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BBC programme about Greece

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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:09 am

Sotos wrote:
I am kind of curious as to if anyone with a better knowledge of Greek than me though the people in the section re using shipping containers as homes also thought they did not look or sound Greek ?

I didn't have time to watch the video... but tell me what time in the video that part is and I will tell you my opinion.

It is well worth watching.
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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:55 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Well, it's quite interesting that I have no family connection to Greece really, but I gravitate towards it.

It's a very difficult thing to describe in words in order to get you to understand, but Greece is a very special place. It soothes me and only Greece can do that for me and Australia too and I have been to a few countries. But sure, so many other great countries I could be happy in, but I get a different feeling altogether in Greece, and I've never to this day ever been capable to describe that magic adequately.

Perhaps you should know I have actually lived in Greece for 3 months.What you describe is identical with my initial impression as well. You need some time to realize what Greece is all about, and I tell you you end up to a very tense person. It might be different with you though, but I suggest you do spend some time there, before you make up your mind because initial impressions might be tricky.
In any case comparing the Greek people with the Cypriots I would say that on the average the Cypriots are more humane and more kind. That's on the AVERAGE. On the other hand a big portion of the mainland Greeks are scam, however there's also some say 25% who are people with hearts of gold and dignity that exceed the Cypriot equivalent by 10 times.
Btw my grandfather from my father's side was mainland Greek....

I had lived and worked in Greece in 1996 and 1997.

Back then, I started on a monthly Salary of 460,000 drachma per month, which was considered a good salary. It was ok with the allowances.

I've seen it all Pyro and have an intimate knowledge of Greece.

My God Brother was a top surgeon in Athens (deceased now). He graduated from an Athens university and was the class mate of the then Minister of Health in the Papandreou and that helped me in finding the type of work I was after.

Greece was a good country. If you had a good job, then life is pretty good. I never struggled on 480,000 drachma per month. The average wage then was 110,000 drachma per month or something ridiculous like that. But in the 90s, there was optimism. But every week there would be a strike of some kind. But the one that stuck out was when the Athens Municipality went on strike and the rubbish was not picked up for days. There were piles of rubbish on the footpaths and that putrid smell.

My impression of Greece remains unchanged since then. Now I visit quite regularly, but it is a country that is very dear to me obviously. I do not agree that Cypriots are more kind and more humane. I never found that at all. I always found the Greeks to be far more outgoing and happier and quite kind enough.

My best friends are still in Greece. People I know I can depend on. Yes I consider them my family.
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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby kurupetos » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:48 am

I couldn't be interested less about BBcrap's programmes. :lol:
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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:07 am

kurupetos wrote:I couldn't be interested less about BBcrap's programmes. :lol:

Your loss, not anyone elses. Quite an interesting anslysis of the causes of the Finacial crises, repoertedly as being due to access to cheap money and rampant borrowing , beyond the ability to psy back, including an overly generous state pension scheme.

The Cretan priest had an intersting take on the Eu being a means to acheive what Hitler wanted by other methods.

On the chronic and tragic unemployment, I have also always thought it a pity that so many companies have made investments in Turkey to build products in Turkey rather than iin the Eu and specifically Greece, as it seems to me that unless and until there is some investment in the wealth making side that that current chronic problems of massive unemployment will only continue, and it would also improve the tax base to better fund government spending.

Also it illustrated the issue with Schengen.
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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby kurupetos » Fri Feb 12, 2016 1:43 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
kurupetos wrote:I couldn't be interested less about BBcrap's programmes. :lol:

Your loss, not anyone elses. Quite an interesting anslysis of the causes of the Finacial crises, repoertedly as being due to access to cheap money and rampant borrowing , beyond the ability to psy back, including an overly generous state pension scheme.

The Cretan priest had an intersting take on the Eu being a means to acheive what Hitler wanted by other methods.

On the chronic and tragic unemployment, I have also always thought it a pity that so many companies have made investments in Turkey to build products in Turkey rather than iin the Eu and specifically Greece, as it seems to me that unless and until there is some investment in the wealth making side that that current chronic problems of massive unemployment will only continue, and it would also improve the tax base to better fund government spending.

Also it illustrated the issue with Schengen.

Bollocks. :roll: Does it say who's behind this, old dog?
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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:59 am

You tell me, and then when you have watched it then discuss the contents. I am commenting on what I saw and heard. Whether the analysis of the presenter or other contributors are correct is a different matter, particularly as the program appeared to me to have at least the possibility of containing a personal agenda and where I treat comments as being opinion rather than fact.
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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby erolz66 » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:14 pm

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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby Sotos » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:10 am

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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:54 pm

So little we Cypriots know about Greece. I never knew they had coal mines, knew they had wolves but didn't know they had bears.
The documentary tried to be impressive in this 2nd part, however it totally missed the point multiple times, especially on the part for mount Athos where the monks live. Hundreds of Cypriots went there and know better- what he described is far from what's all about there.
I am not a specialist on documentaries but I guess this is as good as it could be for internal (British) consumption purposes.
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Re: BBC programme about Greece

Postby Sotos » Wed Feb 17, 2016 12:19 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:I am not a specialist on documentaries but I guess this is as good as it could be for internal (British) consumption purposes.

I don't think this documentary gives an accurate image of Greece. They tried to put as many extreme things as possible.... and then exaggerated them so they will make their show more interesting. Priests that fire guns, rebel monks, the paralyzed little bear...
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