Sotos wrote:The second point could be a federation but a very different one from the one negotiated now.... but the possibility of that is also very low. I see the status quo continuing for many more years.
Lordo wrote:Sotos wrote:The second point could be a federation but a very different one from the one negotiated now.... but the possibility of that is also very low. I see the status quo continuing for many more years.
thats cause you are as thick as shit. even anastasiades has told you the staus quo cannot continue. are you def sonny
Sotos wrote:The second point could be a federation but a very different one from the one negotiated now.... but the possibility of that is also very low. I see the status quo continuing for many more years.
Oceanside50 wrote:...there is no case to be found either in Europe or Asia or Africa in which the establishment of Turkish rule in any country has not been followed by a diminution of material prosperity, and a fall in the level of culture; nor is there any case to be found in which the withdrawal of Turkish rule has not been followed by a growth in material prosperity and a rise in the level of culture.
Neither among the Christians of Europe nor among the Moslems of Syria, Arabia and Africa, has the Turk done other than destroy wherever he has conquered.” ....
famagusta1 wrote:I think Cyprus will be returned to the rightful owners sooner than you think, with their prime-minister showing such signs of weakness recently. There had never been a time in the past where their PM would visit so willingly and where there would be a population so desperate due to their inability to control their out of control spending, until now.
I don't think it is right to gloat about peoples suffering under any circumstances but you cannot help but feel like the saying "what goes around comes around" is holding very true at this time with both Greece and South Cyprus essentially ruined by their own greed. It is safe to say that the GCs and Greeks are feeling very humbled by the issues they face financially and are most certainly ready to accept that Cyprus is just one Island too many, and too far away, to try to claim as their own.
I say quite sincerely that I wish them the best of luck in trying to bring their spending under control and reduce the rampant crime levels and unemployment they are facing currently.
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