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Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

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Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:14 pm

Here it is folks. Greece has achieved the truly remarkable.

Greek Islanders and fishermen will be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

This will be one of the most deserved Nobel Peace prize nominations in history, because in Lesbos we have seen real altruism, respect, and dignity from people who are on low incomes and even pensioners below the poverty line. ... eace-prize

Greece should have this in the bag, in order to give the Nobel Award some final credibility.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby erolz66 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:36 pm

You don't get about (on the forum) much do you Paphitis ? :)
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Re: Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:45 pm

erolz66 wrote:You don't get about (on the forum) much do you Paphitis ? :)

Are you happy with this bit of news?

Credit where credit is due. Greece has outdone all the other members of Schengen perhaps. At the very least it is an extraordinary tale of humanity.
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Re: Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:14 pm

Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:You don't get about (on the forum) much do you Paphitis ? :)

Are you happy with this bit of news?

Credit where credit is due. Greece has outdone all the other members of Schengen perhaps. At the very least it is an extraordinary tale of humanity.

@Erolz, I think you are right, Paphitis does not get about much...and has to how Greece has managed to outdo all other members of Schengen...not applying the rules...

No, we must credit where Credit is due to the individuals concerned for what they are doing... Not quite so sure the scum of Golden Shower, oops Golden Yawn, oops Golden Dawn think the same way,.....

Golden Dawn's current favourite joke?

Q. What do you throw a Drowning Syrian Refugee

A. His wife and kids......

I for one salute the ladies and fisherman who are helping those in distress.
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Re: Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby erolz66 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:You don't get about (on the forum) much do you Paphitis ? :)

Are you happy with this bit of news?

Credit where credit is due. Greece has outdone all the other members of Schengen perhaps. At the very least it is an extraordinary tale of humanity.

I am always happy with news about people, especially ordinary people and especially those who themselves are suffering hardship and deprivations, showing remarkable and extra ordinary kindness and compassion and bravery for others. This is true if the people in question happen to be Greek, Cypriot, Turkish, Venezuelan, German, British, Indian, or any other nationality or ethnicity.

What I have 'reservations' about is a thesis that says in this case the reason why these people behaved as they did was because they were Greek. I just do not believe this. I think such examples of extra ordinary kindness and compassion and bravery for others have been , are and will be in the future shown by ordinary people around the world and I welcome and am happy for any and all of them to get recognition.

I have in fact come very close to signing the online petition myself more than once. What has held me back so far is uncertainty about what exactly it is I am supporting. I would like to see the nomination letter first and principally because of uncertainties created by a news story that GiG posted about this. This one. ... e-nominees

So for example If what I might be supporting is not in fact an effort to recognise 'ordinary people', who happen to be Greek, in and off themselves but is in fact an effort to use them to 'symbolically represent the “behavior and attitude of Greece.....”' then I probably will not sign. Similarly if what I am supporting is recognising the kindness and compassion and bravery of 'ordinary people' for other, by nominating Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon along with two other people, then I probably will not be signing either.

Hope that makes my position a bit clearer ?
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Re: Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:25 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:You don't get about (on the forum) much do you Paphitis ? :)

Are you happy with this bit of news?

Credit where credit is due. Greece has outdone all the other members of Schengen perhaps. At the very least it is an extraordinary tale of humanity.

I am always happy with news about people, especially ordinary people and especially those who themselves are suffering hardship and deprivations, showing remarkable and extra ordinary kindness and compassion and bravery for others. This is true if the people in question happen to be Greek, Cypriot, Turkish, Venezuelan, German, British, Indian, or any other nationality or ethnicity.

What I have 'reservations' about is a thesis that says in this case the reason why these people behaved as they did was because they were Greek. I just do not believe this. I think such examples of extra ordinary kindness and compassion and bravery for others have been , are and will be in the future shown by ordinary people around the world and I welcome and am happy for any and all of them to get recognition.

I have in fact come very close to signing the online petition myself more than once. What has held me back so far is uncertainty about what exactly it is I am supporting. I would like to see the nomination letter first and principally because of uncertainties created by a news story that GiG posted about this. This one. ... e-nominees

So for example If what I might be supporting is not in fact an effort to recognise 'ordinary people', who happen to be Greek, in and off themselves but is in fact an effort to use them to 'symbolically represent the “behavior and attitude of Greece.....”' then I probably will not sign. Similarly if what I am supporting is recognising the kindness and compassion and bravery of 'ordinary people' for other, by nominating Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon along with two other people, then I probably will not be signing either.

Hope that makes my position a bit clearer ?

I'm not saying it is because they are Greek. Of course other nationalities are more than capable of showing the exact same level of humanity and kindness.

But I am not seeing much on the MSM about other Schengen countries. I am only hearing a lot of intolerance, debauchery and the kind of attitudes Miltiades is famous for.

On the Greek Islands, such as Lesbos, I have seen a spirit that should be encouraging for all countries and these people should be recognized for it. Their stoic characters will not expect any reward or acknowledgement however. They themselves know what they have done and they believe they have already been rewarded for it.

But I think the other Schengen Countries need to acknowledge this incredible tenacity and true altruism which I can say does not seem to be as abundant as it is in Lesbos.
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Re: Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby erolz66 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:27 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:No, we must credit where Credit is due to the individuals concerned for what they are doing....

Our posts crossed, but let me say - exactly.

I covet your ability for succinctness btw. Said what I was trying to say using so few less words.
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Re: Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby erolz66 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:34 pm

Paphitis wrote: But I am not seeing much on the MSM about other Schengen countries. I am only hearing a lot of intolerance, debauchery and the kind of attitudes Miltiades is famous for.

I think it is very dangerous to extrapolate from such impressions. Firstly, of Schengen countries, Greece is by far and away bearing the 'brunt' of this unprecedented migration crisis. Secondly there have been stories about ordinary people showing extra ordinary compassion and kindness for those driven to such desperate measures as a result of this crisis in countries other than Greece. Even in their absence I remain convinced that such displays have happened, are happening and will continue to happen all over the place. Some will get media attention, the vast majority will not.

Paphitis wrote:On the Greek Islands, such as Lesbos, I have seen a spirit that should be encouraging for all countries and these people should be recognized for it.

No argument from me there.
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Re: Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:42 pm

Paphitis, I would advise you to avoid engaging with these two vitriolic trolls as they have trashed my original thread on this topic.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Monday joined over 230 academics from 111 universities in supporting the call for Greek islanders to be considered for this prestigious award.

Nobel Laureate Economist Sir Christopher Pisaridis, Professor Margaret MacMillan from Oxford University as well as Professor Anthony Giddens from the London School of Economics are among those who have signed the nomination.

The campaign called “Aegean Solidarity Movement” includes over 16 groups and individuals from 9 islands and was submitted to the Nobel Prize committee on Sunday, a day before nominations closed. It says, “the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II has been dealt with so far through the unprecedented, spontaneous mobilizations of ordinary, largely-anonymous people.”

In support of the campaign, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu said, “The manner in which ordinary residents of the Greek Islands rallied to provide for an estimated 900,000 refugees last year was quite extraordinary. Just imagine 900,000 visitors in desperate need arriving at the door of your reasonably modest establishment. Hungry, exhausted and in a state of acute emotional distress... They don't speak the same language as you or ascribe to the same cultural or religious beliefs. What do you do? You open the door. Incredible!” ... VYVni.dpuf
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Re: Greek islanders to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Postby erolz66 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:00 pm

In GiGland, GiG can never be culpable herself to any degree at all for anything, by definition in that strange land.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Paphitis, I would advise you to avoid engaging with these two vitriolic trolls as they have trashed my original thread on this topic.

back in the real world

erolz66 wrote:It could be suggested that if you had just replied to my post with 'fuck off my thread is not about that' it would have ended there and that it was your attempt to try and deny that Greece had even been criticised (let alone threatened) by the EU Commission that led to it going on for page after tedious page.

Just as a parent who is so fantical about protecting their child that they do not let the child leave the house can not see the damage their fanaticism is doing to that child, so you are unable to see the consequences of your fanaticism.

You claim that I went 'off topic' because I am a Greek hater. The reality is much closer to I felt a need to offer some balance because it was you, such a rabid fanatical 'protector' of all things Greek. If it had been started by someone less rabidly fanatical, someone themselves more balanced, it is highly likely I would not have felt a similar need to the same degree as I did when it was you.
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