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Greece under EU orders re borders

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Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:59 am

The EU council has been discussing Greece and how Greece has or has not been fulfilling obligstions regarding processing of people entering the EU through Greece

On 2 February 2016 the Commission adopted the Schengen evaluation report on Greece and submitted to the Council a recommendation to address specific deficiencies in the external border management.

The report was carried out following an unannounced on-site evaluation visit to Greek sea border sites (Chios and Samos Islands) and land border sites (Orestiada, Fylakio, Kastanies, Nea Vyssa) from 10 to 13 November 2015.

On 12 February 2016, the Council adopted a recommendation on addressing serious deficiencies identified during an evaluation of Greece's application of the Schengen acquis in the area of external border management. The recommendation proposes to Greece remedial action to address these deficiencies.

The action recommended covers areas such as registration procedures, sea border surveillance, border check procedures, risk analyses, human resources and training, infrastructure and equipment and international cooperation.

The recommendation acknowledges that the EU currently faces an unprecedented migratory and refugee crisis following a sharp increase in mixed migratory flows during 2015. This has meant that several member states have experienced difficulties in ensuring adequate external border controls in accordance with the Schengen acquis, as well as in the reception and processing of migrant arrivals.

Because of its geographical situation, and as result of the shift in migration routes as well as the overall increase in numbers, Greece has been particularly affected by these developments. The very large number of arrivals is such that the external border controls of any member state would be placed under severe pressure.

The recommendation also notes that Greece has taken a number of measures to deal with the situation, but that given the scale of the situation, further efforts are needed. The overall functioning of the Schengen area is at serious risk. The difficulties faced by Greece have an impact on the EU as a whole, and have to be resolved collectively.

The Commission may also, under Article 19b of the Schengen Borders Code, recommend that the evaluated member state take certain specific measures with a view to ensuring compliance with this recommendation.

Where, after three months from the adoption of the Council recommendation, serious deficiencies persist and the measures taken have not proved sufficient, the Commission may trigger the application of the procedure provided for in article 26 of the Schengen Borders Code.

Under article 26 of the Schengen Borders Code, the Commission may propose a recommendation, to be adopted by the Council by qualified majority, to reintroduce controls at all or specific parts of the border of one or more member states as a matter of last resort. They may be introduced for a period of up to six months. Controls can be prolonged for additional six month periods up to a maximum duration of two years.
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby erolz66 » Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:34 pm

I think it is interesting to note that this Council Implementing Decision was inevitably not supported by Greece. However they were also unable to secure support from a single other Country on the Council for this position. Bulgaria and the RoC did both 'abstain' from this decision but not even the RoC would not actively not support it, as Greece did.

I also think that given that cogent sound arguments, backed up by real evidence, can be made in 'defence' of Greece on these issues, it is such a shame then that the loudest 'pro Greek' voice on this forum instead just resorts to intellectually and morally bankrupt blatant distortion of factual reality and denial of factual reality in 'defence' of Greece, rather than making such rational and valid arguments as could be made.
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:25 pm

Road map
12 March 2016 at the latest: Greece provides its action plan to implement the recommendations made by the Council, together with a needs assessment.
22 March 2016 at the latest: Frontex launches additional calls for contributions to further deploy European Border Guard teams to support Greece.
1 April 2016 at the latest: Member States respond to the Frontex call by providing human resources and technical equipment.
12 April 2016 at the latest: the Commission presents its assessment of the adequacy of the action plan prepared by Greece.
11-17 April 2016: a Schengen evaluation by Commission and Member State experts of air, land and sea borders of Greece will take place.
12 May 2016 at the latest: Greece reports on the implementation of the Council recommendations.
12 May 2016: if the serious deficiencies in external border control were to persist, the Commission will present a proposal under Article 26(2) of the Schengen Borders Code.
13 May 2016: if the serious deficiencies in external border control were to persist, the Council should adopt a recommendation under Article 26(2) of the Schengen Borders Code for a coherent Union approach to temporary internal border controls.
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:02 pm

Helloooooooo ... your hopes of an expulsion or sanctions ......... that's history!!!!

All accept Greece is in control of what needs to be done and which countries are NOT pulling their weight in maintaining the EU external border.
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:38 am

I guess Greece should be given 5 billion to cover the costs. And all those EU states that closed their borders should pay a heavy penalty. And Belgium that did absolutely nothing (despite hundreds of warnings) to avail the recent terrorist attacks should be put against the wall.

Or better for you guys just stop taking the EU so seriously. Nobody does, not even the EU itself. :wink:
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:01 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Helloooooooo ... your hopes of an expulsion or sanctions ......... that's history!!!!

All accept Greece is in control of what needs to be done and which countries are NOT pulling their weight in maintaining the EU external border.

The only country criticised by anyone but you for not pulling their weight in regards to Greece's external borders is Greece.. I cannot see nor have you so far identified any official document that linked the identified serious deficiencies to any other country but Greece and where the problems in Greece have all arisen because it is plain Greece was not in control: not enough Greek Officials on the ground on the islands to do the job which is currently Greece's responsibility, and where Greece was imho late in asking for help, only three weeks or so after the inspections finding serious deficiencies had been performed, when help could have been demanded before, and under the current rules Frontex cannot deploy on the ground assistance unless asked, butb us how fucking incompetant the Greek authorities were. And as usual unable to accept that you blame others, eg the Beligians, when one cannot exclude the possibility the fuckers who committed the outrage in Belgium got in unmonitored through that border with more holes than a colander, due to reported serious deficiencies, ie Greece.

As for suspension, I have told you before I do not wish it. I would far have prefered that Greece had bern in control and the inspections had not identified serious deficiences, but they were not, and you cannot deny it, that serious deficiences were found.

To try to blame others is just to show how sadly deluded, if not paranoid, you are..

The inspections may be history, they are now in the past, but the consequences of the inspections will have an impact into the future.. See the road map quote above, representing the continuing and future position...the steps under art 19b SBC which you denied had been threatened have been imposed and none of those threats concerning possible future action under Article 26 SBC have been withdrawn . I repeat, I hope they do not have to be imposed, but not being any sort of ORACLE, I make no prediction.

Look behind you, a terrorist who might have crept in through Greece might be about to blow you up.
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:34 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Helloooooooo ... your hopes of an expulsion or sanctions ......... that's history!!!!

All accept Greece is in control of what needs to be done and which countries are NOT pulling their weight in maintaining the EU external border.

The only country criticised by anyone but you for not pulling their weight in regards to Greece's external borders is Greece.. I cannot see nor have you so far identified any official document that linked the identified serious deficiencies to any other country but Greece and where the problems in Greece have all arisen because it is plain Greece was not in control: not enough Greek Officials on the ground on the islands to do the job which is currently Greece's responsibility, and where Greece was imho late in asking for help, only three weeks or so after the inspections finding serious deficiencies had been performed, when help could have been demanded before, and under the current rules Frontex cannot deploy on the ground assistance unless asked, butb us how fucking incompetant the Greek authorities were. And as usual unable to accept that you blame others, eg the Beligians, when one cannot exclude the possibility the fuckers who committed the outrage in Belgium got in unmonitored through that border with more holes than a colander, due to reported serious deficiencies, ie Greece.

As for suspension, I have told you before I do not wish it. I would far have prefered that Greece had bern in control and the inspections had not identified serious deficiences, but they were not, and you cannot deny it, that serious deficiences were found.

To try to blame others is just to show how sadly deluded, if not paranoid, you are..

The inspections may be history, they are now in the past, but the consequences of the inspections will have an impact into the future.. See the road map quote above, representing the continuing and future position...the steps under art 19b SBC which you denied had been threatened have been imposed and none of those threats concerning possible future action under Article 26 SBC have been withdrawn . I repeat, I hope they do not have to be imposed, but not being any sort of ORACLE, I make no prediction.

Look behind you, a terrorist who might have crept in through Greece might be about to blow you up.

If you knew how to read, you would see that it's not Greece being criticized but the lack of a co-ordinated effort to manage the EU external border around Greece (a geographical signpost) which is a JOINT RESPONSIBILITY matter! ... 332_en.htm
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby erolz66 » Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:43 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:If you knew how to read, you would see that it's not Greece being criticized

On 12 February 2016, the Council adopted a recommendation on addressing serious deficiencies identified during an evaluation of Greece's application of the Schengen acquis in the area of external border management. The recommendation proposes to Greece remedial action to address these deficiencies. ... of-greece/


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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby Sotos » Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:59 pm

Those who criticize the liberal Greek government probably would prefer a party like Chrysi Avgi to be in power. The borders of Greece would be unbreakable with Chrisi Avgi... only the bodies of dead immigrants would be allowed to touch the Greek shores... and dead people can't walk anywhere. I am sure EU and some people in here would be perfectly satisfied with Greece's performance then ;)
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:02 pm

erolz66 wrote:
On 12 February 2016, the Council adopted a recommendation on addressing serious deficiencies identified during an evaluation of Greece's application of the Schengen acquis in the area of external border management. The recommendation proposes to Greece remedial action to address these deficiencies.

That doesn't criticize Greece! It was the application of external border management that was failing. That has been identified as a JOINT responsibility! The remedial action recommended, has to be APPROVED by Greece and that is why it is proposed to Greece!
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