GreekIslandGirl wrote: But in your case, there is a fixed and bigoted idea.
You really think this is not as or more true of yourself as it is of me ?
GreekIslandGirl wrote: You behave as some kind of judge or lawyer who has to nitpick at something in order to ruin the character of the poster so that your audience goes 'wow I never knew that person was like this or like that until erolz pointed out to me his/her shortcomings'. I had a few friends that behaved that way. Gossipy types, small brains.
Certainly I am guilty of behaving like I think other people can not see how you have consistently behaved on these forums and that I need to therefore highlight such behaviour. I know this is not true, I know as fact that some others see your behaviour here in the same way as I do and I am sure that most can see how you behave here without me needing to point it out. I know this but the drive within me to challenge that behaviour remains none the less.
To me you 'argue' here like a barrister defending a client that they know has a weak case, so as a matter of 'tactics' seeks to actively create as much 'confusion' and 'doubt' as possible. This kind of active use of trying to diminish and reduce understanding, within and of the person you are arguing with and generally in any 'audience' is an anathema to me. It fundamentally grates at the core of who I am.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:I also don't like the way you have to keep contrasting one post with a million others before it on some other thread or way back some years. I don't have that sort of time or willpower to archive. You also seem to find it hard to accept how ideas evolve and subtly change over time - although, I must say, I am probably one of the most consistent in my views here (for good or bad).
It is true that I believe in logic, in consistency, in evidence and in effort as part of the process of 'understanding' - understanding what others are saying and why, having them understand what I am saying and why. Which is why when faced with someone that can and will just dismiss an Implementing Decision of the EU Council as a 'scrap of paper that has by and large been ignored' if they do not like that decision and at the same time presents third or fourth hand media reports of what an individual person in the EU may have said to a specific audience and presents that as the 'Gospel' of the EU position if it suits - that kind of thing DOES drive crazy. It drives me crazy
because I believe in logic, in consistency, in evidence and in effort as part of the process of 'understanding'. To me such behaviour is not rational adult argument and discussion - to me such is just pure gamesmanship. When done with intent I despise such behaviour.
The incessant 'bashing' of entire peoples and nations you do not like for no other reason than you do not like them, the incessant use of ad hominem attacks, use of mis or out of context quoting with intent, these are just minor annoyances for me in comparison and ones that other posters exhibit as much as you or more even. The arrogance, smugness , hypocrisy, use of straw man arguments, that characterise so many of your posts are likewise minor annoyances to me and ones that we can and are all guilty of to a degree, myself included.