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Donald Trump the next USA President ??

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:22 pm

...war is good for the Amerikan economy. What with Trump's intention to expand his Military strength, getting rid of old and near obsolete inventory is a good idea; the investment into things, new, is a big threat in and of itself. Win-Win.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Londonrake » Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:15 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:You can argue over the details and perpetrator but it's clear that there's nothing "alleged" about the chemical incident within Idlib. It happened.

I have not seen anyone, either on this forum or in general, question the occurrence of a chemical incident in Idlib. We have only the details provided by the terrorists to go on but obviously they are completely unbiased and completely reliable. Unfortunately there are no independent sources to confirm events so very little is known about the incident.

Most ‘thinking people’ are asking where the proof is and the silence from the US is deafening? Simply put ...... there is no evidence that Assad was responsible and any other explanation is of course disregarded, but why let a small detail like that stop a war that suits the US’s ambitions? You have your fall guy, who cares if he did it or not ..... he is winning the war against the US’s Islamic insurgents and that has to be stopped! :shock: :x

Paphitis was right again ..... they never did give up on regime change ..... and 'Assad must go' has always been the goal? :x

You obviously feel that providing evidence to support an illegal military intervention on a sovereign State, is of no consequence? Next time they try it the outcome could be a war with Russia because both they and Iran know they are on the US menu ! :roll:

Lest the absence of any reply be misconstrued. :wink:

It's still the case then, that a fairly innocuous and quite short post can be answered with the equivalent of the Gettysburg Address. :lol:

This thread has clearly morphed into "The War Against Syria". Part II. :roll:

Why do you keep going on and on about this guy Paphitis? He hasn't posted anything for something like 6 weeks now. TBH, if the recent taunts/comments about the poor sod from yourself "Crawling out from whatever rock he's under" and your friend GR's "STUPID" are a sample of the norm, I can see why.

Funny, isn't it, how things always end up like that - ehh? :wink:

Ratta - tat - tat. :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:47 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:You can argue over the details and perpetrator but it's clear that there's nothing "alleged" about the chemical incident within Idlib. It happened.

I have not seen anyone, either on this forum or in general, question the occurrence of a chemical incident in Idlib. We have only the details provided by the terrorists to go on but obviously they are completely unbiased and completely reliable. Unfortunately there are no independent sources to confirm events so very little is known about the incident.

Most ‘thinking people’ are asking where the proof is and the silence from the US is deafening? Simply put ...... there is no evidence that Assad was responsible and any other explanation is of course disregarded, but why let a small detail like that stop a war that suits the US’s ambitions? You have your fall guy, who cares if he did it or not ..... he is winning the war against the US’s Islamic insurgents and that has to be stopped!

Paphitis was right again ..... they never did give up on regime change ..... and 'Assad must go' has always been the goal?

You obviously feel that providing evidence to support an illegal military intervention on a sovereign State, is of no consequence? Next time they try it the outcome could be a war with Russia because both they and Iran know they are on the US menu !

Lest the absence of any reply be misconstrued.

It's still the case then, that a fairly innocuous and quite short post can be answered with the equivalent of the Gettysburg Address.

This thread has clearly morphed into "The War Against Syria". Part II.

Why do you keep going on and on about this guy Paphitis? He hasn't posted anything for something like 6 weeks now. TBH, if the recent taunts/comments about the poor sod from yourself "Crawling out from whatever rock he's under" and your friend GR's "STUPID" are a sample of the norm, I can see why.

Funny, isn't it, how things always end up like that - ehh? :wink:

Ratta - tat - tat.

" ....... can be answered with the equivalent of the Gettysburg Address".?

OK then instead of a reasoned response ..... which is wasted on you anyway ....I'll make it short.

Foreign Office ..... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :x
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:11 pm

3 ways Vladimir Putin has embarrassed Donald Trump, after the dust settled on the US attack on Syria

After all the dust settled on Trump’s rah rah ‘America hits Assad and Putin’ missile attack hoopla, the new US commander and chief today got a very rude awakening in diplomacy, that has not only made him look like a complete fool, but also a total geo-political amateur.

Funny old thing ........ the missing 36 missiles have disappeared from the news ........ as well as from the sky :roll: :D
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Londonrake » Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:17 pm

Robin Hood wrote:" ....... can be answered with the equivalent of the Gettysburg Address".?

OK then instead of a reasoned response ..... which is wasted on you anyway ....I'll make it short.

Foreign O

Ohh, go on! You can say "fuck off" in here. It's seemingly quite acceptable.

:lol: Dream on though.

But it's entirely true. Paphitis is just the latest. Whenever absolutely anybody engages with you, persistently, it always ends up the same way. If Tim had continued it would have been an identical story. It was already going down the familiar route. "You're not too bright, are you?"

Sooner or later another will wander into the trap and it will happen all over. I've lost count.

The initial "Thank you for your post. However, I feel..............." inexorably to the condescension. The hectoring and talking down to people. The scathing dismissals and the complete ignoring of any valid points made whilst you seriously offer what are sometimes the most ludicrous responses. "You have 30 minutes to abandon ship or we will activate the death ray!" :lol: :lol: :lol: The rank hypocrisy. Always, always the same old, drawn out, scenario.

I admire Paphitis for his tenacity. He lasted a lot longer than most do. Why don't you leave the guy alone? :roll:

You have quite a following of such people. A fan club! :lol: Carry on and we will need a Chairman!

Anyway, as per the other thread. I really don't want to get into this and provide you with a platform to launch your sermons from. You will just have to make do with another mutual admiration thread. :wink:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:38 pm

What was it you were saying about "....... can be answered with the equivalent of the Gettysburg Address" and that long winded rant has exactly what to do with Trump? :roll:

Not a lot! :roll: ..... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :x
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Londonrake » Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:45 pm

Robin Hood wrote:LR:
What was it you were saying about "....... can be answered with the equivalent of the Gettysburg Address" and that long winded rant has exactly what to do with Trump? :roll:

Not a lot! :roll: ..... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :x

Yeah but - what I said was the total truth, which might perhaps have been a bit enlightening for some. Perhaps people will now be watching and waiting for the next Paphitis to come along and see just how it progresses. I would be happy to provide a stage-by-stage commentary. :lol: (just joking) Anyway, it certainly wasn't a load of cut 'n' paste BS from your latest pin up. :wink:

Sadly, I don't think you are ever going to get to wave your little red, white and blue flag as the tanks roll by. I'm not talking about the Union Jack of course. :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:15 am

Getting away from the personal opinions and more on the Trump track .......


I noticed you did not post your thesis, justifying the US attack on Syria ‘What constitutes "proof"?’ on this forum? I think maybe you would get a more feisty response and maybe that is why you didn’t. Your reputation on the other forum will deter anyone from replying in any detail.

Then I read your thesis and you don’t even mention ‘proof’ once. :roll:

It is abundantly obvious that you don’t need proof, just your ‘Stars-n-Stripes’ influenced opinion ..... BTW: That is called Propaganda not what the Russians said ......... because it turned out the Russian 'propaganda' was more than likely correct!

I have to comment on just one paragraph from your thesis..... :wink:

LR ...... copied from another forum :

In August 2013 1300 Sunni Muslims in a suburb of Damascus died horribly from a chemical attack upon them using Sarin. The Russian propaganda machine immediately swung into action, claiming it was carried out by "The rebels". So, Sunni militants deliberately murdered 1300 of their own Men, Women and Child supporters in order to make the Syrian regime look bad? I mean - really? Come on. Surely, you have got to be some sort of blind fanatic to accept that?

No, just apply some common sense! But you can’t see the stupidity and ambiguity of your own illustration!

Assad --- MEANS (Yes) MOTIVE ( NO ) OPPORTUNITY (Yes) The terrorists ----- MEANS(yes) MOTIVE(YES) OPPORTUNITY (Yes)

They are Islamic terrorists ..... not Sunni militants or Boy Scouts either! Their extensive and proven record for killing their own irrespective of age or sex, singles them out as the most likely to have committed the crime, as a later investigations by the UN and others managed to conclude.

Well ..... there’s a surprise. ‘The Russian Propaganda machine’ statement is a far more logical observation than your statement; What you inferred was, ...... (Assad) ‘.......deliberately murdered 1300 of their (His) own Men, Women and Child supporters in order to make the Syrian (His) regime look bad’ ..... you have a problem, you don’t think things out or do you think Assad is stupid? :roll:

That is predictably exactly what it achieved, as we have seen! The only thing missing is the proof that Assad dropped the chemical weapons. For the US just a minor consideration? All the US has to go on is the propaganda from the terrorists and affiliated organisations like White Helmets and the SOHR and for them that is enough, who needs proof? :roll:

There are no independent sources on the ground ........ your compassionate terrorists have a habit of murdering them!

I won’t bother commenting on the rest of your essay, one paragraph sets the tone for it. :|
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Londonrake » Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:16 pm

You obviously didn't get the message from ADMIN about transplanting stuff from other forums. :roll:

Anyway, like I said, I ain't going to be the new Paphitis.

As far as this thread is concerned. You can make it another mutual admiration job. :wink:

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:44 pm

Londonrake wrote:You obviously didn't get the message from ADMIN about transplanting stuff from other forums. :roll:

No I didn't ....... mine said "..... but please leave out any personal issues you might have from the past." which does not seemed to stopped you continually raking up the past !

Anyway, like I said, I ain't going to be the new Paphitis.

But you are .... just like him .... when the questions get too hard to answer .... you spit your dummy and quit.

As far as this thread is concerned. You can make it another mutual admiration job. :wink:

Is that how you consider a thread when you happen to be proved continually failing to get your view accepted ?

Bye ....... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :D
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