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Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:17 pm

Called at my local Carrefour today, not my favourite supermarket, but convenient,.....tend to use Alpha Mega, or Lidl, for selective products, and increasingly often the local fruitaria and local butcher..and noticed a shortage of many carrefour own brand products, in particular cleaning items, like detergent, dishwasher powder and the like, and cheese. They used to have a range of Carrefour brand sliced cheeses, not necessarily the best but quite acceptable for everyday consumption.

I know that the French bailed out so it is now 100% Greek owned and is run under the Carrefour name on some sort of franchise or licence basis but with the paucity of corporate branded products, one wonders if there will be a rebranding.

Also noticed some shelves only half full... Packed only two or three rows deep with produce...last time i saw that was Orphanides. I sincerely hope they do not go the same way.

Any gossip?
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Re: Carrefour

Postby Sotos » Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:46 pm

We always shop at Carrefour and I didn't notice any issues. But I never buy carrefour brand products... I bought a few times in the past and the quality was not very good.
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Re: Carrefour

Postby CBBB » Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:59 pm

Sotos wrote:We always shop at Carrefour and I didn't notice any issues. But I never buy carrefour brand products... I bought a few times in the past and the quality was not very good.

You expect quality from a Greek company?
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Re: Carrefour

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:19 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Called at my local Carrefour today, not my favourite supermarket, but convenient,.....tend to use Alpha Mega, or Lidl, for selective products, and increasingly often the local fruitaria and local butcher..and noticed a shortage of many carrefour own brand products, in particular cleaning items, like detergent, dishwasher powder and the like, and cheese. They used to have a range of Carrefour brand sliced cheeses, not necessarily the best but quite acceptable for everyday consumption.

I know that the French bailed out so it is now 100% Greek owned and is run under the Carrefour name on some sort of franchise or licence basis but with the paucity of corporate branded products, one wonders if there will be a rebranding.

Also noticed some shelves only half full... Packed only two or three rows deep with produce...last time i saw that was Orphanides. I sincerely hope they do not go the same way.

Any gossip?

This is an indication the particular shop will close soon. But they do have a lot of shops.
Gone are the days anyone would sell on credit to crooks like Orphanides. Today everybody sells cash.
Most people only know of supermarket owners been crooks, but mind you the disease was all over. Aquasol and Leptos in the Hotel business, the vast majority of Developers, you name it, even Shacolas and his malls.
The ones who survived the shock of the crisis will never again go bankrupt while also dragging their suppliers to the grave. It's over.

Do you know hat's the greatest risk today? SOME OF THE BANKS! There's still not enough control from the European or the local Central Bank.
The Cypriot crooks at those specific Banks just discovered they can spend millions without having profits just because they have enough liquidity from deposits. There's no mechanism to question the money they spend around without having any profits and without blinking an eyelid. The No1 crook in this respect is Hellenic Bank and the whore that the major shareholder put there for president. These people are ALREADY crunching people's deposits and no one seems to care.
If this continues then mark my words, the next coming disaster will be from Hellenic Bank.
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Re: Carrefour

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:56 pm

CBBB wrote:
Sotos wrote:We always shop at Carrefour and I didn't notice any issues. But I never buy carrefour brand products... I bought a few times in the past and the quality was not very good.

You expect quality from a Greek company?

You will be for ever cursed by GiG for such a comment, which is one in this case I could not support. If they are Carrefour branded they will likely be French....and you can be as rude about the Frogs as you like...: :D :D Otherwise in the major chains you tend to have the same range of external supplier product so all are pretty much much of a muchness on quality, so it comes down to other factors. like price, location, etc.

On own Brands I am personally selective about the products I buy, which ever store I use. Some I find "OK", many not, as the cheapest do not always represent best value. Yer pays yer money and takes yer choice...
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Re: Carrefour

Postby Cap » Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:34 pm

CBBB wrote:
Sotos wrote:We always shop at Carrefour and I didn't notice any issues. But I never buy carrefour brand products... I bought a few times in the past and the quality was not very good.

You expect quality from a Greek company?

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Re: Carrefour

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:18 pm

And now we have it

Greek retail group Marinopoulos applies for creditor protection

This is of course the firm that owns and operates the Carrefour Brand in Cyprus....,

Greek media estimated the group had about €700m in outstanding debts to 2,000 suppliers. Those figures could not immediately be verified.

Not good news...
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Re: Carrefour

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jun 30, 2016 6:11 am

Do you know that's the greatest risk today? SOME OF THE BANKS! There's still not enough control from the European or the local Central Bank.
The Cypriot crooks at those specific Banks just discovered they can spend millions without having profits just because they have enough liquidity from deposits. There's no mechanism to question the money they spend around without having any profits and without blinking an eyelid. The No1 crook in this respect is Hellenic Bank and the whore that the major shareholder put there for president. These people are ALREADY crunching people's deposits and no one seems to care.
If this continues then mark my words, the next coming disaster will be from Hellenic Bank.

You and I may see the problem ..... but to many of the forum members, we are just conspiracy theorists. I feel that the message is just ‘Casting pearls before swine!’ ?

BTW: It is not ‘some of the banks’, globally it is all of the banks, with very few exceptions. The system has a fundamental flaw ............ banks operate on the same principals as a Ponzi scheme! But not a lot of people know that! :roll: :wink:
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Re: Carrefour

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:55 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:And now we have it

Greek retail group Marinopoulos applies for creditor protection

This is of course the firm that owns and operates the Carrefour Brand in Cyprus....,

Greek media estimated the group had about €700m in outstanding debts to 2,000 suppliers. Those figures could not immediately be verified.

Not good news...

The good news is that the Cyprus operation does not appear to be affected...
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Re: Carrefour

Postby CBBB » Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:36 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:And now we have it

Greek retail group Marinopoulos applies for creditor protection

This is of course the firm that owns and operates the Carrefour Brand in Cyprus....,

Greek media estimated the group had about €700m in outstanding debts to 2,000 suppliers. Those figures could not immediately be verified.

Not good news...

The good news is that the Cyprus operation does not appear to be affected...

They would say that, wouldn't they!

Wait and see!
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