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The White man and the Black man...

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The White man and the Black man...

Postby tsukoui » Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:38 pm

Prophecies should not be treated with contempt. What matters is the manner in which they are realised. When the prophet Elijah Muhammad spoke that the last two thousand years was the rule of the white man and the next two thousand years will be the rule of the black man what did he mean. Was he talking about skin colour or something deeper? The material colour white reflects light. The last two thousand years have been the rule of those who reflect light. The material colour black absorbs and radiates light. The coming two thousand years will be the rule of those who absorb and radiate light. Light itself in its most powerful form is white, but whilst we are material we must aspire to be black. The day is coming. We are truly living in the last days of material whiteness, of reflection rather than radiation, by our leaders. We must stand firm and welcome this change as the advancement it is. I am not talking about skin colour. I am talking about those who have reached the maqam or station of being black in spirit, word and power. They shall lead humanity onwards towards the stars. Those who merely reflect will be lost. What does that mean for Cyprus. Whilst we reflect those who are trying to divide us by dividing others we continue on the path of whiteness. But doesn't this go against the teachings of Elijah Muhammad who called for the division of U.S.America with the creation of a "Black" state. To promote division is whiteness indeed. To promote the creation of a "Black" state through unity is to absorb and radiate the pure white light of justice. Give people what they want and Allah will reward you. I have spoken.
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Re: The White man and the Black man...

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:26 pm is good, what of the fulcrum; matter counts.

...indeed, when the Apocalypse is filled, its contents are brought to the table covered.

...i chose long ago to remember where i will return to is everlasting, i choose my life accordingly to die well.

not so easy, what is in the here and now, the black and white you say, what is colour?
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Re: The White man and the Black man...

Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:29 pm

Give people what they want and Allah will reward you. " tsukoui Contributor

Is Allah selective as to who he will reward?

I wonder if the millions of suffering Syrians will be ...rewarded, somehow I doubt it very much, how about the Yemenis, the Lybians, the Iraqis, the Nigerian victims of the barbaric Bokofuckharam, lets not forget the 250 thousand of Tsunami victims a few years back, or the millions who perished in two world wars.

Yes the hand of Allah will ....reward you !!!
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Re: The White man and the Black man...

Postby Lordo » Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:47 pm

greedy bastards have ruled the world up to this point and will continue to s=do so till the time comes and they are lined up against the wall like in russia in 1917. then we shall have peace.
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Re: The White man and the Black man...

Postby tsukoui » Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:59 pm

miltiades wrote:"
Give people what they want and Allah will reward you. " tsukoui Contributor

Is Allah selective as to who he will reward?

I wonder if the millions of suffering Syrians will be ...rewarded, somehow I doubt it very much, how about the Yemenis, the Lybians, the Iraqis, the Nigerian victims of the barbaric Bokofuckharam, lets not forget the 250 thousand of Tsunami victims a few years back, or the millions who perished in two world wars.

Yes the hand of Allah will ....reward you !!!

Of course, Milti, I know you are an atheist and good for you, alla don't think the word "Allah" is reserved only for Muslims
for more than five hundred years before Muhammad, the vast majority of Jews and Christians in Arabia called God by the name Allah. How, then, can we say that Allah is an invalid name for God? If it is, to whom have these Jews and Christians been praying?

Why do many Arab Christians refer to God as “Allah”?
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Re: The White man and the Black man...

Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:13 pm

I haven't the faintest idea why, it takes all sorts I suppose, the Allah virus is after all a potent one, spreads like wild fire !!
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Re: The White man and the Black man...

Postby Bassman63 » Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:33 pm

miltiades wrote:"
Give people what they want and Allah will reward you. " tsukoui Contributor

Is Allah selective as to who he will reward?

I wonder if the millions of suffering Syrians will be ...rewarded, somehow I doubt it very much, how about the Yemenis, the Lybians, the Iraqis, the Nigerian victims of the barbaric Bokofuckharam, lets not forget the 250 thousand of Tsunami victims a few years back, or the millions who perished in two world wars.

Yes the hand of Allah will ....reward you !!!

What do you expect from people whose main prophet was a kiddy fiddler (9yr old wife)?
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Re: The White man and the Black man...

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:54 pm

Lordo wrote:greedy bastards have ruled the world up to this point and will continue to s=do so till the time comes and they are lined up against the wall like in russia in 1917. then we shall have peace.

In russia one set of greedy bastards was replaced by an even worse set, who murdered possibly 20 million of their own, even without the intervention of Herr Schiklegruber, and they now have an even greedier set of bastards in charge...
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Re: The White man and the Black man...

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 27, 2016 10:07 pm

...i don't know who the "greedy bastards" you are talking about, how about a list, something tangible and real; what is your hurry, one way or the other, "they" will go too far, or become too few, this is natural.
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Re: The White man and the Black man...

Postby Bassman63 » Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:19 am

Why do muslins shout "Ali Snack Bar" when they blow themselves up?
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