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All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:16 pm

You really are a sad case aren't you? :roll:

Bravo! In all honesty, I think you need to grow up.
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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:29 pm

Paphitis wrote:You really are a sad case aren't you? :roll:

Bravo! In all honesty, I think you need to grow up.

Well, you are the one that has been arguing that black is white from the very start but now admit that it wasn't white at all... :roll:

You are the one that claimed that the CM had committed a heinous crime and then (finally) said it didn't really matter. :roll:

You are the one that said he should have used Nitrox; repeated it over and over again and finally seem to accept that I was right all along about it (presumably being unable to find any documentation to support your assertion). :roll:

I'm not sure it is me who needs to grow up - if you'd been mature enough to admit you were wrong at the beginning you could have saved yourself a whole load of posting! :lol:
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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:34 pm

No I wasn't. I didn't argue anything much at all.

All I did was rightfully call into question the veracity of the claims of 44 mintes at 41 m, just like the other guy did in the comments.

To do so is to state the bleating obvious.

You are the one that started going on about PADI and BSAC and other stupid semantics.

If I knew this was going to be a big issue for you, I wouldn't of made the comment at all in hindsight because it really isn't important at all.
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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:52 pm

Paphitis wrote:No I wasn't. I didn't argue anything much at all.

All I did was rightfully call into question the veracity of the claims of 44 mintes at 41 m, just like the other guy did in the comments.

To do so is to state the bleating obvious.

You are the one that started going on about PADI and BSAC and other stupid semantics.

If I knew this was going to be a big issue for you, I wouldn't of made the comment at all in hindsight because it really isn't important at all.

My oh my, don't you have a poor memory? :lol:

Fortunately, the Interwebz never forget! :lol:

Paphitis wrote:Well it's very odd there Cap because they are claiming 41m. He would have needed a special Nitrox mix to pull that off and at this man's age it would be bordering on insanity.

Without the Nitrox mix, his blood would have the effervescence of a Coca Cola drink and he would either be in a decompression chamber or dead.

PADI has a limit of 38m and that is for advance divers. To let a 95 year old break these safety guidelines is nothing short of utter stupidity.

Peaple need to get their facts right. The Zenobia wreck dive is only 18m but everyone claims 42 m because that is the bottom depth of the wreck. So everyone just over dramatizes and sensationsalize the story that a 95 year old dived down to 41m for 44 minutes. At that depth and that amount of time, the guy would need several decompression stops and wouldn't be able to carry enough oxygen either.

Then you continued to argue for ages about Nitrox being the correct mix for this dive which it clearly isn't.

You continued to argue that the article was malicious when it was clearly a mistake by the restaurant reviewer.

And you referred to PADI rules when the dive was clearly overseen by a BSAC affiliated dive school.

Are you clear now...?

You argue like you are down the pub where you can chop and change opinion because nobody can really hold you to it and they've had a few pints and might possibly have been in the bog when you said something different... :lol:

But here, on the net, everything you say is recorded forever, don't you realise that?

When you post stuff like, "My comment was light hearted too." but your previous rants are available for everybody to see just a few posts earlier don't you see how ridiculous that is???

Five pages of you arguing black is white and now you claim, "I didn't argue anything much at all." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 09, 2018 2:58 pm

So let's get this straight, if one Sunday I get my Sunday paper and sit down on the balcony with my sketo Byzantine Coffee and read the following:

Man arrested after stealing a C172 and climbs it to 21000FT for for an hour before descending and landing on a busy a highway into the hands of Highway patrol police officers.

Police say the man was in good health when remanded in custody.

I'm suppose to just accept it by saying the journalist was a dumb hack and ignorant? :roll:
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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:05 pm

Paphitis wrote:So let's get this straight, if one Sunday I get my Sunday paper and sit down on the balcony with my sketo Byzantine Coffee and read the following:

Man arrested after stealing a C172 and climbs it to 21000FT for for an hour before descending and landing on a busy a highway into the hands of Highway patrol police officers.

Police say the man was in good health when remanded in custody.

I'm suppose to just accept it by saying the journalist was a dumb hack and ignorant? :roll:

Most of the general public would think, "what an idiot"...

Anybody that had any experience of flying (or perhaps mountaineering, or other atmospheric expertise), would think, "well, that didn't happen"...

What do you think you should do...? Attack the publisher with a Kalashnikov, or (more likely) rant on about it in a totally unconnected forum before finally admitting you can't be arsed to even make a comment on the article...? :roll:

Based on real-life experience I'm guessing the latter! :lol:
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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:28 pm

Why would I attack anyone with a Kalashnikov? I won't attack anyone or hurt anyone.

And since when is making comment on news articles a rant? Honestly, I think you have lost the plot.

Most people wouldn't know the difference between what CM wrote about the dive or what a newspaper wrote about the C172 plane thief who flew to 21000FT in a C172 and supposedly landed again.

But we get stories like this all the time. And people who do know, have a right to make a comment. Even people who have no idea have a right to comment, without let or hindrance.

Some tabloids deliberately publish rubbish like this to boost their ratings. Sometimes even the broadsheets do it too.
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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:Why would I attack anyone with a Kalashnikov? I won't attack anyone or hurt anyone.

And since when is making comment on news articles a rant? Honestly, I think you have lost the plot.

Most people wouldn't know the difference between what CM wrote about the dive or what a newspaper wrote about the C172 plane thief who flew to 21000FT in a C172 and supposedly landed again.

But we get stories like this all the time. And people who do know, have a right to make a comment. Even people who have no idea have a right to comment, without let or hindrance.

Some tabloids deliberately publish rubbish to boost their ratings.

The point being that you have been ranting on about the CM article on here for five pages yet finally admitted that it was inconsequential and you couldn't even be arsed to make a comment - let alone contact the author and ask for a correction. Which is bizarre because several pages earlier you considered the article to be dangerous... :roll:

And I have no doubt that if the C172 article were really published you'd be just as vociferous on-line and still not be arsed to do anything about it - you are all froth and bullshit.

Paphitis wrote:Most people wouldn't know the difference between what CM wrote about the dive or what a newspaper wrote about the C172 plane thief who flew to 21000FT in a C172 and supposedly landed again.

Which is exactly the point I made - most people wouldn't know or understand the detail, it simply doesn't matter. Yet you claimed at the time that members of the public would be heading out to the Zenobia with a mask and a tank of air (or Nitrox if they listened to you! :lol: ) under their arm! Yet you still did nothing about it except rant on here! :roll:

It is of no consequence. Most normal people take what they read in the newspapers or on-line with a pinch of salt because they know from their own real-world experience that a good proportion of it is bollox.

It is only you that seems to think that the author of the CM article or your fictitious C172 article should in some way be held to account - but you haven't even got the balls to make a comment on the article! :lol:
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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:52 pm

Oh but here is the thing. I made a simple comment about the veracity of the article because it was just completely incorrect. Anyone with half a brain can see that.

It was you that barged in here and started ranting for 5 pages about every other stupidity and just prattling on like a precious little princess about nothing more than childish semantics, whilst ducking and weaving about all kinds of absurdities. If I had known this was going to go for 5 pages, I woldn't have even made my initial comment. I would have let the stupidity slide. But I wouldn't have guessed that you would come along and take this to a whole new level of stupidity.

Even saying that we should ignore the ignorance of the hack because you assume that is the case. Sorry, but I'm no sycophant, and I have a mouth and a voice and am well within my rights, and I felt like i had something to add right here on CF about the garbage that was published by CM.
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Re: All roads eventually lead to Cyprus...

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:04 pm

Paphitis wrote:Oh but here is the thing. I made a simple comment about the veracity of the article because it was just completely incorrect. Anyone with half a brain can see that.

It was you that barged in here and started ranting for 5 pages about every other stupidity and just prattling on like a precious little princess about nothing more than childish semantics, whilst ducking and weaving about all kinds of absurdities.

Even saying that we should ignore the ignorance of the hack because you assume that is the case. Sorry, but I'm no sycophant, and I have a mouth and a voice and am well within my rights.

You clearly haven't re-read the thread recently (or at all)...? :roll:

My first comment picked on your completely inaccurate (and dangerous) claims about Nitrox which you continued to repeat throughout the thread.

I also pointed out your completely inaccurate claims about Oxygen being used as a breathing gas which you continued to repeat throughout the thread.

I also pointed out (as was obvious from the article) that the dive was held under the control of BSAC not PADI (not that it was important but it was pretty bizarre that you could miss the picture of him holding a BSAC banner)...

And lastly, I pointed out that it was clearly obvious that he didn't stay at 41m for 44mins - any competent diver (as you apparently claimed to be having made your comments about Nitrox) should have known that.

It was YOU that then continued to argue those points for multiple pages even though I provided ample evidence to prove you wrong.

And now you've gone off on a fantasy story about a C172! :lol:
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