Dearest President, daily rant; cheers to you.Cypriots cannot stay the way they are. A change is natural, no less.
Neither the "Greeks" or the "Turks" look forward, willing to embrace change to better themselves. Both discuss Human Rights as something secondary to their goals of preserving "Greekness", or "Turkishness".
If Cypriots, because they do exist (and they represent about half of the population either way), have their way, control of the Agenda, it may be that Cypriots will finally be able to demonstrate that it is their diversity that is their strength in an entirely mobile world where as Cypriots they serve as facilitators of exchange.
Beside a strong Federal Government, representing all its Citizens without other distinction or discrimination, as Cypriots, there will exist the possibility of self-representation as Persons, not just as Individuals, with a BBF; I would hope that the possibility of a Greek Constituency (at another level of Government), within a set of Cypriot Constituencies may allow for the recognition and respect Cypriots, as Cypriots, have for their ethnos.
Mrs Theocharous and Mr Sizopoulos, I think, could better serve their electorate, as Cypriots. As Greek Cypriots, if they avoided being a mirror to the occupation regime, north; "not Greek" / "Greek", "not Turkish" / "Turkish", they would be the better people. New thinking is needed, and is expected of them if they are the States-people they claim to be. I am grateful for their vigilance against the common enemy of Ignorance which led to the Cyprus Problem, in affect the Turkish Problem. But Cypriots, not just Greek Cypriots because they are the overwhelming majority, need Peace; not to be divided.
I am as vigilant, and against any tribute paid to Turkey, in appeasement, a compromise, or reward, too, because it is just plain wrong on many levels. But i believe the Flag of Cyprus always flies higher. It, is an equal to the Flag of Greece, or the Flag of Turkey, or the Union Jack for that matter. The opposition should decide, are they Cypriot, or "Greek"? As it is, as "Greeks", they fail the rest of us who have a wider vision of Cypriots, or what it means to be Cypriot, Greek or not.
...and if they want to be leaders of "Greeks", with a BBF, the paradox, this opportunity exists for them.
Best Wishes,
dearest readers, i don't write the President often, but sometimes i feel that something i wrote may put a smile on his face. Help him in his thinking. We may not agree on a number of things, him and i, having my own opinion, but in general, my efforts as an activist are related to his success in defining "us", as a Cypriot People.
...few words, do my words of encouragement to him, represent a way of intention he could be taking at this moment? And, would you in effect support this thinking if it came to a referendum?