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Donald Trump the next USA President ??

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:16 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Millions indeed, millions of mostly illiterate peasants, just search and you will find the percentage of illiterate peasants who share this so called religion. Is virginity such a wonderful virtue ? If so why do so many brainwashed morons are eagerly blowing them selves up in order to "devirgin" those virgins eagerly awaiting for them in a make belief place ? What culture do those adherents of the " faith" have that the west would possibly want to adopt. Treatment of women perhaps ? Freedom of choice, freedom to subscribe to medieval dark age mythology, or perhaps their respect of life's sanctity. Is it no wonder that millions are struggling to escape their native lands in order to join the 21st century in Europe and other civilized nations. Take a look at Pakistan, Bangladesh, the ME and elsewhere where this virus is widespread and see the conditions that these wretched faithful live under.
A woman stoned to death for using a mobile phone for fucks sake , killed for being raped. What a fucking culture indeed,. Stick it up yours.

Such a shame, you almost made it !. :lol: :lol:

Terrible shame how some people need to resort to such filth. :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:25 pm

Thank you for reading my post ..... it must have been hard to then reply ..... but I appreciate the thoughts! :roll: :wink:
First of all, the Nuclear option hasn't been ruled out. It's still being discussed. The nuclear propulsion hasn't been ruled out and the subs are still in the design phase and there is the Nuclear option on the table.

The vessel has to be designed around the propulsion unit. So if that decision is still pending, then the whole project must be in the very early stages. So maybe 2025 is a bit optimistic?
Secondly, not even a single Shortfin has been built yet, so no they are not obsolete.

They are not ‘obsolete’ in the context of old fashioned or old technology. The time it takes to design and build them in this rapidly changing world, means that the technology on smaller projects designed to nullify the advantage of these boats, is ahead of the weapon it is designed to defeat. This is the reason Russia designs for 10 years and that the weapon can be continually upgraded throughout its short life. In the meantime they are designing its replacement. A reason that the Russian missiles are more lethal than those of the US.
In addition, Nuclear Weapons are not even useful aside from offering a deterance. They just have a deterance value. The Tomahawk Cruise Missile and other conventional ICBM options are 100 times more useful.

I agree. But the danger comes from the country (say Israel or Pakistan) that has its back to the wall and is facing defeat in a local war. I am sure you have heard of the Samson option?
In a conflict, it is these weapons that will be used, and hopefully it stops there. Nuclear options will only be entertained once there is no other choice. It's not something that anyone would be eager to do because the ramifications are dire. The Australian boats would see more use and be more useful to the alliance because they can pound away and level an entire city like Pyongyang from over 4000 kms away which means they can launch from almost anywhere and hit their targets to within 5m. That is a huge Deterance and a massive capability which is a lot more likely to be of use than a nuclear device.

But what you suggest is not just limited to your side, the other lot will have similar capabilities .... maybe even more advanced? Big threat is that certain countries, still have a first strike option on the books! This is obviously intended to pre-empt an attack. As you may have noticed ..... often the information that would have made the decision to launch the only option .... later turns out to be false! Sorry doesn’t mean much with millions (billions) of dead and the planet is a pile of glass and rubble! Maybe that's the plan???? :roll:
But that is not the reason why Australia is getting these boats. They are super quiet with jet propulsion. No screws. And they have 24 ICBM launchers. So they are looking at an ICBM capability. The only logical step is Nuclear Warheads which they can easily acquire.

As I said about technology, propeller signatures are now old hat apparently. Satellites pick up the surface heat signature of a submerged vessel and the technology is so mind boggling .... they can almost tell what aftershave the Captain is using.

Jets sound great but one drawback! The sea is filling up with millions of tonnes of plastic rubbish, what happens when a fishing net or a large sheet of plastic gets sucked in? Would you not need to surface to clear it; would a satellite not see the boat surface; if it was a war situation would the enemy missiles not destroy it before it could submerge again? A few thousand sheets of plastic would be like a minefield if dropped around a jet powered sub? Just saying, as I am no authority on submarine warfare.

I still question WHY Australia needs such a weapon? In fact I question why any country needs such a weapon, it seems to be only to keep up with those that already have them. Apart from an incident in WWII when I believe Darwin was attacked by the Japanese ..... Australia has never been attacked or threatened. The same applies to the USA? But Europe and Asia is a different story.
These are the first boats with jet propulsion. And they are the most stealthy as well.

As I said ......... technology has a way of overcoming these initial advantages. The repeater rifle made the musket obsolete, that was later replaced with automatic rifles and sub-machine guns but the Gatlin gun was a whole new concept. Stealth is not quite the panacea it is perceived to be. The US has stealth drones ..... but the Iranians managed to bring them down and in a controlled fashion and they never gave them back either! :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:20 pm

These boats are critical to Australia for many reasons.

We have a huge continent to defend and these boats send a big message to any foes. Attack Australia, and we can let fly with dozens of Cruise Missiles and strike virtually anywhere in the world. It is a deterance. Plus, North Korea has threatened Australia specifically, a threat that can only be taken seriously. There are multiple Defence treaties with Japan, South Korea and also with NATO. Australia also has obligations to New Zealand. In addition to that, it's good for the economy. The Australian Submarine Corporation employs thousands of Aussies in great jobs. It keeps the Australian Defence Industry going. An industry which has been very innovative and at the forefront of technology. You will be surprised in how robust Australian Defence Industries are. Few would know that Night Vision Goggles are an Australian invention. So many American weapons have Australian components and systems. Even our ships are being fitted with Australian built AEGIS. Also things like the P-8 Poseidon being fitted with Australian Radar and we are one of only 4 countries with an AEW&C capability with advance ECM. Our fighters can operate autonomously with Australian Refuelling, Australian AWACS and Australian AEW&C. These subs complete the overall holistic picture.

They can also be used to insert frogmen which believe it or not can be launched from the Tubes out into the ocean to do their thing.

Australia has every right to have these weapons. It will have this capability as a deterance to anyone who wants to attack us in any way. They will also be used to assert our interests and objectives globally.

The biggest rogue is North Korea. And as long as the situation is the way it is, it will always be necessary to have these weapons. Australian relations with Russia are also not good although we seem to get along with the Chinese quite well despite the odd disagreement such as the South China Sea situation.

Australia isn't the strongest country in the world but it has quite a punch. It has some great equipment and technology which not many possess. We are lucky to get all the top shelf gear. One just needs to look at the Navy and its future procurement projects like the Air Warfare Destroyers, the Canberra Class and the Shortfin as well as the P-8C Poseidon, Wedgetails, Super Hornets, and soon F-35 and F-22.

It's great capability which can easily integrate with US Forces, Japanese Forces and NATO allies. If they're not needed then great. But the way things are panning out, I actually think Australia should procure Nuclear Capabilities. Just purely to say "don't fuck with us"

It is also likely that Australia will be drawn into the Gulf to protect Gulf State interests from Iranian aggression. Yemeni War is imminent and we await to see what our involvement will be. It's another proxy against Iran. We are eyeballs involved in it as well. The Syrian War has undermined global security in a big way. It won't end with Syria either. Just the other day, Iran rebels attacked a Saudi Navy Ship. The rhetoric against Iran has escalated as a result and Australia's security has always been underpinned by the USA. That has a cost. If the USA underpins and even subsidizes our security, then Australia is forced to play the game. It's never a one way street.

Not so long ago, Australia was on the brink of war with Indonesia over its occupation of East Timor, a former Portuguese colony. The East Timor War was one of the best planned and executed operations in history.

If Australia doesn't buy this stuff and participate as part of a coalition, then America will not be so forthcoming in its relations with Australia either which include Defence and security. What interest does the USA for example have with safeguarding freedom of navigation in the South China Sea other than being a nuisance to China? It's America fulfilling its end of the bargain for Japan, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, Philipinnes, and Singapore.

It's a simple as that. But there are no free rides here.

The Australian Defence Force numbers some 75000 personnel. So small and yet for such a small force there is no country in the world that has such high capabilities. Our Army is small but our Air Force and Navy is quite large with very advance weapons and systems. No other country packs such a punch other than perhaps Israel. It is literally, probably the best Military in the world along with the Israelis. Who else manages to have 75000 personnel and have 100 fighters, AWACS, AEW&C, advance ECM, Poseidon, 12 Frigates, 3 Destroyers, 6 Submarines, 2 heavy assault ships/aircraft carriers, A2A refuelling, and a Heavy Lift Transport Capability as well as Satellites, drones, surveillance aircraft, and Orion Submarine Warfare capability? No one that's who!

If the Russians had that capability pound for pound, they would take over the world.

It's a testament to Australia really.

These Shortfin will be a force multiplier. We can never fight a war of attrition facing millions of Chinese troops but we have our Shortfin which can cause a lot of havoc and mayhem to anyone who attacks us. Each boat will be crewed by 90 sailors. We will have 12 boats. So that's only 1080 people. Let's say we have 2 crews per boat then that's still a mere 2160 people plus engineers and maintainers. Real great bang for buck from a Human Resources point of view which is our biggest disadvantage since we are a large continent with a small population and have a military with so few people.

It's the best weapon for Australia's geostrategic needs. These boats can just stay out at sea, submerged for a very long time with no one knowing where they are until they start launching missiles. When they run out, they will be resupplied by the Americans and continue raising entire cities to the ground Aleppo style if we have to.

But what we would prefer is that these boats offer a deterance value so that no one does anything to Australia to force us to ever do such a thing. Then they would have done their job and the money is well spent.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:20 pm

I read your post and can understand what you see as a reason for having an incredibly expensive defence force. I just feel it is driven by an overwhelming paranoia that Australia is under some sort of threat.

Your only real threat would come from China and I think that will only come as a result of the US (and its allies) treading on Chinas toes in the region, a region which as you point out is thousands of miles from mainland USA. So any interest the US has must be commercial.

I can't see Russia as a threat to Australia, they have no aspirations in the region and with their land mass, several times bigger than Australia's, most have enough resources. of their own.

I have no doubt Australia has all the competence and facilities you recall but can Australia really afford or rather justify, such massive expenditure for protection against what is after all, only a perceived not a real threat? :?:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:45 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
I read your post and can understand what you see as a reason for having an incredibly expensive defence force. I just feel it is driven by an overwhelming paranoia that Australia is under some sort of threat.

Your only real threat would come from China and I think that will only come as a result of the US (and its allies) treading on Chinas toes in the region, a region which as you point out is thousands of miles from mainland USA. So any interest the US has must be commercial.

I can't see Russia as a threat to Australia, they have no aspirations in the region and with their land mass, several times bigger than Australia's, most have enough resources. of their own.

I have no doubt Australia has all the competence and facilities you recall but can Australia really afford or rather justify, such massive expenditure for protection against what is after all, only a perceived not a real threat? :?:

The threat is the impending arrival of thousands of ....convicts from Europe :lol: :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:24 am

Paphitis wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Millions indeed, millions of mostly illiterate peasants, just search and you will find the percentage of illiterate peasants who share this so called religion. Is virginity such a wonderful virtue ? If so why do so many brainwashed morons are eagerly blowing them selves up in order to "devirgin" those virgins eagerly awaiting for them in a make belief place ? What culture do those adherents of the " faith" have that the west would possibly want to adopt. Treatment of women perhaps ? Freedom of choice, freedom to subscribe to medieval dark age mythology, or perhaps their respect of life's sanctity. Is it no wonder that millions are struggling to escape their native lands in order to join the 21st century in Europe and other civilized nations. Take a look at Pakistan, Bangladesh, the ME and elsewhere where this virus is widespread and see the conditions that these wretched faithful live under.
A woman stoned to death for using a mobile phone for fucks sake , killed for being raped. What a fucking culture indeed,. Stick it up yours.

Such a shame, you almost made it !. :lol: :lol:

Terrible shame how some people need to resort to such filth. :roll:

It's in the blood !. :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:24 am

Paphitis wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Millions indeed, millions of mostly illiterate peasants, just search and you will find the percentage of illiterate peasants who share this so called religion. Is virginity such a wonderful virtue ? If so why do so many brainwashed morons are eagerly blowing them selves up in order to "devirgin" those virgins eagerly awaiting for them in a make belief place ? What culture do those adherents of the " faith" have that the west would possibly want to adopt. Treatment of women perhaps ? Freedom of choice, freedom to subscribe to medieval dark age mythology, or perhaps their respect of life's sanctity. Is it no wonder that millions are struggling to escape their native lands in order to join the 21st century in Europe and other civilized nations. Take a look at Pakistan, Bangladesh, the ME and elsewhere where this virus is widespread and see the conditions that these wretched faithful live under.
A woman stoned to death for using a mobile phone for fucks sake , killed for being raped. What a fucking culture indeed,. Stick it up yours.

Such a shame, you almost made it !. :lol: :lol:

Terrible shame how some people need to resort to such filth. :roll:

It's in the blood !. :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:36 am


Well at least Trump is a realist! In an interview with O’Reilly (FOX News) he was asked a straight question and gave an honest and realistic answer:

O'Reilly asked Trump whether he "respects" President Putin:

" I do respect him, but I respect a lot of people," Trump said, "That doesn't mean I'm going to get along with him."

Trump said he would appreciate any assistance from Russia in the fight against ISIS terrorists, adding that he would rather get along with the former Cold War-era foe than otherwise.

"But, he [Putin] is a killer," O'Reilly said. :shock:

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded, "We've (USA) got a lot of killers, what do you think, our country's so innocent?" :lol: :lol: :lol:

He says it like it is ! :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:57 am

" The U.S. Justice Department will face off with opponents in a federal appeals court on Tuesday over the fate of President Donald Trump's temporary travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries, his most controversial act since taking office last month.

Last Friday, U.S. District Judge James Robart suspended Trump's ban, opening a window for people from the seven affected countries to enter the country.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco will hear arguments over whether to restore the ban from Justice Department lawyers and opposing attorneys for the states of Minnesota and Washington at 3 p.m. PST.

In a tweet on Monday night, Trump said: "The threat from radical Islamic terrorism is very real, just look at what is happening in Europe and the Middle-East. Courts must act fast!"

Trump has said the travel measures are designed to protect the country against the threat of terrorism. He has derided Robart, appointed by Republican President George W. Bush, as a "so-called judge." ... SKBN15L0GC
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 08, 2017 4:34 am

" Appeals court ends hearing over Donald Trump's travel ban without announcing ruling" ... utin-live/

The never ending saga surrounding Trump's controversial immigration ban affecting 7 predominantly Muslim nations.
This surely is restricting Trump from .....making America great again :lol:
Is Trump, as someone described recently, a breath of fresh air or a ...boofhead !!
I have been following US political scene for years now, this must be the most bizarre, and rather entertaining, round of political ramifications.
I once reported that Trump was considering imposing a travel ban on Humus followers, mistakenly thinking that Cypriots partial to humus would be included in the ban, of course I had misread Hamas for humus :lol: :lol:
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