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Donald Trump the next USA President ??

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:56 pm

Here's a good one. Admittedly from "unnamed sources". So, it could be "fake news" (like everything else nowadays it seems)

To curry favour with Trump, cement their relations and as a congratulatory present,

Putin may offer up Snowden.

if it turns out to be true - you heard it here. :lol:

If you think about it, Trump has concessions he could give the Russians. Sanctions, etc. There doesn't though seem to be an awful lot Putin would want to give in return. Certainly not the likes of the Crimea.

Well, you never know! :D
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:32 pm

Why would Trump want Snowdon.... doesn’t it belong to Wales? :D :oops:

Oh, OK ..... my mistake ... it’s Snowden! It is always a possibility but somehow I don't see it happening. Irrespective of what the MSM says about Putin, I think he is a man of honour ...... or at least tries to appear so and he has refuted this in the past on the grounds he has committed no offences as far as Russia is concerned. If Putindid do that his reputation would be sadly tainted as far as I am concerned. :roll:

I must give Putin a call and see what he has to say! :lol: :lol:

Talking of Crimea ....... I don't know how accurate this is but there sure is a lot about Crimea's history with Ukraine I didn't know about. She has a point though. (I can find nothing out about the Lady!)

What The US Representative to the UN Should Know About "Annexed" Crimea - By Arina Tsukanova
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:05 am

Londonrake wrote:Here's a good one. Admittedly from "unnamed sources". So, it could be "fake news" (like everything else nowadays it seems)

To curry favour with Trump, cement their relations and as a congratulatory present,

Putin may offer up Snowden.

if it turns out to be true - you heard it here. :lol:

If you think about it, Trump has concessions he could give the Russians. Sanctions, etc. There doesn't though seem to be an awful lot Putin would want to give in return. Certainly not the likes of the Crimea.

Well, you never know! :D

there is nothing Russia can offer up which even comes remotely close to the wishes of the alliance.

that is a significant group of countries, some of which have enormous leverage and power in Washington.

Snowden is just one man. And whatever intelligence he had, he would have offered to the enemy by now and leaked to WikiLeaks.

It's like saying here, we give you a dead rubber. now lift our sanctions.

Sorry, but the sanctions are in place because of the annexation of Crimea, and MH17. Also because of Russia's conduct in Syria with war crimes and let's not forget about Georgia either.

Snowden is of little value now.

As for his punishment, i would have thought being stranded in Russia and unable to come back home is punishment enough for him.

as to america's power, the biggest element of this power is the power they derive from its allies. America's allies are critical to America's Interests globally. Without the allies, America is diminished. Everyone knows this.

Countries like France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Germany, Greece, Gulf States, Israel, Australia, NZ, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada, and so on and so on. America is unable to make decisions without consulting its partners and allies. trump things he can, but the pentagon and CIA will say NO just like his Judiciary will say NO with matters concerning the Constitution and its protected freedoms.

USA is unable to make decisions which effect NATO countries like latvia either. it is akin of absolving the Russian's from all their criminal activities.

you got to remember that every time the POTUS calls foreign leaders and asks for assistance or a contribution to the Coalition, that this too has an enormous price tag. especially when he calls countries like Australia for instance. few of you know that Australia is probably the most powerful ally within Pentagon Circles because it isn't an unnoticed fact that Australia troops have been in every conflict with USA since WW2. Every single one.

Even swapping that for closer ties to Russia isn't a good deal (appropriate terminology now since Trump loves a good deal and things the POTUS is like being a Company director) for them and then add all the rest of the allies like japan, and UK for instance and you are dealing with a massive US Foreign policy disaster because it would be the same as chopping off their own legs and arms.

But that is what robin hood wants. he wants a US Foreign policy catastrophe. A schism between America and its allies will be catastrophic to American Interests, power and influence, which effects the EU and NATO to its very foundations.

That is another thing Robin Hood wants. he wants the destruction of EU and NATO, presumably to end American power and influence. well he forgets the fact that WE ALL WANT AND CRAVE AND NEED American power as cornerstones to our existence, peace and security. WE WANT THE AMERICANS.


And the Americans need us more than they need the Russians.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:45 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Oh, OK ..... my mistake ... it’s Snowden! It is always a possibility but somehow I don't see it happening. Irrespective of what the MSM says about Putin, I think he is a man of honour ......

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:06 am

Sorry, but the sanctions are in place because of the annexation of Crimea, and MH17. Also because of Russia's conduct in Syria with war crimes and let's not forget about Georgia either.

You obviously have a blank mind when it comes to the difference between accusation and proof?

Georgia .... UN report blamed Georgia !

Crimea .... you conveniently omit reference to the US instigated coup and ignored the fact that the people of Crimea voted for independence and annexation .... you know, that self determination you often expound.

MH17 .... still no tangible proof, the investigation is a farce and is coming under heavy pressure on many aspects of their investigating methodology.
But that is what robin hood wants. he wants a US Foreign policy catastrophe. A schism between America and its allies will be catastrophic to American Interests, power and influence, which effects the EU and NATO to its very foundations.

The US has only one foreign policy and you point that out! ‘.....American Interests, power and influence, which effects the EU and NATO to its very foundations.’ Exceptionalism at play again. :roll: No one else is supposed to have a say?
That is another thing Robin Hood wants. he wants the destruction of EU and NATO, presumably to end American power and influence. well he forgets the fact that WE ALL WANT AND CRAVE AND NEED American power as cornerstones to our existence, peace and security. WE WANT THE AMERICANS
The EU will self destruct and NATO is an out of date concept and needs reforming. My suggestion would be to put ALL NATO forces under UN Command.

US power and influence is on the decline! No .... it is YOU not WE, that ‘....WANT AND CRAVE AND NEED American power as cornerstones to our existence.

Isn’t this an oxymoron ‘....peace and security. WE WANT THE AMERICANS.’ You can’t have both as history over the last 70 years demonstrates! :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:46 am

there we have it. the EU will self destruct and NATO is outdated.

well, neither is the case and for as long as their is a POOTIN, NATO has never before been more relevant.

In WW2 most European states thought a NATO wasn't needed and look what hapenned. Sorry, but Europe is full of tiny countries and as such NATO is permanent, as is the EU.

maybe the single currency, but the common market will exist because Free Trade is great for the economy and opens up markets.

We are all in it together.

EU/NATO/USA/Canada/NZ/Australia are the greater Europe here, because we are all Europeans and we will stick together like we always have against the despots of this world. Safety in numbers.

And I would tell my European patriots in the EU, to ignore trump's stupid comments about the EU. he is looking at the EU and China as competitors and it was stupid comments to make and his behaviour is being tempered just like the bit about removing Russian sanctions imish! :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:49 am

OH and BTW, Britain is still part of us as well and togather hand in hand with the EU/NATO/USA/Australia/NZ/Canada even post BREXIT as will France still be with us if they FREXIT. it makes no difference to us.

WE ARE ALL UNITED and that is EXACTLY what pisses Pootin off.

WE ARE SO UNITED, WE MIGHT AS WELL ALL BE ONE COUNTRY! That's because we all have something in common which we do not shgare with Russia. We free, liberal and progressive. our biggest strength and a weakness that others try to exploit (like POOTIN)


we are the civilized world, with all the freedoms are citizen wants and needs to live in dignity which makes all of our countries far superior to any Russia and far superior to any pootin who is indeed one very depraved and authoritarian scumbag!

No one can trust POOTIN. No one! he is the king of debauchery. sad thing is, there is nothing I have said that is an exaggeration. he is a very nasty man.

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:08 am

i challenge anyone to go to NZ, or Canada or any Australian city and not see Europe. It's friggin Europe alright, at the other end of the globe.

And we would all be only too happy to join the EU if only to keep the faith among our European compatriots and partners whether they be British, French, or German.

friggin hell, you can walk down certain parts of Australia and think you're in Germany and you can go to parts of Melbourne and thing you're in Athens.

That is what gels us all together and that is what pisses pootin right off!

When we actually say we have strong bonds with USA, well these bonds are also big bonds to Europe itself because that is what we all have in common. The bonds are just as strong with Europe.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:53 am


Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:46 am = 100% personal opinion! Credibility score = 0

Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:49 am = 100% personal opinion! Credibility score = 0

Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:08 am = 100% personal opinion! Credibility score = 0

Three consecutive posts in the space of 22 minutes ..... and you achieved nothing but to post your personal opinions, except that you will find Europe in ...... well just about anywhere in the world if you look for Europeans. Like you can always find a China Town or an Arab Quarter etc. in most major cities! In Tehran they even have a Jewish quarter! :roll:

You are still driven by this inbuilt and irrational hatred of certain countries and people, with no argument that is plausible to support what you think they have done to offend you so much. :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:58 am

oh yeh right, as if you finding pootin honorable isn't some manufactured and biased and even false opinion born out of your hatred that is everything EU/NATO/WEST/USA/AUSTRALIA/CANADA with the false dichotomy and professed love of pootin.

Now tell me. Who in their right mind has respect for pootin? you and trump. well well well.

too bad he don't respect him enough to remove sanctions. is that TRUMP talking or the establishment I wonder?

who in their friggin right mind supports despots like Assad, especially after the latest revelations? Who?

Most decent people want criminals like that to face a war crimes commission. and he will. I told you to write that down.

there is no way in friggin hell we will let this creep get away with it if its the last thing we all do.
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