Garavnoss wrote:In my defence , I would be bound to disagree with your assumption that I "Hate" America and the American people, I would concede that I have a great intolerance for their notions that they are such a great nation and DO condemn the manner in which they assume that they are entitled to dictate policy to all other nations. [History surely confirms such a statement].
Oh I must extend my sincerest apologies for my assumption.
I accept that you do not hate America or Americans.
You do however go against the grain of what makes America and the West great, and America does not dictate policy and let's most countries do what they want within reason of course. there are many countries that it will turn the other cheek despite so many HR violations and a seemingly complete disregard for Western Values. Not America's position to try and change every country.
Garavnoss wrote:As to my opinion regarding "Racism", I do not consider it "Racist" to highlight the obvious fact that the "Coons" have had [and are having] a very negative influence on the cultures of every nation wherein they have chosen to reside and the "Youth" of such nations are surely confirmation of THAT.
So now I understand WHY you do not accept that America is a great country. America offers a tolerant society to minorities and other ethnicities. Something you do not accept. So you would prefer Apartheid South Africa instead but then you revere Mandela and Mugabe. OK then, I understand completely.
Garavnoss wrote:I stand by my contention that the abolition of slavery was a serious misjudgment and that it is to our own detriment that we [who enslaved and then freed them] will forever pay the price for such misjudgment.
So now I not only understand your preference for Apartheid South Africa, but also for the Caliphate of DAESH. Blacks, Women, and Christians into slavery.
Got it!
Garavnoss wrote:Given of course that the act of enslavement was WRONG in the first place, but that which is done is done, hence my contention that "The Cotton Fields" were the proper place for them, since they do not know how to conduct themselves among we [more civilized] nations.
Oh OK, DAESH can place all Blacks, Non Sunnis, Christians, Assyrians, etc into the "Cotton Fields" This will surely make the Caliphate a Great Nation, far greater than America. got it!
Garavnoss wrote:As for "Pooftors", [note the NEW spelling since the letters may be arranged as "Rooftops"] I am absolutely intolerant of their filthy habits, the world does not need such vile beings and the higher the "Rooftops" the better.
So another reason why America is not a great nation for you. They don't throw P@#fters from the rooftops. OK got it!
Garavnoss wrote:I note that you did not make any comments about the other issues mentioned in my previous post, may I assume that you are somewhat [convinced or in agreement] inclined to accept that there may be some valid observations among them ?.
No can't say I am in agreement with you on anything.
You see, I think America is a great nation for exactly the reasons you find unacceptable. Tolerance, and respect is what America offers, and for that they are a remarkably great country.
So now we know why you believe America is not great. May America continue to be not great forever if that is the case!
I am so happy that America has so many friends of like-minded countries who are as equally Great but in your eyes the exact opposite.