GreekIslandGirl wrote:Garavnoss wrote:I DID indicate that the INTRODUCTION of slavery was wrong but since it WAS introduced, it was wrong to grant the slaves freedom on account of the damage to our cultures since such an act.
And by the same logic I take it you support Turkey's position that since it has now
enslaved us (no rights to own property in parts of our country) it should carry on enslaving us as it may damage its own culture if we were 'free'?
Absolutely NOT and may I add that your analogy is an extremely poor one since [one small point] the Turkish invasion was/is condemned by numerous nations who had nothing specifically to gain from it, whereas, the Yanks, Brits, Israelis and others in cahoots had/have.
Slavery was a particularly evil imposition upon the African nation, the USUAL powers foisted it upon those who suffered from it BUT, since the abolition of it [and it was probably SHAME rather than GOOD WILL that abolished it] the generations that followed [and I would name the "West Indians" and the latest generation] have had a seriously detrimental influence on ANY nation they have taken up residence in.
The situation in Cyprus is such that, it SUITS the "Terrorist Trio" and will only be resolved when THEY decide that the time is right, when [and if] the Turks are obliged to withdraw, the Cyprus that will remain will be unrecognizable and I think one should forget about changes for the better, the influence of the "Old Slave-masters" is now too far ingrained and the average Cypriot is almost institutionalized, in fact, there are those who have almost resigned themselves to the situation, even those who are in favour of it.
I cannot see much hope for the return of old values BUT, I feel obliged to add that YOU are one that knows how to stand by your guns when all around have run for the hills [an attribute to be proud of, if I may be so bold].