Paphitis wrote:Garavnoss wrote:Paphitis wrote:Oh btw, back on the topic of Obama's speech, there was no mention at all about Military Might.
He described America as potentially the best country in the world and that when it was beaten, Americans "did not complain", they just get on with business. Like when the Russians beat them to space with Sputnik, America put man on the moon.
Now, the bar has been set and America will put man on Mars. And the gauntlet he threw down as a challenge is to find a cure for cancer.
It's these yardsticks he used to measure America's "greatness".
But don't let the facts get in the way there Garavnoss, in order to paint Obama as a megalomaniac.
I happen to agree, that if America achieves the cure for cancer, I think it will be a great thing. If another country beats them to it, then hooray for the country as well as all human kind. I think the cure for cancer will come from Australia anyway, just like everything else. The Aussies are the best when it comes to medical research and they spend the most money.
Have to agree with you on your comments about Australia and their medical research and [from experience] I would commend the "Dental expertise " of the Australians to anyone.
As to the contentious issues contained in the speech recently made by the Ameri-Coon, forget about how "Great" America considers itself to be and focus on it's internal issues.
If a nation is unable to control it's own population [and here I would cite several serious shortcomings, whether cultural, racial or other] it is hardly in a position to openly boast of it's "Greatness" when such issues are like a flood-tide lapping on it's own doorstep.
King "COON-ute" might dream of stemming the flood BUT, it will take a little more than bold talk to do it and, putting a man on Mars [or even curing Cancer] is a poor substitute for [on the one hand] promising mankind in general a healthier more productive future, whilst [on the other hand] continue with foreign policies which only seem to promote the waging of wars upon other nations and creating situations which destroy FAR more lives than ALL the hoped for futuristic promises will save.
When IS take control, things might be a little different.

They will put man on Mars. That I am 100% sure of. As for curing cancer I'm not so sure. But they will try.
I don't see any internal problems in the USA. Put it this way, Cyprus has more internal problems considering the stupidity of its leaders.
The only big issue I see in America is gun control. The gun lobbies are too strong and you got to worry when people are free to possess military style automatic assault rifles. Universal Health care is another issue they can't seem to get right due political expediency.
Don't worry,, very soon the will be giving Al Baghdadi a proper and discreet sea burial.
Other than that, I see a very great country.
The BIG issue which seems to be looming large in America is more akin to "Racism" and the problems that attend them, it has become difficult [among Americans] to determine just what an American is since it is a melting pot of so many different ideologies among so many different cultures AND races.
A quick glance at the variety of off-shoots of the SAME Christian beliefs is confirmation enough and the near "Lunacy" of many of them is a fair indication of why so many well defined nations [with their OWN ideologies] regard America as "The Great Satan".
The manifestation of IS and the speed in which it has developed, could well be compared to the "Hydra" since, cutting off one head merely encourages another to take it's place and invariably the new head appears to be more ferocious than it's predecessor.
To kill the "Hydra", one needs to kill the heart and, since the heart is attuned to that which [those that follow believe] is indestructible on account of the fact that DEATH is not a fearsome thing, therefore the slaying of the "Hydra" is a little more difficult than the mythological one.
Ultimately, there WILL be a "Caliphate" and the amusing fact [if one may call such a development amusing] is that SOMEHOW the Western Powers will manage to convince the general public [of their own nations] that such was their intention all along.
More amusing, the general public will believe them.
The IS are doing nothing more [or less] than ANY other movement which sought/seeks recognition, it's a matter of encroachment upon the lands and properties of others in order to gain it's establishment, the Israeli's have done [are still doing] it, the Turks and a host of others are making the same waves BUT, the IS are a bit more open about their intentions and THAT approach is absolutely not on as far as the Western Powers are concerned, they prefer a little more "Guile" when they undertake their exploits.
Nice to communicate without the use of insult or foul language, even though we are poles apart.., thank you.