Another pro-turk post from erolz.
Zenon33 wrote:Another pro-turk post from erolz.
Zenon33 wrote:Another pro-turk post from erolz.
Zenon33 wrote:Another pro-turk post from erolz.
erolz66 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:An evaluation of the application of the Schengen rules in the field of external border management by Greece was carried out in November 2015. The Evaluation Report, which revealed serious deficiencies in the carrying out of external border control by Greece, was adopted by the Commission on 2 February 2016. Recommendations for remedial action were adopted by the Council on 12 February 2016.
As the Evaluation Report found serious deficiencies, the Commission adopted on 24 February 2016 an implementing decision setting out recommendations on specific measures to be taken by Greece. The recommendations seek to ensure that Greece applies all Schengen rules related to management of the external border.In accordance with Council Regulation (EU) No 1053/20131 and the annual evaluation programme for 2015 , an unannounced on-site visit was carried out from 10 to 13 November 2015 to evaluate the implementation of the Schengen acquis in the field of the management of the external border by the Hellenic Republic at its land border (Orestiada, Fylakio, Kastanies, Nea Vyssa) and sea border (Chios and Samos Islands) with Turkey.
On 2 February 2016 the Commission adopted an implementing decision establishing a report of the evaluation of the Hellenic Republic on the implementation of the Schengen acquis in the field of the management of the external border concluding that there are serious deficiencies in the carrying out of external border control that must be overcome and dealt with by the Hellenic authorities. These serious deficiencies represent, as far as the carrying out of external border control is concerned, a situation where the obligations referred to in Article 16(1) and (4) of Regulation (EU) No 1053/2013 have not been met.The national border management system of the Hellenic Republic presently does not yet have the required operational and administrative capacities to manage external borders according to the standards of the Schengen Borders Code, although work is in progress to establish these capacities. In particular, some core functions, e.g. risk analysis, are presently not implemented in full and the approach to border management is fragmented. Not all the national capacities suitable for border surveillance (Army, Navy) are fully used by the Hellenic Republic.
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