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Greece under EU orders re borders

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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Apr 13, 2016 1:53 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:The months and months of your systematic distortion of factual reality on this issue are undeniable.

Funny that! When all the while, it's you and stud who have been predicting "expulsion" and "sanctions" against Greece and all we've seen are my predicted extra help being offered with Greece's external border management.

i can only echo we have not predicted that Greece will suffer from "expulsion", only that temporary suspension of Free movement MIGHT in some form or another be imposed .

As for sanctions, there is a semantic argument Greece is already under sanction as she has been already required to produce an action plan to remedy the "serious deficiencies" as is sanctioned or required under Art 19b SBC.

My own desire is that Greece does not have to suspend free movement to other Schengen states, either in whole or in part, for which she is getting help, righly so, in dealing with the "serious deficiencies" but as the report shows she has a way to go in implementing the changes felt necassary by the EU Authorities, and is GReece, not Frontex or Nato that has the obligation to do this.
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:36 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:It is all there in black and white in the EU Commissions own press release.

Stop getting so excited over a press release. :roll:

Does this get you exited?

It is the report itself.

This is the conclusion

In the light of the assessment given above, the Commission concludes that significant progress has been made by Greece. However, further improvements are needed to the Action Plan presented by the Greek authorities in order to comprehensively address the deficiencies identified in the November 2015 evaluation. In particular, for many actions, more clarity is needed in terms of timing, responsibility and financial planning. Moreover, some actions cannot yet be considered adequately addressed or completed. Finally, for some actions substantive additional information or clarification is needed. The Commission requests Greece provide these additional elements and clarifications by 26 April 2016 and offers its continuous assistance in line with the spirit of the Commission Communication "Back to Schengen – a Roadmap".
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Re: Greece under EU orders re borders

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:09 pm

silence----not surprising ----- Greece having been found deficient and her plan likewise has deficiencies and has been sent back for additional elements and clarifications - nothing insurmountable ----- roll on 12th May....
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