Lordo wrote:between you, the wino and shitface i am not sure who is the absolute thicko. these people do not get paid minimum wages, they tend to work for workgangs and the bastards take half their wage as well as charage them for a bed. where the hell have you been for the last decades. are you as stupid as you sound.
Lordo wrote:read and learn reh vosgolomenos.
miltiades wrote:It looks as if the vote on the 23rd of June will be very close. No one can possibly predict the outcome of the referendum, only a brave man will do so. Although Im in favour of the UK remaining in the EU I dare not predict the outcome, more so now that the charismatic London mayor has thrwon his considerable weight behind the " leave" campaign.
It will most certainly create quite a forceful campaign, the Conservative party is split down the middle. The question is will Cameron step down if the vote goes against him.
miltiades wrote:It looks as if the vote on the 23rd of June will be very close. No one can possibly predict the outcome of the referendum, only a brave man will do so. Although Im in favour of the UK remaining in the EU I dare not predict the outcome, more so now that the charismatic London mayor has thrwon his considerable weight behind the " leave" campaign.
It will most certainly create quite a forceful campaign, the Conservative party is split down the middle. The question is will Cameron step down if the vote goes against him.
Robin Hood wrote:miltiades wrote:It looks as if the vote on the 23rd of June will be very close. No one can possibly predict the outcome of the referendum, only a brave man will do so. Although Im in favour of the UK remaining in the EU I dare not predict the outcome, more so now that the charismatic London mayor has thrwon his considerable weight behind the " leave" campaign.
It will most certainly create quite a forceful campaign, the Conservative party is split down the middle. The question is will Cameron step down if the vote goes against him.
I think Cameron will use the fear of the unknown, with lurid warnings of calamity to deter people from voting to leave. Boris is a very clever man but comes over as a bit of a looney, so the 'IN's' will use ridicule to dilute his message ...... and the faithful sheep will fall for it!
Robin Hood wrote:Switzerland has never been a member of the EU but enjoys many of the benefits without the draw backs.
Switzerland's economic and trade relations with the EU are mainly governed through a series of bilateral agreements where Switzerland has agreed to take on certain aspects of EU legislation in exchange for accessing the EU's single market.
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