Londonrake wrote:Here's a good one. Admittedly from "unnamed sources". So, it could be "fake news" (like everything else nowadays it seems)
To curry favour with Trump, cement their relations and as a congratulatory present,
Putin may offer up Snowden.
if it turns out to be true - you heard it here.
If you think about it, Trump has concessions he could give the Russians. Sanctions, etc. There doesn't though seem to be an awful lot Putin would want to give in return. Certainly not the likes of the Crimea.
Well, you never know!

there is nothing Russia can offer up which even comes remotely close to the wishes of the alliance.
that is a significant group of countries, some of which have enormous leverage and power in Washington.
Snowden is just one man. And whatever intelligence he had, he would have offered to the enemy by now and leaked to WikiLeaks.
It's like saying here, we give you a dead rubber. now lift our sanctions.
Sorry, but the sanctions are in place because of the annexation of Crimea, and MH17. Also because of Russia's conduct in Syria with war crimes and let's not forget about Georgia either.
Snowden is of little value now.
As for his punishment, i would have thought being stranded in Russia and unable to come back home is punishment enough for him.
as to america's power, the biggest element of this power is the power they derive from its allies. America's allies are critical to America's Interests globally. Without the allies, America is diminished. Everyone knows this.
Countries like France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Germany, Greece, Gulf States, Israel, Australia, NZ, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada, and so on and so on. America is unable to make decisions without consulting its partners and allies. trump things he can, but the pentagon and CIA will say NO just like his Judiciary will say NO with matters concerning the Constitution and its protected freedoms.
USA is unable to make decisions which effect NATO countries like latvia either. it is akin of absolving the Russian's from all their criminal activities.
you got to remember that every time the POTUS calls foreign leaders and asks for assistance or a contribution to the Coalition, that this too has an enormous price tag. especially when he calls countries like Australia for instance. few of you know that Australia is probably the most powerful ally within Pentagon Circles because it isn't an unnoticed fact that Australia troops have been in every conflict with USA since WW2. Every single one.
Even swapping that for closer ties to Russia isn't a good deal (appropriate terminology now since Trump loves a good deal and things the POTUS is like being a Company director) for them and then add all the rest of the allies like japan, and UK for instance and you are dealing with a massive US Foreign policy disaster because it would be the same as chopping off their own legs and arms.
But that is what robin hood wants. he wants a US Foreign policy catastrophe. A schism between America and its allies will be catastrophic to American Interests, power and influence, which effects the EU and NATO to its very foundations.
That is another thing Robin Hood wants. he wants the destruction of EU and NATO, presumably to end American power and influence. well he forgets the fact that WE ALL WANT AND CRAVE AND NEED American power as cornerstones to our existence, peace and security. WE WANT THE AMERICANS.
And the Americans need us more than they need the Russians.