FACT - There exists a document produced by the EU Commission that is titled "Eighth biannual report on the functioning of the Schengen area"
FACT - There exists a document produced by the EU Commission that was titled "draft Schengen
Evaluation Report on Greece" and following adoption of it by the EU Commission is now titled "Schengen
Evaluation Report on Greece"
FACT - The EU Commission press releases
here and
here are about one of these two documents
I maintain that the document that the EU Commission Press releases
here and
here are about is the document those press releases
say they are about and are explicitly
named as such in the both the title and body of those press releases, as the "draft Schengen
Evaluation Report on Greece" in the first and as the "Schengen
Evaluation Report on Greece" in the second.
Other parties maintain that the EU Commission Press releases
here and
here are about the document they
do not say they are about, that is
NOT in the title of those press releases and that itself is not titled as an
Evaluation report and is titled "Eighth biannual report on the functioning of the Schengen area"
FACT - One of us is wrong.
I maintain that the other party is wrong, not because of failure to understand, not because of disagreement about opinions and perspective but wrong
in fact and what is more they
know they are wrong
in fact and continue to make these assertions - which is the definition of lying.