repulsewarrior wrote:
Cyprus among top 5 world countries with most positive contribution to climate
We also have rare animals, like Lordus Linobambakus.

repulsewarrior wrote:
Cyprus among top 5 world countries with most positive contribution to climate
Cyprus ranked 8th out of the top 20 countries globally in the Global Finance magazine’s ‘FDI Superstars 2018’ for Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) performance and appeal. We have come a long way in the last few years, surpassing all international expectations since the banking crisis of 2013. ... onomy.html
Cyprus is now attracting significant inflows of foreign investments from countries like the US, Asia, Russia and the Middle East. Cyprus’ improved credit ratings by international credit rating agencies, the successful recapitalisation of its major banks and recent government bond issues raising over €5 billion in the international markets coupled with the numerous large-scale projects, have all contributed to the resurgence of Cyprus as a top FDI destination. ... 404104.php
Event sponsor Larnaca Municipality said Ray Woolley dived on his birthday Saturday to a depth of 42.4 meters (137.8 feet) for 48 minutes.
Woolley, who was joined by 47 other divers, said he's hopeful that he'll be in good health next year for another record bid.
Woolley aims to keep diving until he reaches 100.
Cap wrote:
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