miltiades wrote::lol:Shall we ...declare war on Russia ?
Mate, I as well as you, have young ones to worry about. Putin will not be around for ever. He has shown the world over Syria that he is a leader. more so recently in not throwing his toys out of the pram like Obama did. The CIA got things disastrously wrong in the past, not least the " WOMD". Trump said this a couple of days ago.
don't be absurd.
no one said anything about declaring war on Russia. You are in fantasy land. America's recent diplomatic response was ideal and justified.
However, placating their behavior is setting very dangerous norms which will not be nice and there will be more wars and a lot of terrorism. You talk about hegemony but you are implementing hegemony onto millions of people and you are labeling them as "terrorists"
The Coalition had the right idea in dealing with Islamic State, and letting the moderates fight it out to achieve a lasting political Peace settlement in Syria. Now we are a long way off. Radical islam is something that can't be defeated and Pootin isn't interested in defeating it. The USA is but just won't be able to beat them because there will always be 100 new terrorists for every one we kill. it's just an endless cycle now and will continue for a long time until that cycle is broken.
The proof is also in the pudding. Compare Iraq to Syria. there you will find your answer as to which side is achieving better results.
You are going to see wars between Israel and Hezbollah, also involving the Saudis and Turkey.
If there is no political solution this month, then kiss peace good buy.