Maximus wrote:erolz66 wrote:There are those that post on forums such as these who have no problem doing so without hiding their real world identities and then there are those who only post on forums like these because they can do so whilst hiding their real world identities.
Which are you ?
neither, I post on this forum because I want to.
That is fair enough and maybe I was too binary in my description above. However to me there are clearly some posters here (and on forums generally) who only post what they do because they can do so whilst maintaining an anonymity. Posters that would not post what they do if they could not do so anonymously. You almost certainly do not fall into that category given what you have said but that is different from saying such a category does not exist at all.
Maximus wrote:because a real world identity does not automatically make a comment more credible. As a matter of fact, there are comments all over the internet from real world identities that are absolutely not credible. The opposite is also true, there are comments all over the internet from pseudo identities that are based in logic and fact that are absolutely credible.
Again this is probably my fault in my lack of clarity before. I am not saying that anyone who uses their real world identity or is unconcerned about keeping it secret is automatically more credible. I am suggesting that someone who is in the category '
only posts
because they are and can remain anonymous' does have a question mark around the credibility of their posts because of this. For me this is certainly the case here having been on and watched this forum for the 10+ years I have been here.
Maximus wrote:who is erolz66? If you changed your forum name to Erol Zuhal, do you think your comments would have more credibility on this forum?
I think the fact that I only say stuff here that I would say also in real life and that I have no concerns that what I post here as erolz could be attributed to me Erol Ziya , the actual real world person does give what I say more credibility than posts from someone who would not say those things they say here openly in the real world as they say them here and
only do so here
because they think such comments could not ever be attributed to their real world identity.
Maximus wrote:Have you ever listened to a real world identity, you know, one you could see, smell, hear and touch and thought to yourself What a load of b@llsh1t? Yes, if you knew their name would you have given what they had to say any more credence?
Hey I have in the past met in person and real life GR, so you do not need to explain to me how 'real world' people can talk bollocks

(sorry GR , just light humour to try and make my point). The point is for all the times and things I disagree with GR about I do know that he is 'real' - that when he posts here he knows that such things can be and are attributable to him as a real person in the real world. Compare that with say posts from the like of 'Garavnoss' and yes there is for me at least more 'credence' (maybe that is not the right word) for me in posts from GR than Garavnoss. Over the 10+ years I have used this forum I have openly stated my real world name when appropriate (just do a search on Erol Ziya if you are interested) and have met up in person with a fair number of other posters here. Then there are those that have been posting here for even longer than I have under various names and do so loudly and vociferously and who to the best of my knowledge have never offered their real world identity or ever met a single other person from the forum in real life. I do wonder about such posters and their seeming need to require anonymity in order to say the things they do here in the way they do.
Anyway the point of starting this thread was to invite discussion on this subject so let me thank you for your comments Maximus and for giving me the opportunity to clarify what it is I am saying / suggesting. Thanks.