Robin Hood wrote:Although way off thread .......... you did raise the subject.............
I will wait for you to put forward your explanation before I cast an opinion as I have not really gone into this subject in any great depth! Just a couple of observations and without any research so just an opinion based on perception of events in recent history:
• You seem to be refereeing to military power in general rather than economic and political power?
• In that context the US has to be the ONLY super power ..... with 1000 bases in over 150 countries all over the globe it has by far the largest military infrastructure which it inevitably describes as ‘defensive’. Which surely has to be a misnomer? To me it is 'protection' by occupation, with or without invitation, of a country that could be a threat, or like Ukraine for instance, could act as a platform for defensive or offensive action against a perceived enemy.
• I would suggest there is reality only one super power even if you do include the military aspect, but in that instance their power is indirect, a bit like a holding company; they have the power of say-so and thus control powers greater than they themselves would on the face of it, appear to have as a state.
• You mention the country in with several others.
That country is the youngest of the lot, has very little in the way of resources and is by far the smallest but by far the most powerful! ............ The State of Israel!![]()
The US population is descended from mainly from settlers from the Old World and really only became a State in the 1800’s. Many of those who formed the new European populace were from England, hence ‘English’ is the common language. But, as has been their history, many of them were ‘wandering’ Jews and that applies especially to the Banking sector. With a keen eye for profit, over time this sector has steadily grown in power and influence and dominates the financial system, the military industrial complex and most of the large corporations, many of which are US based.
It is Israel that rules the US! To be more precise ..... it is Zionist Israel that rules the US ..... the Jewish reference is a falsehood. If you check it out through Google you will see that the Jews are a religious community with superb commercial skills, that has been their success story over the centuries. In the middle/late 1800’s the Jews were infiltrated and then dominated by Zionism which is not a religion but a political organisation. What you have in Israel today is a Zionist State that has some Jews (born as or selected) and many of those of the Orthodox Church despise the Zionist ..... but too late to change things!
The Zionists, through the many Zionist organisations like AIPAC , pull ALL the strings in the US Senate,US Congress and the Administration itself. It is very rare that anyone without Zionist support ever makes it in politics.
The Capital City of the USA is not Washington ....... it is Tel-Aviv!![]()
BTW: Did you know that the German Zionist Jews declared War on Germany just after WWI and it was that action which bought Hitler to power, world wide ban on selling German goods, cause the German depression (The Weimar Republic in the 1920 and 30’s?) and WWII. They have influence way beyond their perceived operations.
Yes Israel is very powerful. It is as I said, they are a superpower, but they are also pretty quiet on Syria.
The country making the biggest noise is Saudi Arabia. After that, it's Japan and Australia of all countries. Have you noticed that the masters have been banned by Pootin from the Vienna Group?
Even though, Australia and Japan are the biggest contributors to the Coalition.
Why is Pootin so scared of Australia and Japan? Because he knows who is calling the shots and he knows which countries have a genuine hatred for him.
And to reinforce something even further. Who is pulling America's strings over the South China Sea? It's South Korea, Japan, and Australia.
Capitalism, Trade so you can drive your Mercedes and BMW and every kid on the planet can get an Ipad which are manufactured in China or Japan and costing about $50 per unit to manufacture.
The USA has all that Military Infrastructure because they have the manpower available to do it, and the money. And we want their bases all over the world. We want them in Australia, in Singapore and in Europe because in the end we always expect American Boys to lay their lives down for us when needed just like they have done in the past.
But it is incredibly very selfish of us to, because in effect we are using them to some extent. Well they get money from us to, but money is only a material substance of some value as opposed to some poor sods life.
I mean seriously. how the hell do you expect South Korea, Australia, and Japan to go up against the might of China in the South China Sea running the guantlet over the People's Republic of China Navy to keep the sea lanes open in accordance of UNCLOS?
We are friggin using them and in return we buy their F-35s and F-22s as payment or rent. That is the way it works I'm afraid.