Tim Drayton wrote:So, I'd obviously be wasting my time requoting from Amnesty International reports on Syria that clearly show Assad's regime to be totalitarian and guilty of wholesale abuses of human rights. Never mind, I am sure Sputnik will tell you that Assad is a jolly good chap. No common sense called for in reading Sputnik, it seems, even though it is the propaganda outlet of Putin's totalitarian regime. You just accept it all as gospel.
For that very reason I rarely quote 'Sputnik'! Where have I mentioned Sputnik in this post? Plenty of other sites and all off a single Googled page and apart from AI's own sites they all question AI's impartiality. I suppose like Paphitis you also unreservedly believe all the reports from the completely impartial, totally unbiased Syrian Observatory of Human Rights?
Compare Assads secular parliament, with their elected opposition, to all the other Gulf States .......such as Saudi, UEA, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain etc! At least he
HAS an elected opposition in parliament even now, and although you won't find it reported in Ai or SOHR the system is changing continually. Assad has just announced new elections in a couple(?) of months ...... when was the last time any of these other Arab/Muslim/totalitarian family run states that I mention above, , who are all part of the US/NATO coalition, had any elections. In each of them most of the cabinet are from single ruling families. They ban any opposition ....... you can be imprisoned, even executed for even criticising government but again you won't find any mention of that from your human rights outlets. Apparently, these guys are the Arab version of Mother Teresa?
You are very selective in who you regard as totalitarian ..... even Putin is elected. He also enjoys a 90+% approval rating from his '
oppressed' people ........ try comparing that with any of the leaders in the coalition club of '
yes' men!
As for events in Syria ......
So far Paphitis has been wrong on every prediction he has made. and he will continue to be so. Although going by all the bluster, bravo and boasting, it is obvious he only reads the information at headline level on extreme right biased sources and ignores any detail in most posts. He has clearly lost the plot ..... didn't some one compare him with 'Chemical Ali' in Bagdad during the Gulf War? I too can see a distinct similarity in the rhetoric !