Basically am doing a full reaserch on all the financial world of Cyprus just to summarize
Thank you im advance

CBBB wrote:Where do you want to start? Tax evasion? Lawyers ripping off their clients? Government officials taking bribes? Developers selling off-plan properties and never building them? There are many ways!
GreekIslandGirl wrote:CBBB wrote:Where do you want to start? Tax evasion? Lawyers ripping off their clients? Government officials taking bribes? Developers selling off-plan properties and never building them? There are many ways!
He can find out about those anywhere!
CBBB wrote:Where do you want to start? Tax evasion? Lawyers ripping off their clients? Government officials taking bribes? Developers selling off-plan properties and never building them? There are many ways!
CHCONSTANTINOS wrote:Am doing a research about what the High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) and the rich millionaires do to Earn there money and what are the high paying jobs in Cyprus and salaries and about the businesses of Cyprus (offline - Online) if you have any information about that that can help out please feel free to post below
Basically am doing a full reaserch on all the financial world of Cyprus just to summarize
Thank you im advance
CHCONSTANTINOS wrote:Am doing a research about what the High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) and the rich millionaires do to Earn there money and what are the high paying jobs in Cyprus and salaries and about the businesses of Cyprus (offline - Online) if you have any information about that that can help out please feel free to post below
Basically am doing a full reaserch on all the financial world of Cyprus just to summarize
Thank you im advance
Get Real! wrote:CBBB wrote:Where do you want to start? Tax evasion? Lawyers ripping off their clients? Government officials taking bribes? Developers selling off-plan properties and never building them? There are many ways!
Save this shit for the Cyprus Mail and when you’re next there remind those that whine that a fool and his money are soon parted regardless of country of residence.
CBBB wrote:Get Real! wrote:CBBB wrote:Where do you want to start? Tax evasion? Lawyers ripping off their clients? Government officials taking bribes? Developers selling off-plan properties and never building them? There are many ways!
Save this shit for the Cyprus Mail and when you’re next there remind those that whine that a fool and his money are soon parted regardless of country of residence.
There is no point in hiding it under the carpet, someone will see the lump!
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