CHCONSTANTINOS wrote:Am doing a research about what the
High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) and the
rich millionaires do to Earn there money and what are the
high paying jobs in Cyprus and salaries and about the
businesses of Cyprus (offline - Online) if you have any information about that that can help out please feel free to post below
Basically am doing a full reaserch on all the financial world of Cyprus just to summarize
Thank you im advance
Since your first post indicated that you were doing some research on the availability of Patanas in Limassol, one could easily believe that you are something of a "Research Buff".
If you really wish to make some money quickly [and avoid taxation] then there is an occupation that might suit you admirably if you are prepared to travel to the occupied area of Cyprus [and at the same time afford yourself the opportunity to do further research].
Become a "Male Prostitute"..... the Turks are addicted to a bit of arsehole and, coupled with YOUR apparent addiction to "Research", you would make a fortune in no time.
I am sure members will be extremely interested in your progress, better get started soon, Christmas is a "BUMper " time for it.