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The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

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The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby miltiades » Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:01 pm

Each time I Come to Cyprus I religiously visit my late wifes grave at Ayios Athanasios, LImassol, cemetary. I could not help noticing the deminishing number of pussy cats , more so today, a special day as it would have been my departed wife's 70th birthday.
Counted no more than 20 cats, usualy there are more than 100.
I do hope that the rest have been adopted by kibdly folks and not disposed off, poisoning etc.

Im very fond of animals and would be uncomfortable if some sort of cruel method was used.
Anyone from Limassol who may know what happened to all those pussies?
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:13 pm

miltiades wrote:Each time I Come to Cyprus I religiously visit my late wifes grave at Ayios Athanasios, LImassol, cemetary. I could not help noticing the deminishing number of pussy cats , more so today, a special day as it would have been my departed wife's 70th birthday.
Counted no more than 20 cats, usualy there are more than 100.
I do hope that the rest have been adopted by kibdly folks and not disposed off, poisoning etc.

Im very fond of animals and would be uncomfortable if some sort of cruel method was used.
Anyone from Limassol who may know what happened to all those pussies?

what did the last kebab taste like.
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:18 pm

It's probably the (inevitable) result of the interference by well-meaning (ex-pat?) individuals who grab and spay. I've also noticed their decline in numbers in the various fish restaurants around Latchi for some years now. I remember the cats being a highlight from back in the early 60s when we used to go and buy fish there.

Watch out for the increase in rodents and snakes now ... :roll:
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby miltiades » Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:25 pm

My youngest 6 year old grand daughter as well as the other two absolutely adore cats and animals in general. On our regular visits to Dasoudi restaurant they soend more time playing with cats than they do in the adjacent playground. As they are off school i have taken on the "pappou" role quite seriously, alas my days on paradise island are almost over, going back to Englandshtan on Friday
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jan 01, 2016 1:19 am

The local mayor of Agios Athanasios is quite keen on control of feral animals...he woke one morning to find 19 cats in his yard....he put out cages but only got one cat... One of our then three pets, but that was the daft one..... We have problems with abandoned hunting dogs and the pussy cat populace, at least round our way, seems grow weekly. We have a family of stray moggies (mother and five kittens) that regularly invade our house after food. It will not be long and mummy will have another litter then the next gen will become fertile. Our other neighbour caught some and took them up to the cemetery in question but the little b*ggars virtualy beat hin back to the house.....
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Garavnoss » Fri Jan 01, 2016 1:41 am

miltiades wrote: Anyone from Limassol who may know what happened to all those pussies?

Someone must have told them that YOU were in town and they all fucked off. :lol:
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:39 am

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote: Anyone from Limassol who may know what happened to all those pussies?

Someone must have told them that YOU were in town and they all fucked off. :lol:

Doesn't it make you vomit every time Lick Arse opens another animal thread at the expence of Cypriots?
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:07 am

miltiades wrote:Each time I Come to Cyprus I religiously visit my late wifes grave at Ayios Athanasios, LImassol, cemetary. I could not help noticing the deminishing number of pussy cats , more so today, a special day as it would have been my departed wife's 70th birthday.
Counted no more than 20 cats, usualy there are more than 100.
I do hope that the rest have been adopted by kibdly folks and not disposed off, poisoning etc.

Im very fond of animals and would be uncomfortable if some sort of cruel method was used.
Anyone from Limassol who may know what happened to all those pussies?

Anyway, Happy New Year to you yero!

I will try not to give you a hard time, but do try to not be such an intolerant fool. There are good and bad in all races, and the Arabs are very nice people and certain aspects of their culture is better than ours in the West.

They for one, don't have any of the problems we do in the West, and while we sit and judge them, they can easily do the same to us and there is plenty of ammunition and opportunity for them to judge us just as harshly.

Yes there are gross HR Violations, and Sharia Law might not be our cup of tea, but child pornography, sex exploitation and harassment, drug abuse, and a clear disrespect of the elderly where they are abandoned to die alone in a miserable home without adequate care is not their cup of tea either. Neither is the unhealthy gun culture you find in America, or the associated shooting rampages where innocent passers by are gunned down for no reason.

And maybe you would do well to not be so fixated on these moggies because in America and the EU, thousands of young people are dieing each year from drug abuse, something else you won't find in any of the Gulf States.

So clearly, they are not as silly as some people think, or backward.
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby DrCyprus » Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:09 am

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:Each time I Come to Cyprus I religiously visit my late wifes grave at Ayios Athanasios, LImassol, cemetary. I could not help noticing the deminishing number of pussy cats , more so today, a special day as it would have been my departed wife's 70th birthday.
Counted no more than 20 cats, usualy there are more than 100.
I do hope that the rest have been adopted by kibdly folks and not disposed off, poisoning etc.

Im very fond of animals and would be uncomfortable if some sort of cruel method was used.
Anyone from Limassol who may know what happened to all those pussies?

Anyway, Happy New Year to you yero!

I will try not to give you a hard time, but do try to not be such an intolerant fool. There are good and bad in all races, and the Arabs are very nice people and certain aspects of their culture is better than ours in the West.

They for one, don't have any of the problems we do in the West, and while we sit and judge them, they can easily do the same to us and there is plenty of ammunition and opportunity for them to judge us just as harshly.

Yes there are gross HR Violations, and Sharia Law might not be our cup of tea, but child pornography, sex exploitation and harassment, drug abuse, and a clear disrespect of the elderly where they are abandoned to die alone in a miserable home without adequate care is not their cup of tea either. Neither is the unhealthy gun culture you find in America, or the associated shooting rampages where innocent passers by are gunned down for no reason.

And maybe you would do well to not be so fixated on these moggies because in America and the EU, thousands of young people are dieing each year from drug abuse, something else you won't find in any of the Gulf States.

So clearly, they are not as silly as some people think, or backward.

Congratulations for destroying a perfectly good pussy thread with your off-topic shenanigans. :)
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:17 am

DrCyprus wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:Each time I Come to Cyprus I religiously visit my late wifes grave at Ayios Athanasios, LImassol, cemetary. I could not help noticing the deminishing number of pussy cats , more so today, a special day as it would have been my departed wife's 70th birthday.
Counted no more than 20 cats, usualy there are more than 100.
I do hope that the rest have been adopted by kibdly folks and not disposed off, poisoning etc.

Im very fond of animals and would be uncomfortable if some sort of cruel method was used.
Anyone from Limassol who may know what happened to all those pussies?

Anyway, Happy New Year to you yero!

I will try not to give you a hard time, but do try to not be such an intolerant fool. There are good and bad in all races, and the Arabs are very nice people and certain aspects of their culture is better than ours in the West.

They for one, don't have any of the problems we do in the West, and while we sit and judge them, they can easily do the same to us and there is plenty of ammunition and opportunity for them to judge us just as harshly.

Yes there are gross HR Violations, and Sharia Law might not be our cup of tea, but child pornography, sex exploitation and harassment, drug abuse, and a clear disrespect of the elderly where they are abandoned to die alone in a miserable home without adequate care is not their cup of tea either. Neither is the unhealthy gun culture you find in America, or the associated shooting rampages where innocent passers by are gunned down for no reason.

And maybe you would do well to not be so fixated on these moggies because in America and the EU, thousands of young people are dieing each year from drug abuse, something else you won't find in any of the Gulf States.

So clearly, they are not as silly as some people think, or backward.

Congratulations for destroying a perfectly good pussy thread with your off-topic shenanigans. :)

Miltiades has been opening threads like this for ages, and he is judgmental but I don't see any threads about Cypriots ODing on narcotics which is a growing problem in Cyprus particularly in Limassol, Agia Napa, and Nicosia just like it is a growing problem in other countries around the world.

It's a huge pandemic, and probably as a result of how we treat our young people or the way our societies are. No one cares anymore. But let's open a pussy cat thread. :roll:

We are losing our sense of community in the West, Cyprus included. Cyprus is not what it use to be, and sliding down the slippery dip itself like other EU countries and other countries elsewhere. When you just visit, you can detect the changes and I don't like the changes I see. The cats are the least of our problems.

Cyprus had a strong sense of community even just as recently as a few years ago, and that was one thing I was hoping will never change but alas it is.
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