external border. The deficiencies were that not all the member countries were assisting in patrolling the EU external border, except for Greece! That is why NOW Poland and other EU members are sending assistance too. These were the countries that were deficient in the shared responsibility.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:It was Frontex that was deficient!
19. (Greece should) increase training at the local level especially on forged and falsified documents, risk analysis and updated legislation; this could also be done by the exchange of officers between BCP's as well as by making better use of the available Frontex tools with regard to forged and falsified documents;
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Sorry for you if you're still struggling to come to terms with being caught out claiming the EC made threats against Greece that you couldn't substantiate because you lied.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Sorry for you if looking at every document thrown our for every purpose to try and hang something worthwhile on your lie led to you misinterpreting press debates and 'conclusions' for actual documents that were not for public viewing.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Sorry for you that you have spent months and months digging to disprove my analyses on the findings and recommendations and reality is too cold.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:But I'm NOT sorry for you that your hatred for Greece has erupted again because you just CANNOT take the fact that Greece is finally receiving the help (aka the 'deficiency') it so desperately needed and that now that 'deficiency' will be plugged by other states fulfilling their obligations in to the 'deficiency' they created in the shared EU external border.
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