Paphitis wrote:Really? You were continuously going on about semantics. My point was purely in regards to the onerous claims that a 95 year old diver dived down to 41 m for 44 mnutes.
My point was that in order for him to do that, he would have required specialist equipment and training - which is of course extremely true.
There is no chance in hell that this man could have achieved what CM claimed he did without at the very least have a severe case of the bends, and quite possiby even end up dead. That was my point.
Now, if for instance you wanted to correct me on my incorrect statements pertaining to Nitrox, then what you should have done is come in here and said "excuse me Paphitis, but as a professional diver" which you claim to be, and of course I am not, your statement about Nitrox is incorrect and dangerous, rather than carry on all half baked and even calling me an idiot which you did on a few occasions. I would have taken that into account as a mature adult that I am, but it really is a pity that you are anything but.
Look, the point was that somebody that supposedly holds a PADI Advanced certificate should have realised in a second that that 41m/44mins didn't happen and a one second Google confirmed it. In the same way anybody with a PPL would have realised that your C172 story was bullshit.
The author of the article, the restaurant reviewer and general dogsbody (he probably drives the delivery van too!)
clearly made a typo!
In spite of all the evidence to the contrary you continue to claim that the CM has somehow made a deliberately inaccurate claim about this dive - they didn't.
Paphitis wrote:Now, if for instance you wanted to correct me on my incorrect statements pertaining to Nitrox, then what you should have done is..."
I did do that, time and time and time again... I provided detailed explanations, links and even produced the Nitrox dive tables and yet you still insisted that he should have used Nitrox. You were wrong.
Here, page 15
Paphitis wrote:I saw the tables, and they prove what I have been saying all along.
Nitrox allows divers to stay down at deeper depths and for longer periods.
Even after explaining it in detail from my very first post, posting the dive tables, posting links to articles explaining where you were wrong you
STILL insisted that Nitrox was an appropriate mix. You were wrong.