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CBBB, denizaksulu, DrCyprus, erolz66, GreekIslandGirl, Jerry, Linichka, MR-from-NG, supporttheunderdog, Tim Drayton
miltiades, Paphitis, Schnauzer
Total votes : 13


Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:11 pm

Hey Pervert, this was in 1961, the British were no longer rulers.
Your blatant stupidity is obvious to all, now do me a favour and GET LOST, or does fuck off turn you on more!!
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Postby Garavnoss » Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:29 pm

miltiades wrote:Hey Pervert, this was in 1961, the British were no longer rulers.!

We ALL know that.., but as stated, military objectives take many years of forward planning before the actions are put in place.

Are you not aware of the fact that a British Officer [accompanied by his "Batman"] spent a considerable amount of time checking out the demographics of the island [under the pretence that they were engaged in painting the scenery] in preparation for the invasion ?.

I would not be surprised to learn that you are ignorant of such a fact since it was NOT reported in the news,nonetheless it's true.

The "Borders" were well defined years before the invasion and only a fool [such as yourself] would not be able to recognize the fact.

NOW.., enough of your bleating little overtures designed to ingratiate yourself, OUT with the truth, you may feel better for it. 8)
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:36 am

...pardon me Garavnoss, it pains me, you being such a vile and miserable ass. Normally i just avoid reading the hateful sputum you take for "General Chat", but i feel the need to tell you.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:51 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...pardon me Garavnoss, it pains me, you being such a vile and miserable ass. Normally i just avoid reading the hateful sputum you take for "General Chat", but i feel the need to tell you.

You are such a polite man RW, my language would be far more ....colourful. Must however take into account the " things" mental state, he is after all a confirmed ISIS supporter, considers beheadings and the throwing of men off tall buildings, massacring of innocents, all perfectly acceptable. He is a sick bastard and a fucking coward. I, Miltiades, hereby declare that if I ever come across this sick bastard I shall ...tickle his belly :lol: :lol:
What a filthy pervert he is.
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Postby Linichka » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:45 am

I find it amusing that the guy periodically dismisses me as a 'Jew in a yarmulke' - when I'm a woman, and, though Israeli, Russian Orthodox!

I get sick and bloody tired of excessive political correctness, all this delicate tip-toeing around issues that largely bore the crap out of the groups we think we are shielding, but I find Mr. Chimp in a Suit unpalatable and disgusting.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:47 am


...i don't have a difficulty calling you a Patriot, when it comes to being Cypriot. I hardly know what Garavnoss is, as you say, as i've said before, i believe he claims that he's from Paphos, i still think he is one of those Brits who revel in their bereavement, what "they" were, and who hate the world they cannot change, because it has changed, yet they live here, he/she is so bitter. That or an Irish sot who is lovable, who has no home if you will, lovable only in that the true nature of those around him reveal themselves; fantasy, as you say, contrarily contrary. "German" is another guess, or a Carpetbagger. Cypriot, Greek or Turkish, rather than "Greek" or "Turkish", i find most unlikely.

...feels like Christmas; who said Humbug, poor soul. Carry on friend(s); whenever you are ready my Doctor, my dear friend.
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Postby Garavnoss » Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:20 am

Garavnoss wrote:I'd be more interested in your admission that you were engaged in loading up lorries with sand when you were paid a pound a day [by the Brits] for your labour in Akrotiri.

That sand was probably used as a building material assisting the Brits to construct the many barracks they needed to consolidate their position and house their troops in Cyprus.

Furthermore, [given that military objectives often take many years to plan] the Brits would need a multitude of "Sand Bags" to place strategically AFTER the planned invasion by the Turks [in cahoots with your friends the Yanks] in order to determine the borders.

Well done mate, your efforts were greatly appreciated by ALL those [including Turks] who participated in the destruction of Cyprus.

Incidentally.., the Brits are quite fond of the "Pound a day" wage for rats that were willing to do their bidding, THAT sum was the wage paid to the "Black and Tans" who brought havoc to the "Irish" when they struggled against the Brits in days gone by.

Persecution, Famine and a host of other atrocities has ever been the favourite weapon of the Brits when they set out to crush the spirits of ANY nation they wish to impose their will upon...., congratulations to YOU, you played a great part.

NOW.... never mind the bollocks, come clean and face facts, your "Story" is as big a load of fabricated nonsense as your claims to be a Cypriot patriot,

MY ARSE ! 8)

Hey Milti, you seem to have side-stepped the bit about filling the "Sand Bags" for the Brits. :shock:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:44 am

miltiades wrote:
miltiades wrote:It was about 4 or 5 years ago when my self and my older brother were both in Cyprus, we do not have that much in common I must admit, but we get on fabulously well , especially when we are both in Cyprus. In the UK I see him mostly every day, he is a real character and rather eccentric but a well liked man because he is so down to earth , genuinely funny, and given to occasional spurs of extraordinary eccentric outbursts . How many people does anyone know for instance who have three whistles dangling on a chain tied to his trouser belt which he uses to ...announce his arrival at my store, at his house summoning his large family to dinner !!

He almost was arrested at Paphos airport once when on coming out of the airport he used his whistle to summon my younger brother who was picking up from the airport, a policeman sternly told him not to do it again as in these days of terrorist activities it could cause concern. He is 76 years of age, like my self a diabetic but on insulin as against my self who is still on tablets.

We fancied a steak so we visited a restaurant in Limassol, the Taurus Steak House.

We had dined there before and were very pleased with the quality of the steaks. He, my brother, is a fillet man, I a sirloin, both rare
served on hot plates. He is very particular of the ...temperature plate on been put on the table as he always pulls out a digital thermometer and takes the plates temperature !!!

We have great laughs, and lots of frivolous conversation , He is not either into politics or deep conversations, a naturally funny guy who continually mixes his Greek WITH English TO MY ANNOYANCE !

This above story is related to the main thread story hence my reason for bringing it up.
Will continue after breakfast...

We were served by a young waitress of Eastern European origins, for our first course, the main course was presented by an elderly Greek Cypriot in his late 60s who we thought might be the owner. We exchanged a few pleasantries and soon we got to know that he was in the UK for more than 40 years , returning to Cyprus and that the restaurant belonged to a relative of his and he, the waiter, was just helping out.

He looked at my brother and propmtly said " I know you" moved his glance over to me and said " I know you too".

How do you know me , my brother asked? We worked together in the early 60s, mentioning Angus Steak house, many many Cypriots had at some stage worked for Angus Steak Houses . He remember my brothers name and out he came with it! What a memory, my brother said.

And how do you know me, I asked ?
Dont you rembember he replied, we were on the Fochea ship together way back in 1961 !!
Cant remember your name he said, but you must remember me, your father asked me and a couple of other guys to keep an eye on you.

Now this was about 48 years ago, his memory left me dazzled. Do you use computers I asked him, No he responded I have never used one and neither do I ever want to go near one, they spread ...viruses. Exactly what my older brother says.

His recollection of our departure from Limassol and eventual arrival at Victoria was quite amazing, his brain stored all the data, unlike those of us that prefer computer storage.

We shared a drink or two and departed having had a wonderful meal and still amazed at the memory this guy had. I mean, I was only 15 years old at the time and this guy remembered me 48 or so years later!!
My next chapter will be my arrival at Victoria station, where on earth is GR, he loves this story I dont want him to miss it :lol: :lol:

The ferry from Calais to Dover was for me a very pleasant experience, spent the 2 hours or so chatting to the young lady daughter of the family returning to London after their long holiday in Cyprus. Don't remember their names, such a long long time ago more than half a century, I do recall that the father was a barber as he offered me a free haircut as he handed me a note with his address.

Come stay with us the mother asked, until you find somewhere to work and stay. I was determined however to test what I was told back in Cyprus about Greek hotels very near Victoria station, somehow the thrill of being on my own won the better of me and I declined their kind offer.

Only had a small suitcase as well as a rolled up and tied with rope Paploma, my father insisted I took one with me as the weather in London was very cold !!

From Dover the ultimate journey to London, I actually thought that London had one only arrival point, Victoria, I knew that London had underground trains running and this I found so fascinating.

The short journey on Monday October 30th 1961 was my final one , shortly arriving at Victoria Station late to early evening.

I was in a state of heightened excitement not considering either finding a job or accommodation, just knew that something would turn up....
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:40 am

Linichka wrote:I find it amusing that the guy periodically dismisses me as a 'Jew in a yarmulke' - when I'm a woman, and, though Israeli, Russian Orthodox!

I get sick and bloody tired of excessive political correctness, all this delicate tip-toeing around issues that largely bore the crap out of the groups we think we are shielding, but I find Mr. Chimp in a Suit unpalatable and disgusting.

I completely agree with you Linitchka. Unfortunately such sick bastards are tolerated here, and I for one know admins response to any complaint.
Carry on Miltiades, you shall not be overcome!
I apologise for swearing.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:37 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Linichka wrote:I find it amusing that the guy periodically dismisses me as a 'Jew in a yarmulke' - when I'm a woman, and, though Israeli, Russian Orthodox!

I get sick and bloody tired of excessive political correctness, all this delicate tip-toeing around issues that largely bore the crap out of the groups we think we are shielding, but I find Mr. Chimp in a Suit unpalatable and disgusting.

I completely agree with you Linitchka. Unfortunately such sick bastards are tolerated here, and I for one know admins response to any complaint.
Carry on Miltiades, you shall not be overcome!
I apologise for swearing.

Swearing ??? Never !
Neither do I :lol: :lol:
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