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Press release or discussion document.

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Do you think the document below is a press release or a discussion document

Poll ended at Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:06 pm

Press release
Discussion document
Total votes : 8

Re: Press release or discussion document.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:05 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Ah, at last, ....

There's so much wrong with all you've implied and spouted, having joined in a week later than erolz, that I'm going to leave you to trawl through previous posts if you have any serious intent about getting on the right track.

1) it was not a week, but less.

2) it us you who were out of line through your wilful persistent mendacities and distortions.

If you read the reports,
1) Greece was notified mid december that if she was not in compliance with Schengen requirements as being checked by insoections then undervway, then then the proocess would be started, with an outine of what the process was,.
That included an explicit warning that this included the possibility of suspension from Schengen.
2) by Jan 27 it was clear that while the full report was not public, according to the relevent eu commissoner as quoted in Eu press releases, (not discussion documents,) Greece was in such violation and the commission was discussing what to do. (I repeat, the fact a press release may refer to discussions does not make the press release a discusion document. ) the same warning about the possible end result was explicitly spelt out and as the press release only dealt with Greece i think it was clearly a warning or threat that this was what might happen to Greece.
3) by 3rd Feb the report had been adopted and the recommendations were being made, with again the same warnings or threats about the possible end result, including suspension from Schengen under Article 26, which in my view, as the press release was only about Greece could only be construed as a warning or threat this might happen to Greece.

Contrary to any allegations of gIG,This not an end result I desire and I most sincerly hope it does not come pass, but one can only be in a state if denial , a psychological term, if one does not accept that a) there is a breach and b) Greece has been told what can happen. I am personally very pleased that Greece has already sought assistance and corrective steps are in Hand to try to avoid the possible end result.

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Re: Press release or discussion document.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:55 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:2) it us you who were out of line through your wilful persistent mendacities and distortions.

Oh we can see how 'in touch' you are with your stupid poll that doesn't recognize that a Press Release might involve material for discussion!

Both you and your new loverboy present a great example of cognitive dissonance!
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Re: Press release or discussion document.

Postby erolz66 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:22 am

Riddle me this

When does a EU Commission press release beome an

EU debate site which is NOT the same as the EU Commission ?

When does the "Eighth biannual report on the functioning of the Schengen area", that is not titled an evaluation report, that itself reffers to previous and future evaluation reports on indivdual countries that are called evaluation reports, including the future evaluation report yet to come on Greece, and that is not the evaluation report in the title of the two press releases, that are called an evaluation report on Greece in the press releases title, become

8th biannual evaluation ?

the evaluation report that will lead to decisions ?

the evaluation it will be based on ?

answers on a postcard
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Re: Press release or discussion document.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:44 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:2) it us you who were out of line through your wilful persistent mendacities and distortions.

Oh we can see how 'in touch' you are with your stupid poll that doesn't recognize that a Press Release might involve material for discussion!

Both you and your new loverboy present a great example of cognitive dissonance!

In response to an earlier comment if yours i was going to say Fuck you, but then I would not want you to have any such pleasure, whether from me or any one else, and from my side I would rather have a bag of Crisps, as I am not sure what dirt of nasty illness I might catch from you, nit that I Would ever be unfaithfull to my wife.

As it is, are you getting enough, or is that a part of your problem....? Before you comment I am adequatly provided for and I don't get (and never have had) complaints....

The riddle of Erolz is a good one. Would those who voted discussion document care to elucidate?

The discussion document if anything was the EU evaluation report, but that was NOT up for public discussion, nor even discussion with the press, to make policy, despite the presence of press facilities and conference rooms, and your desperate distortions, but only for debate by the Commission, and I repeat, that while the press release used the word discussion, that was only in the context of providing information on the discussion the commission was having, and without any facility for discussion of the content of either the press report or the evaluation report by the readers of the press release, essential to make the press release a discussion document.
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Re: Press release or discussion document.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:02 am

erolz66 wrote:Riddle me this

When does a EU Commission press release beome an

Typical. (Turkey's paying overtime.)

Nice examples of distortion. Keep up the good work. You and STUD are real cartoons. You're hoping people won't actually read enough of what I wrote and you'll get away with looking like you've pulled out something ridiculous. I wish I had your time and then I can troll you with similar concocted distortions.

We'll leave it that you haven't managed to find anywhere where the EU Commission declared Greece was threatened with sanctions, and you'd rather pretend everything else is wrong and not your capacity to lie. Your desperate searches seem to have driven you mad, though. :D
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Re: Press release or discussion document.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:13 am

This is the document used by Erolz as "evidence" that the EU Commission threatened sanctions when he couldn't actually find anything authentic (guess why? He lied!)

Let me highlight the relevant words which identify this 'press release' and distinguish it from a POLICY DOCUMENT:

It states:

..... 'discusses/ discusses/ discussed' also then declares the following:

The draft report – which is not public – is based on


Commission discusses draft Schengen Evaluation Report on Greece

Brussels, 27 January 2016

Commission discusses draft Schengen Evaluation Report on Greece

The College of Commissioners has today, in view of the findings and their significance, taken note and discussed a draft Schengen Evaluation Report on Greece.


The draft report – which is not public – is based on

So, does the EU Commission operate by discussing its recommendations when it also says "The draft report – which is not public" or does it release 'some information' to the press (your link) for debate/discussion whilst it, the EU Commission, adopts resolutions/policy and then publishes these (later) as 'public' release (NOT your link)?

To an averagely intelligent person, a press release for discussion and a "draft report" that has NOT been made public does NOT issue the policies of the EU Commission that HAVE been adopted. They are released LATER. Hence using the term 'not public' in your link.

The actual Schengen Evaluation Report (discussed in the Press Release) is accessible as a hyperlink from the Press Release discussion and was dealt with separately. (But Erolz seems to have hyperlinked into a vacuum). It is a report on several countries and worth a read.
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Re: Press release or discussion document

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:25 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:Riddle me this

When does a EU Commission press release beome an

Typical. (Turkey's paying overtime.)

Nice examples of distortion. Keep up the good work. You and STUD are real cartoons. You're hoping people won't actually read what I wrote and you'll get away with looking like you've pulled something ridiculous.

We'll leave it that you haven't managed to find anywhere where the EU Commission declared Greece was threatened with sanctions, and you'd rather pretend everything else is wrong and not your capacity to lie.

Morning Gig, though i note you are avoiding replying to the points I make.

1) Greece was notified mid December that if she was not in compliance with Schengen requirements as being checked by inspections then under way, then the proocess would be started, with an outine of what the process was.

That included an explicit warning that this included the ultimate possibility of suspension from Schengen under Article 26.

2) By Jan 27 it was clear that, while the full report was not public, according to the relevent EU commissioner as quoted in Eu press releases, (not discussion documents,) Greece was in such violation and the commission was discussing what to do. (I repeat, the fact a press release may refer to discussions does not make the press release a discusion document. ) in mThe same warning about the possible end result was explicitly spelt out . Thought it was put in general terms this is the In my view where the process and possible end result is spelt out that is a warning or threat that that is what might come to pass and as the press release only dealt with Greece i think it was clearly a warning or threat that this was what might happen to Greece.

3) At a meeting on 2nd Feb and as announced in the Press release ( not discussion document) the 3rd Feb the report had been adopted and the recommendations were being made, with again the same warnings or threats about the possible end result, including suspension from Schengen under Article 26, which in my view, as the press release was only about Greece could only be construed as a warning or threat this might happen to Greece. See point two above.

I repeat This not an end result I desire and I most sincerly hope it does not come pass. I am personally very pleased that Greece has already sought assistance and corrective steps are in Hand to try to avoid the possible end result.
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Re: Press release or discussion document.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:02 pm

This was a document from 15th December which as far as Greece was concerned was superceded by later disciussions reported in the press releases on 27th Jan and 3rd Feb. I am having trouble cutting and pasting an extract from Page 12 which clearly states that the inspections had been held and the results were being evaluated but that there were problems with Greek implentation , and there was in my view a very clear warning or threat in page 12 that subject to the results of the technical evaluation the process would be started for action against Greece,( of which one possible end result is suspension from Schengen )

The press release of 3rd Feb clearly shows the implentation of the process then threatened is now under way and one threatened end result is action under article 26 to suspend Greece from Schengen.

Now stop being in denial that Greece was found in violation and that the process to apply sanctions is in fact being implemented, with the possible consequences under article 26.
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Re: Press release or discussion document.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:12 pm

Here is a link to a Press Release (not Discussion document) about the December meeting

and the document

and an extract from page 12
An unannounced visit was carried out in November to the Greek-Turkish land border as well as to the sea border (Chios and Samos). Additional efforts are required with regard to the actual return of irregular migrants and prevention of secondary movements. The conclusions of the two visits are currently being finalised at the expert level. The Commission will continue monitoring the situation closely, including the evolving situation at the border between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The potential for this border to become a source of tension has been intensified including by the erection of border fencing as a border management tool, and the decision by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to follow the decision of other countries and restrict passage on the grounds of nationality or the little engagement in bilateral border-related confidence building measures, although day-to-day contacts between the border administrations have improved.
On 3 December an agreement was reached that Frontex will assist Greece with identification and registration of migrants at the border between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republicof Macedonia.

now comes the threat.
Depending on the results of the aforementioned Schengen evaluations, specific measures as referred in Article 19a SBC may be recommended.
Should an evaluated Member State be found to be seriously neglecting its obligations and progress in rectifying the situation is insufficient, the use of Article 26 SBC (as described in section 2.2 of this report) can be invoked that implies reintroducing border control at internal borders where the overall functioning of the Schengen area is put at risk
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Re: Press release or discussion document.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:19 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:2) it us you who were out of line through your wilful persistent mendacities and distortions.

Oh we can see how 'in touch' you are with your stupid poll that doesn't recognize that a Press Release might involve material for discussion!

Both you and your new loverboy present a great example of cognitive dissonance!

The poll still has time to run....
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