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Donald Trump the next USA President ??

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:45 pm

miltiades wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
miltiades wrote:Let me give a highly developed IQ answer.
You are full of shit :lol:
What a fucking Plonker !

I appreciate that I am probably - in the local context - considered entirely out of order here.

Nevertheless, If you are there- ADMIN - this sort of "Ad hominem" comment seems to me to be quite the norm here. Without any attempt at moderation.

When though - perhaps I am being paranoid - one of your most prolific and articulate posters hypocritically complains of such responses we get a warning.

Is it just me?

What exactly are the rules?

This rather ostentatious individual that I refer to as a Pervert, is on record praising and admiring ISIS, calling for gays to be thrown of high buildings, he is a disgusting pervert and I shall always vociferously respond to him in my own way.

As has been suggested on several occasions in the past, your inability to grasp the meaning of that which you read, leaves you ill-equipped to understand that which is written and therefore reinforces your sad habit of responding to any view which may be at variance to your own with filth and abuse.

Contradicting your assessment of my opinions is a pointless exercise, you are far too deeply entrenched in your own quagmire of filth to be helped. :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:08 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
miltiades wrote:Let me give a highly developed IQ answer.
You are full of shit :lol:
What a fucking Plonker !

I appreciate that I am probably - in the local context - considered entirely out of order here.

Nevertheless, If you are there- ADMIN - this sort of "Ad hominem" comment seems to me to be quite the norm here. Without any attempt at moderation.

When though - perhaps I am being paranoid - one of your most prolific and articulate posters hypocritically complains of such responses we get a warning.

Is it just me?

What exactly are the rules?

This rather ostentatious individual that I refer to as a Pervert, is on record praising and admiring ISIS, calling for gays to be thrown of high buildings, he is a disgusting pervert and I shall always vociferously respond to him in my own way.

As has been suggested on several occasions in the past, your inability to grasp the meaning of that which you read, leaves you ill-equipped to understand that which is written and therefore reinforces your sad habit of responding to any view which may be at variance to your own with filth and abuse.

Contradicting your assessment of my opinions is a pointless exercise, you are far too deeply entrenched in your own quagmire of filth to be helped. :roll:

"The meaning of that which is read" How many times you sick bastard have you expressed your admiration for the savages , how many times you condoned their barbaric acts, how many times you expressed the wish that gays should be slung off high buildings. You can fool some on this forum with your utterly disgusting views but you are incapable of fooling me. THESE BOLLOCKS YOU KEEP REGARGATATING will be met by my usual responses. You are a pitiful pervert and you deserve my utter contempt.
You do not impress me with your feeble efforts at sounding eloquent and one of command of the English language, which by the way the West that you so much hate bore the expenses.
Pervert, I have as much respect for you as I have for a paedophile, something that you know a great deal about ......
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Lordo » Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:16 am

america has a problem. the muslims have killed 150 americansor so since 9/11. at the same time scale americans have killed 240,000 of their own. sure americans have problem but muslins is not one of them. and yet asshole trum is like you. he suffers from islamophobia and has tunnel vision. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand is blind as a bat tothe real world.

what trampoullos needs is not a muslin register but a gun register. list of all owners with all thier guns and how many bullets. now that will give him an idea as to how biga problem he has. as to what the solution is of course staring him and you in your face but being blind as bat i suspect you aint gona see it. both of your eyes must be crossed.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Feb 09, 2017 6:15 am

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
miltiades wrote:Let me give a highly developed IQ answer.
You are full of shit :lol:
What a fucking Plonker !

I appreciate that I am probably - in the local context - considered entirely out of order here.

Nevertheless, If you are there- ADMIN - this sort of "Ad hominem" comment seems to me to be quite the norm here. Without any attempt at moderation.

When though - perhaps I am being paranoid - one of your most prolific and articulate posters hypocritically complains of such responses we get a warning.

Is it just me?

What exactly are the rules?

This rather ostentatious individual that I refer to as a Pervert, is on record praising and admiring ISIS, calling for gays to be thrown of high buildings, he is a disgusting pervert and I shall always vociferously respond to him in my own way.

As has been suggested on several occasions in the past, your inability to grasp the meaning of that which you read, leaves you ill-equipped to understand that which is written and therefore reinforces your sad habit of responding to any view which may be at variance to your own with filth and abuse.

Contradicting your assessment of my opinions is a pointless exercise, you are far too deeply entrenched in your own quagmire of filth to be helped. :roll:

"The meaning of that which is read" How many times you sick bastard have you expressed your admiration for the savages , how many times you condoned their barbaric acts, how many times you expressed the wish that gays should be slung off high buildings. You can fool some on this forum with your utterly disgusting views but you are incapable of fooling me. THESE BOLLOCKS YOU KEEP REGARGATATING will be met by my usual responses. You are a pitiful pervert and you deserve my utter contempt.
You do not impress me with your feeble efforts at sounding eloquent and one of command of the English language, which by the way the West that you so much hate bore the expenses.
Pervert, I have as much respect for you as I have for a paedophile, something that you know a great deal about ......

Too busy laughing to respond to your inane ramblings. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:39 am

I have been following American politics since Johnson took over from Kennedy in 1963 following the assassination in Dallas on November 22nd 1963.
It was the date that I first met my late wife , and also the date , nine years later when my son was born.

I have never in all those years witnessed the controversy surrounding the new President Donald Trump. Not only a controversial President but the richest and oldest ever to be at the helm of the word's number one superpower.
Just barely days into the Oval Office Trump has caused consternation the world over not least with his ban on Muslims from seven muslim nations.
My opinion is that the White House has become more like a circus and not the powerhouse it always was. Frankly I can not see Trumps presidency lasting more than a short period of time. I must say that I entirely agree with Trump on having good relations with Russia but find most of his thus far expressed views unpalatable.

Time will tell , interesting times ahead I must say...
PS. President Trump's statement on twitter on Halloumi being the best cheese ever and that Cyprus is great has my full support .
Long live our precious Halloumi and our paradise island.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Londonrake » Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:13 am

You forgot to mention our red wine!

We should know. Image
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:31 am

miltiades wrote:PS. President Trump's statement on twitter on Halloumi being the best cheese ever and that Cyprus is great has my full support .
Long live our precious Halloumi and our paradise island.

He never said that you twit! Someone made it up.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:34 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:PS. President Trump's statement on twitter on Halloumi being the best cheese ever and that Cyprus is great has my full support .
Long live our precious Halloumi and our paradise island.

He never said that you twit! Someone made it up.

Now now dont be a spoiled sport :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:58 pm

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:48 pm

An excerpt from the report of this incident :-

The Russian aircraft had been planning to hit IS targets but "by accident three of our soldiers were martyred when a building was bombed where our units were," Turkey's military said.

I wonder if the 'Virgins' will be prettier for the Turkish martyrs than those selected for the IS retaliatory forces ?,

It might depend upon who decides which of the two sides of the conflict have the ascendancy when the 'Justice' in their cause is determined.......interesting. 8)
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