Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis wrote:Garavnoss wrote:Open you eyes !., I don't think it is going to plan, in spite of what is served up on a daily basis.

Oh yes it's going to plan alright.
IS are about to lose Ramadi and they are on the back foot in Syria too. I would say that the coalition intervention is proving to be quite successful.
I suppose the Russians and Assad's SAA are just sitting around playing back-Gammon and waving at the coalition aircraft as they fly over. Oh, we must not forget the valuable contribution of the western armed moderate Islamists ..... although I'm not sure whether that would be a plus or a minus for the coalition?
You live in a World of media delusion, don't believe all you read!!!

Had it not been for Putins intervention the coalition would still be bombing the same old targets they were for the two years before Putin took charge in Syria. Putin changed the game big time ...... but of course Kerry will run to form and try to take all the credit ...... the US did the same in WWII! The mighty US won WWII almost single handed, when we all know now that it was mainly Russia (USSR) that defeated the Nazis! Nothing changes.

You know very well that Pootin has done nothing in Iraq and yes almost nothing around the DAESH strongholds of Raqqa. It is our troops on the outskirts and it is our planes in the air and the stronghold will be in our hands.
And Pootin can't attack these forces because the shit will hit the fan and you can say bye bye to the peace process. Raqqa will be in Kurdish hands soon.
Not a Russian plane in sight. If there was, and if they attack our Peshmerga forces, the coalition will engage.
If on the other hand they wish to help, then they better declare their intentions by contacting our AWACS.