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CBBB, denizaksulu, DrCyprus, erolz66, GreekIslandGirl, Jerry, Linichka, MR-from-NG, supporttheunderdog, Tim Drayton
miltiades, Paphitis, Schnauzer
Total votes : 13


Postby Garavnoss » Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:37 pm

miltiades wrote:Any wonder why I call him a pervert?
However, regretfully I have a plane to catch and no further time until this coming Wednesday.I have also decided that I will ignore the two Fing idiots, you know the one whose and goal is to topple Assad and of course the Pervert who wants Isis to rule ... Britannia. Both are just not worth a response so hence forth they shall be ignored.

Have a great time and talk on Wednesday, MOT is ...waiting!! :lol: :lol:

Ah well, I might as well sod off myself till Wednesday. :lol:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:47 pm

miltiades wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I am a suspicious person by nature, and without this meaning that I am taking sides on this, I think the question of how on you got married to a British woman deserves another topic. You revealed so many personal things about yourself one more one less wouldn't hurt.

I also have a question concerning what I've read so far. You said you paid 33 pounds to the travel agent. Can you tell us what 33 pounds meant back then? Also where did you find all that money at the age of 15, considering what you said that you were hiding it from your father?
I remember my late mother saying she was saving money to buy a plot by the traffic lights of Honda in Nicosia, which was on sale for 50 pounds...

Good question, let me first tell all how I managed to raise enough money for my ticket and also £CY 8.00 that I had with me when I left Cyprus.

As you will recall I left Cyprus on October 25th 1961. I had gone to Lanitio 3rd class, never went back for class tetarti. Instead I worked as a labourer, guess where amongst other places. In the Lanition grounds when the female part of the school was being built.

Did a month there or so, then worked for £1.00 a day at Akrotiri, me and another young guy had to load a lorry with sand using a shovel. The weather was extremely hot but we managed a lorry and half a day.
Did a few weeks at Provita feeding corn into the grinders. I got together about 30 pounds , then I went to Paphos hitchhiking most of the way and managed to get to Stroumbi, saw my late godmother, a wonderful woman who gave me £5.00. Then I made my way to Theletra to see my late grandfather and my late uncle, my fathers brother. I got about £20, all in with my savings I manage to have over £50. In todays money I should think about 4 -500 pounds.

Now why did I marry an English girl ? Well thousands of Cypriots are married to English women, my older brother included, but the main reason is that we loved each other, normal. Met when we were both 17 and married at 21 till death did us part.
Hope I have answered your question.

Yes quite clearly. Thanks.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:09 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I am a suspicious person by nature, and without this meaning that I am taking sides on this, I think the question of how on you got married to a British woman deserves another topic. You revealed so many personal things about yourself one more one less wouldn't hurt.

I also have a question concerning what I've read so far. You said you paid 33 pounds to the travel agent. Can you tell us what 33 pounds meant back then? Also where did you find all that money at the age of 15, considering what you said that you were hiding it from your father?
I remember my late mother saying she was saving money to buy a plot by the traffic lights of Honda in Nicosia, which was on sale for 50 pounds...

In the latter days of the fifties, the Brits were offering rewards for the capture of EOKA fighters [or information] and, depending upon the outcome of actions or investigations, sums of money into many thousands of pounds were made available.

Even schoolchildren were targeted, some of them may have succumbed to temptation and acted in a manner which placed them in danger of being sought after by the EOKA fighters themselves, they may have been obliged to flee Cyprus and seek refuge elsewhere.

We may never know of their identities BUT, there is nothing wrong with harboring suspicions since many a good patriot paid with their lives as a result of such treachery whilst the informers [the curse of Jayzus on 'em] feathered their nests with "Blood Money".

"I" [along with multitudes of others] would NEVER "Grass" on anyone BUT, there ARE those who wouldn't think twice about it.

I am sure that [to this day] there are old EOKA fighters who would not welcome such collaborators in their midst and "I" [if I ever became aware of any] would break my own code of ethics and "Grass" them up and that's a fact. 8)

As a suspicious person that I am, I have to use my brain as well.
He was just 15. All the information he had access to was insignificant. At best he would knew the person who was printing the leaflets he was delivering.There were 100s of polygraph printers at schools and hundreds of private printers, any such info would be useless to the British, let aside pay him even one pound reward. Eoka was very well organized and those of Eoka men who were declared "wanted" had a complicated system of hiding and avoiding arrest. Not even their family members knew their whereabouts.
Besides he left Cyprus in 1961. If he was a traitor he would have left earlier with a British military plane, and the British would have changed his identity.
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Postby tsukoui » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:22 pm

miltiades wrote:Any wonder why I call him a pervert?

Because he keeps looking at porn. So called "interracial porn" to be precise. He just can't help wanking to racist white girls bowing down to black men and loving it. He's jealous of all the support "white" girls give to black men in society, not just a fetish but recognition that without their sexual temptations there would be violence. But where does this get black men except the odd blowey? They're still at the bottom no? If Cypriots had such support maybe Cyprus would be free, or maybe we'd be treated like even more rubbish than before... In fact it is a fetish and serves to keep black men in their place, instant gratification replaces real action, black men don't need this kind of support, the fact that they think they do shows that they're still thinking of themselves as purely physical beings whose only purpose is breeding... but times are changing... black men are becoming superior and what started as support is turning into begging for clemency... the pervert can only wank and watch... why?... because he's half-"white"...
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Postby Cap » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:39 pm

tsukoui wrote:
miltiades wrote:Any wonder why I call him a pervert?

Because he keeps looking at porn. So called "interracial porn" to be precise. He just can't help wanking to racist white girls bowing down to black men and loving it. He's jealous of all the support "white" girls give to black men in society, not just a fetish but recognition that without their sexual temptations there would be violence. But where does this get black men except the odd blowey? They're still at the bottom no? If Cypriots had such support maybe Cyprus would be free, or maybe we'd be treated like even more rubbish than before... In fact it is a fetish and serves to keep black men in their place, instant gratification replaces real action, black men don't need this kind of support, the fact that they think they do shows that they're still thinking of themselves as purely physical beings whose only purpose is breeding... but times are changing... black men are becoming superior and what started as support is turning into begging for clemency... the pervert can only wank and watch... why?... because he's half-"white"...

To be honest, I couldn't care less.

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Postby tsukoui » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:54 pm

Cap wrote:
tsukoui wrote:
miltiades wrote:Any wonder why I call him a pervert?

Because he keeps looking at porn. So called "interracial porn" to be precise. He just can't help wanking to racist white girls bowing down to black men and loving it. He's jealous of all the support "white" girls give to black men in society, not just a fetish but recognition that without their sexual temptations there would be violence. But where does this get black men except the odd blowey? They're still at the bottom no? If Cypriots had such support maybe Cyprus would be free, or maybe we'd be treated like even more rubbish than before... In fact it is a fetish and serves to keep black men in their place, instant gratification replaces real action, black men don't need this kind of support, the fact that they think they do shows that they're still thinking of themselves as purely physical beings whose only purpose is breeding... but times are changing... black men are becoming superior and what started as support is turning into begging for clemency... the pervert can only wank and watch... why?... because he's half-"white"...

To be honest, I couldn't care less.


Gravinos never had dreams of creating his own army of "white" girls to protect him like Gaddafi, he wanted to humble them for their racist ways. He made his own porn with pen and paper (so as not to exploit women) at a young age and then discovered Anime, for the Japanese were on the same wavelength, except they were obsessed with younger girls whilst he liked them old or at least older than his young age. Then it all went wrong and he discovered that the racist "whites" couldn't care less about Asians, not even the Cypriot ones, and were obsessed with the idea that "blacks" were the lowest of the low. Now he no longer makes porn comics, but still is drawn to the "racist" dynamics of male/female relationships in the United States and to some extent Europe. The truth is Miltiades is Gravinos' father.
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Postby tsukoui » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:11 pm

Just another scapegoat! I should really shut up when I read "white" girls minds :(
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:53 pm

Garavnoss wrote:I am sure that [to this day] there are old EOKA fighters who would not welcome such collaborators in their midst and "I" [if I ever became aware of any] would break my own code of ethics and "Grass" them up and that's a fact. 8)

Stupid thinking. None of the old EOKA fighters, such as they are today, would care about a child that left the hardship and pain after Cyprus was signed over to the TCs. You should be setting your sights on those so-called TCs that scarpered in the 1950s with imperialist partners whose children have returned - post-1974 - to enjoy the rewards of Turkish-British collaboration that we now call the "Turkish occupied region of Cyprus". They are the ones crying out to be recognized as true "Cypriot". The shame is on the older generation of GCs who are still giving these TCs another chance at Cyprus - that's the only thing I would find Milty (and a few others) guilty of (but, it's their soft hearts).
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Postby Linichka » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:06 am

I wish to God that you, Milti - and anyone, everyone, on this forum, would simply tell in your own very individual ways what went on, what happened, what all was really like, loathed and embraced, in your extraordinary and unique life experiences, without all these bloody interruptions, tiresome bullshit, petty carping at one another, political observations.

No polls should be required. If no one wants to read, let them pass it by.

Every last one of us has unique stories to relate about our lives. Personally, I enjoy them very much, and need not agree with all or even any of the content. Who cares whether I do?

I'd even like to read the stories of the one or two posters I find to be generally arseholes. Who knows what you lot might have to contribute?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:03 am

erolz66 wrote:
Garavnoss wrote: We may never know of their identities BUT, there is nothing wrong with harboring suspicions since ....

disctionary definition wrote:harbour

gerund or present participle: harbouring
keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly.

If only you would 'habour' you suspicions rather than relentlessly spewing hearsay allegations here without providing any evidence and all from the safety of your anonymous forum identity. Put up of for fucks sake shut up.

In the latter days of the fifties, there were undoubtedly, along with informers, a small number for whom the 'cause' was in fact just an excuse and cover for them to get away with exercising personal vendettas against people they had grudges with and as such they were a disgrace and dishonour to the 'cause' and those who truly had sacrificed for it. Nasty thugs and bullies pretending to be patriots. You appear to me to be a contemporary equivalent of this, seeking to try and use and exploit claimed patriotism when in fact you are really just pursuing your own personal agenda. All from the safety of your anonymous forum identity of course.

...well said erolz.

i too would like to know more about Garavnoss, i have invited him/her more than once to tell us something that might give us an idea, that he/she is Cypriot, but to this day, as far as i know we know only that he/she claims to come from Paphos. Personally, i think that he/she could be one of those Brits, who call themselves Irish, (his writing is so 'enchanting'), pissed all the time, and always resentful of one thing or another, maybe even a carpetbagger, given the qualities of his/her character, given the political opinions he/she has about the rest of us as "Allah's" witness.

...who has 'no shame', i ask:

1. Milti, who willfully regales us with his life's story, (such as it is, for the pleasure of it).

2. Garavnoss, who has taken to judge so harshly this man, (for his own pleasure, with so much effort and time)?

...Lucky that Cyprus has a Forum like this one, lucky that we are Free; something to think about, ,

@tsuk, interesting conclusion; deep.
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