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The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Garavnoss » Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:21 pm

In "Slang" terms, the word "Pussy" has various meanings {mostly derogatory} one of which is mostly used by Afro-Americans and suchlike when making reference to the female sex.

No need to advance into specifics other than to point out that ONE of the points of reference has [in itself] many other unseemly "Slang" terms with the same meaning.

"Pussy" can also be interpreted as "Cunt" and I am sure that fact is well known.

Therefore, do not distress yourself when you observe a diminishing population of "Pussies" in the land [Cyprus] that you claim to love so well yet chose to abandon when things got a bit too hot for your delicate constitution.

For:- as long as YOU are in Cyprus [or indulge yourself with periodic visits] there will be at least ONE "Cunt" here among us all. :lol:
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby tsukoui » Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:03 pm

Cat, as in Cat Stevens, is also a (somewhat outdated) term amongst Afro-Americans and their imitators, which in fact originates in the Wolof (Sene-Gambian) word for "man" which is "kat". The term was turned on its head somewhere along the line, I believe starting with George Clinton's "Atomic Dog" although it could predate that, so that "dog" (ala Snoop) or "dawg" became the preferred word of the street. This has nothing to do with, or perhaps everything to do with, the Wolof word "dig" which means "to understand". Sene-Gambia is a very rich culture from which we can learn much more than language. The Baye Fall Sufis of the region, who wear their hair in locks, are permitted to drink alcohol, despite being Muslims, on condition that they work for the greater good of the community, the influence of the French Revolution perhaps, or more likely a negotiated settlement with the indigenous pre-Muslim culture. If Milti is serious about being a good "papous" then he faces a difficult and fine line between the cultural appropriation of Hellenism (which should be avoided) and re-connecting his grandchildren with their roots and culture. Basically he comes across as a "hippy" rather than a "panther" which he can never be. The White Panthers were still basically hippies at heart, although they did make an effort, but to be really real one has to be a Weatherman, at least in U.S.America. Incidentally, "hip" is another Wolof word which means "enlightened" which shows how pretentious the hippies were. My advice to Milti, is to forget about politics, he is not equipped to take part, and focus on bringing up his grandchildren as Cypriots, ma perhaps he is ill-equipped for that as well, being essentially a enamoured with "White"-supremacy.
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Nikitas » Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:56 pm

Nature, or mother nature to the eco loons, has a way of balancing, more like a drunken cyclist than an agile acrobat. Sudden population declines in any species usually mean tha the carrying capacity of the environment was reached and a disease has been at work. Feline rhinotracheitis is the most common affliction that decimates unvaccinated populations.

The kind of drop you mention, from 100 to less than 20 points to that. No trapping or baiting campaign would bring about that kind of drop.
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:22 am

Back in the UK now after one of the most memorable stays in Cyprus, 15 days, the longest I have ever stayed, the weather apart from the last couple of days was spectacularly pleasant, warm with an abundance of sunshine. Christmas day was exceptionally enjoyable spending most of the day with family, and so many little ones playing happily, dancing , jumping and giving us all a reminder of what Christmas is all about.

Back to the declining number of cats at Ayios Athanasios cemetery, and for the couple or so fools who thought the thread as derogatory, may I just say to them that this was an observation and not a "dig" at Cyprus. On a subsequent visit a day later I spoke to a priest at the cemetery who more or less confirmed what Nikitas has told us. The priest also told me that there are many Cypriots who regularly come and feed the cats, also mentioning that the cemetery staff provide dry food and water to the pussies.

Each morning at around 4.30 am I would visit the all night café in Enaerios , right opposite the car park, my old old playgroung when Pediki Stegi- Orphanage - was operational, so many years ago, more than 60 years ago, the memories somehow added to the "ambience " of the area where I spend more than 500 days as a child.

Each morning I would have an espresso coffee and a tiropita, most mornings a group of off duty police would be having their coffee and chatting away, one I had seen and spoken to before, I learned that he was from Paphos. On this last occasion I greeted them all cheerfully wishing them xronia polla, they always cordially responded, one in particular, the one from Paphos who asked me, knowing from previous conversation that I too was from Paphos, if I had visited Paphos. Which village he asked, Stroumbi I replied, I'm from Theletra he added. Theletra is my fathers village, my grandfather had come to Theletra from Kili and got married and stayed in Theletra to his dying day.

Rather excitedly he asked the family name, on being told Choukkas he jumbed up and asked if I knew the late Anastasis, of course I replied, he was my late fathers oldest brother, Re anipshi he said Anastasis's wife was my mothers sister !! He being far too younger than my self naturally could not remember me but he knew of my father. Turning round to his colleagues he related the family history with a glee in his eyes.

An invitation to meet his family soon came, alas my time was by then expiring quickly so I could not make it, but I did promise that on my next visit I shall be pleased to do so.

We warmly shook hands and exchanged seasons greeting.

This is one aspect of Cypriot life that one can only encounter on a small island such as Cyprus, where almost everyone, if not a koumbaros, is a relative, who knows, I could be ...related to... GR !!!
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Lordo » Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:30 pm

no no no no no enough is enough
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:37 pm

Lordo wrote:no no no no no enough is enough

One more word out of you old man and I will bring back the " Lordos Useless threads "
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Lordo » Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:47 pm

i am young enough to be your son gavole you old fool. what kind of a threat is that.
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:56 pm

Lordo wrote:i am young enough to be your son gavole you old fool. what kind of a threat is that.

You are older than me ...gavole, besides I'm not making any ...threats ! :lol:

May I also offer you belated 80th birthday greetings ..old man !!
When are you next in my parts of the woods ? And don't tell me about the Jews or the Americans, I have had a bellyful of your acrimonious and stupid comments. How are the pork kebabs by the way ? Make sure they are!! :lol:
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Re: The dissapearing ..pussies in Ayios Athanasios !

Postby Lordo » Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:51 am

miltiades wrote:
Lordo wrote:i am young enough to be your son gavole you old fool. what kind of a threat is that.

You are older than me ...gavole, besides I'm not making any ...threats ! :lol:

May I also offer you belated 80th birthday greetings ..old man !!
When are you next in my parts of the woods ? And don't tell me about the Jews or the Americans, I have had a bellyful of your acrimonious and stupid comments. How are the pork kebabs by the way ? Make sure they are!! :lol:

lamne na pessis dje na isihasumen gavole mavro yerimo emines basdin kellemmas.
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