supporttheunderdog wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:erolz66 wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:I'm wondering if those hypocrites in the EU still require Greece to check the passports or IDs or birth certificates of those who we were pulled out of the sea half dead.
Yes they do, for if there are is no processing of these people how can it be established what rights such people have in order that those right can be protected under the law, local, EU and international ?
If 50 people turn up on the shores of the RoC (or the green line for that matter), should the RoC just treat them all as valid asylum seekers without doing any checks to establish where they have come from and why and if they indeed do have a valid claim to asylum or not ? If 500 turn up ? 5000 ? 50,000 ?
Do you seriously think this should be the procedure?
When you have an influx of thousands per day that turn out to be valid asylum seekers you would exclude 50 of them simply because they lost their papers by getting half drowned in the sea?

He's clutching at straws to find fault with Greece.
You do make me "g"IGle
We have official EU press releases on official EU Reports of investigations, which describe the serious violations. Some straw, that is.
Now answer the question, do you acccept that the Commission has found Serious violations and that Greece has been required to take steps to remedy them, and where it has been pointed out in those same reports that if adequatae action is not taken, Greece risks suspension of Schengen membership? If not, what counter evidence do you offer in rebutsl to the Official EU press reports?
The EU can go FUCK itself with its reports.
they have given Greece absolutely no assistance and Greece isn't Germany's and the UK's border guards.
Germany and the UK can go FUCK itself and give Tsipras a blow job and kick them out of the EU and Schengen.
FUCKING with what audacity?
Why don't the Brits and Germans send some police and customs over and some military too to help Greece?
They can stick their Schengen up their arse.
Why countries like Greece degrade themselves is beyond me.