Where do you get your news from ? The vast majority, if not all, get their news from the media and formulate their own opinions. Unless of course you were there your self and witnessed the incident reported.
"Security authorities are growing increasingly concerned by the rising number of sex attacks by gangs of migrants which appear to be spreading across Europe.
Finland and Sweden today became the latest European countries to issue warnings to women to be wary of the threat of sex attacks following fresh reports of sexual assaults in the last week, while the Viennese police chief adviced women not to go outside alone in Vienna.
The warnings come as reports emerged that Austrian and German police tried to cover-up the issue over fears of reprisal attacks on asylum seekers and damage to the countries' tourist trade.
Dozens of arrests have been made today in connection with the wave of recent sex attacks across Europe.
Read more:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z3woqC7CWU Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook "
In your opinion the entire European media is wrong and you, The Plonker of Arabia is ....correct!!!
The influx of immigrants to Europe of people with a vastly different cultural outlook on women will have severe consequences detrimental to OUR way of life. Europe will wake up sooner rather than later.
In the meantime enjoy your new found ...wonderful culture , just don't go up touching an Arab woman