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Donald Trump the next USA President ??

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:26 pm

Acting Solicitor General Noel Francisco had argued on Saturday night that the President's authority is "largely immune from judicial control" when it comes to deciding who can enter or stay in the US.

this man with such views have been made the acting solicitor general. lets see if the congress has enough balls to refuse his appointment. trump will cause chaos to america like they have never seen before. he is returning to the roman way of ruling with street mobs conroling the government and the leader manipulating the street mobs.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:42 pm

miltiades wrote:" US Department of Justice formally appeals Trump travel ban ruling"
The US Department of Justice is formally appealing a federal judge's ruling which suspended President Trump's travel ban.

Judge James Robart had questioned the constitutionality of his controversial executive order, which blocks citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US.

Thousands of travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have been scrambling to catch flights to America since immigration restrictions were lifted nationwide on Friday night." ... g-10757123

Is there any doubt that America still is the Land of Opportunity ? Thousands are flogging to get to the USA not to Dubai, Emirates, SA or elsewhere in the ME.

There are numerous reasons for why a citizen of ANY nation abandons their homeland, in the light of that which is transpiring throughout the ME region, it is easy to understand why so many unfortunates are flocking to the US (and other nations) BUT, among the reasons, there might be those who only seek to reek havoc where they end up as a positive intention to exact revenge upon the nation (US in particular) which is responsible for their plight.

THIS latter intention must surely be the basis of President Trump's policy and who can blame him ?.

He must be perfectly aware of the facts which have brought about this mass exodus from the war torn areas of the world and the part that the US has played in the creation of them, therefore, for as much as one may sympathize with those that are now suffering the consequences of 'American Foreign Policy', one should also be able to determine that the 'FEAR' that was imposed upon those who now seek refuge, is now surfacing in the land which started the schemozzles in the first place.

Good luck to Trump, he has got a lot of cleaning up to do and it will be no mean feat if he manages to wriggle out of THIS situation intact. (imho) :wink:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:04 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:" US Department of Justice formally appeals Trump travel ban ruling"
The US Department of Justice is formally appealing a federal judge's ruling which suspended President Trump's travel ban.

Judge James Robart had questioned the constitutionality of his controversial executive order, which blocks citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US.

Thousands of travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have been scrambling to catch flights to America since immigration restrictions were lifted nationwide on Friday night." ... g-10757123

Is there any doubt that America still is the Land of Opportunity ? Thousands are flogging to get to the USA not to Dubai, Emirates, SA or elsewhere in the ME.

There are numerous reasons for why a citizen of ANY nation abandons their homeland, in the light of that which is transpiring throughout the ME region, it is easy to understand why so many unfortunates are flocking to the US (and other nations) BUT, among the reasons, there might be those who only seek to reek havoc where they end up as a positive intention to exact revenge upon the nation (US in particular) which is responsible for their plight.

THIS latter intention must surely be the basis of President Trump's policy and who can blame him ?.

He must be perfectly aware of the facts which have brought about this mass exodus from the war torn areas of the world and the part that the US has played in the creation of them, therefore, for as much as one may sympathize with those that are now suffering the consequences of 'American Foreign Policy', one should also be able to determine that the 'FEAR' that was imposed upon those who now seek refuge, is now surfacing in the land which started the schemozzles in the first place.

Good luck to Trump, he has got a lot of cleaning up to do and it will be no mean feat if he manages to wriggle out of THIS situation intact. (imho) :wink:
Their worst enemy is NOT the US BUT THEIR MEDIEVAEL RELIGION. These theocratic nations are steeped in the dark ages, they will come out of the dark ages when they begin to realize that Islam is their nemesis, when they begin to examine their false beliefs and realize that there is no god, no allah, no creator. First they will have to allow women to look like women and not some prehistoric creatures , and perhaps allow their women tp a car !!!
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:31 pm

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:" US Department of Justice formally appeals Trump travel ban ruling"
The US Department of Justice is formally appealing a federal judge's ruling which suspended President Trump's travel ban.

Judge James Robart had questioned the constitutionality of his controversial executive order, which blocks citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US.

Thousands of travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have been scrambling to catch flights to America since immigration restrictions were lifted nationwide on Friday night." ... g-10757123

Is there any doubt that America still is the Land of Opportunity ? Thousands are flogging to get to the USA not to Dubai, Emirates, SA or elsewhere in the ME.

There are numerous reasons for why a citizen of ANY nation abandons their homeland, in the light of that which is transpiring throughout the ME region, it is easy to understand why so many unfortunates are flocking to the US (and other nations) BUT, among the reasons, there might be those who only seek to reek havoc where they end up as a positive intention to exact revenge upon the nation (US in particular) which is responsible for their plight.

THIS latter intention must surely be the basis of President Trump's policy and who can blame him ?.

He must be perfectly aware of the facts which have brought about this mass exodus from the war torn areas of the world and the part that the US has played in the creation of them, therefore, for as much as one may sympathize with those that are now suffering the consequences of 'American Foreign Policy', one should also be able to determine that the 'FEAR' that was imposed upon those who now seek refuge, is now surfacing in the land which started the schemozzles in the first place.

Good luck to Trump, he has got a lot of cleaning up to do and it will be no mean feat if he manages to wriggle out of THIS situation intact. (imho) :wink:
Their worst enemy is NOT the US BUT THEIR MEDIEVAEL RELIGION. These theocratic nations are steeped in the dark ages, they will come out of the dark ages when they begin to realize that Islam is their nemesis, when they begin to examine their false beliefs and realize that there is no god, no allah, no creator. First they will have to allow women to look like women and not some prehistoric creatures , and perhaps allow their women tp a car !!!

I consider that response to be totally unacceptable since it's application requires one to dismiss the validity of a faith shared by countless millions on the face of the earth, small beer indeed when you are able to end your contribution with such a meaningless jibe at the 'Cultural' restrictions imposed upon the women of such faith, in actual fact, were you to delve deeper into such restrictions, you may be surprised to find that, outside of those women who seek to 'Westernize' themselves, the vast majority of those that adhere to their 'Faith and Culture', regard their female 'Westernized Counterparts' as rather sluttish (and who can blame them ?) you would be hard put to find a 'Virgin' among them beyond the age of puberty, perhaps the influence of the 'West' is responsible for the severe shortage of the taste of virtue promised to those with the ''Courage' to become 'Martyrs' in their retaliatory actions against the 'Forces of Evil' (as THEY perceive the US to be). 8)
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:19 pm

Millions indeed, millions of mostly illiterate peasants, just search and you will find the percentage of illiterate peasants who share this so called religion. Is virginity such a wonderful virtue ? If so why do so many brainwashed morons are eagerly blowing them selves up in order to "devirgin" those virgins eagerly awaiting for them in a make belief place ? What culture do those adherents of the " faith" have that the west would possibly want to adopt. Treatment of women perhaps ? Freedom of choice, freedom to subscribe to medieval dark age mythology, or perhaps their respect of life's sanctity. Is it no wonder that millions are struggling to escape their native lands in order to join the 21st century in Europe and other civilized nations. Take a look at Pakistan, Bangladesh, the ME and elsewhere where this virus is widespread and see the conditions that these wretched faithful live under.
A woman stoned to death for using a mobile phone for fucks sake , killed for being raped. What a fucking culture indeed,. Stick it up yours.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:47 pm

miltiades wrote:" US Department of Justice formally appeals Trump travel ban ruling"
The US Department of Justice is formally appealing a federal judge's ruling which suspended President Trump's travel ban.

Judge James Robart had questioned the constitutionality of his controversial executive order, which blocks citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US.

Thousands of travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have been scrambling to catch flights to America since immigration restrictions were lifted nationwide on Friday night." ... g-10757123

Is there any doubt that America still is the Land of Opportunity ? Thousands are flogging to get to the USA not to Dubai, Emirates, SA or elsewhere in the ME.

Dubai is a pretty fantastic place. Abu Dhabi too.

Play ground for the rich and famous.

I don't think the UAE has anything to be jeolous about of any country including the USA. UAE is bloody fantastic. Better than Cyprus too! Much better!

Arabs are pretty fantastic people too! There are no nicer people anywhere.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:56 pm

There are numerous reasons for why a citizen of ANY nation abandons their homeland, in the light of that which is transpiring throughout the ME region, it is easy to understand why so many unfortunates are flocking to the US (and other nations) BUT, among the reasons, there might be those who only seek to reek havoc where they end up as a positive intention to exact revenge upon the nation (US in particular) which is responsible for their plight.

Whilst there are a few ..... and I mean a few ..... that this could apply to, does that attitude not apply also to those that have a beef ......... in any country, any race and any religion?

To put it into perspective, apparently you are 400 times more likely to be struck by lightning twice on the same day than you are to be killed by a Muslim terrorist! In fact many more innocents of multiple religions have died in Europe and even more in Islamic countries.
THIS latter intention must surely be the basis of President Trump's policy and who can blame him?

No you can’t blame him for wanting to control who he lets into the US, but you can place the blame on him for using religion as the deciding factor.
He must be perfectly aware of the facts which have brought about this mass exodus from the war torn areas of the world and the part that the US has played in the creation of them, therefore, for as much as one may sympathize with those that are now suffering the consequences of 'American Foreign Policy', one should also be able to determine that the 'FEAR' that was imposed upon those who now seek refuge, is now surfacing in the land which started the schemozzles in the first place.

Absolutely ......... but you may have noticed in a recent comment on Iran, he said that Iran should be grateful to Obama for ‘.....being kind’ ..... and that he is not. But what grounds does he or the US have for being ‘unkind’ to Iran ? Nothing in their history over the last 2-300 years indicates THEY are the problem! Much more evidence exists to indicate that it is the US, Israel and the UK that are the problem and that Iran is the victim?
Good luck to Trump, he has got a lot of cleaning up to do and it will be no mean feat if he manages to wriggle out of THIS situation intact.

IMO: I still believe he is being undermined by his selection of those he has in his team. Not all of them, but I am sure a large number are still working for and under the general direction of the Deep State. You only have to look at Trump and alarm bells ring. His facial expressions, his off-the-cuff remarks, his general demeanour ..... all say one thing; ‘I am the boss and you do what I tell you’ but he has no idea of how to ensure they do that! The man is way out of his depth and those that seek to unseat him, as his policies threaten them directly, will do all they can to topple him. It's called REGIME CHANGE !!!!!

With Hilary, you knew she was Deep State, Elite, Establishment through and through. Given a choice of the two I would still go for Trump but would advise vetting his friend even more strictly than his perceived enemies. :roll: :wink:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:57 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:" US Department of Justice formally appeals Trump travel ban ruling"
The US Department of Justice is formally appealing a federal judge's ruling which suspended President Trump's travel ban.

Judge James Robart had questioned the constitutionality of his controversial executive order, which blocks citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US.

Thousands of travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have been scrambling to catch flights to America since immigration restrictions were lifted nationwide on Friday night." ... g-10757123

Is there any doubt that America still is the Land of Opportunity ? Thousands are flogging to get to the USA not to Dubai, Emirates, SA or elsewhere in the ME.

There are numerous reasons for why a citizen of ANY nation abandons their homeland, in the light of that which is transpiring throughout the ME region, it is easy to understand why so many unfortunates are flocking to the US (and other nations) BUT, among the reasons, there might be those who only seek to reek havoc where they end up as a positive intention to exact revenge upon the nation (US in particular) which is responsible for their plight.

THIS latter intention must surely be the basis of President Trump's policy and who can blame him ?.

He must be perfectly aware of the facts which have brought about this mass exodus from the war torn areas of the world and the part that the US has played in the creation of them, therefore, for as much as one may sympathize with those that are now suffering the consequences of 'American Foreign Policy', one should also be able to determine that the 'FEAR' that was imposed upon those who now seek refuge, is now surfacing in the land which started the schemozzles in the first place.

Good luck to Trump, he has got a lot of cleaning up to do and it will be no mean feat if he manages to wriggle out of THIS situation intact. (imho) :wink:

I think the USA is a lot lower on the ISIL and Al Qaeda hit list than the USA is at the moment. ISIL and Al Qaeda have actually infiltrated within Russian Borders and are recruiting in the Caucuses. It's only a matter of time now.

There has never been a concerted Russian campaign against ISIL but they are going to have take the fight to Russia. We will still be targets for ISIL but the USA is a much more difficult prospect for them compared to Europe and Russia.

In addition, USA has been very successful at integrating migrants into their society. One of the best. Should a rogue lone wolf go on the attack, it is a rare occurance because these people become proud Americans in the most part. Most are looking for a new life and beginning.

If anyone has relatives in America, you come to understand the pride and conviction the second and third generation develop for their country.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:16 pm

First of all, the Nuclear option hasn't been ruled out. It's still being discussed. The nuclear propulsion hasn't been ruled out and the subs are still in the design phase and there is the Nuclear option on the table.

Secondly, not even a single Shortfin has been built yet, so no they are not obsolete.

In addition, Nuclear Weapons are not even useful aside from offering a deterance. They just have a deterance value. The Tomahawk Cruise Missile and other conventional ICBM options are 100 times more useful.

In a conflict, it is these weapons that will be used, and hopefully it stops there. Nuclear options will only be entertained once there is no other choice. It's not something that anyone would be eager to do because the ramifications are dire. The Australian boats would see more use and be more useful to the alliance because they can pound away and level an entire city like Pyongyang from over 4000 kms away which means they can launch from almost anywhere and hit their targets to within 5m. That is a huge Deterance and a massive capability which is a lot more likely to be of use than a nuclear device.

But that is not the reason why Australia is getting these boats. They are super quiet with jet propulsion. No screws. And they have 24 ICBM launchers. So they are looking at an ICBM capability. The only logical step is Nuclear Warheads which they can easily acquire.

These are the first boats with jet propulsion. And they are the most stealthy as well.

The mere fact they are spending 5 billion per boat is an indication of their intent here. This is cutting edge technology. There were options at one tenth of the cost.

These boats are at the forefront in its propulsion, range, and stealth capability. They are looking at an ICBM capability. They want to launch from just outside the Sydney Heads and reach North Korea.

Nuclear Warheards are the logical next step but only for the deterance and that depends on how the government perceives the threat from North Korea or someone else. But the clear work horse (for anyone) are the conventional warheads. If they go Nuclear, probable only 2 to 4 ICBMs will be tipped with a Nuclear warheads, the rest will be conventional and of actual use.

Furthermore, Australia has the capability to build a Nuclear Warhead. It's also the biggest producer of Uranium and Yellowcake.

Australia is also the only country in the world which can legally sidestep the NPT, as it has developed and tested Nuclear Weapons before 1967. Everyone knows that fact, including the Americans.

These weapons acquisition programs are coordinated with the Americans, Japanese and South Koreans. Everything is coordinated holistically.

It is also the biggest weapons contract on the planet for the time being although Trump is about to outdo it in a few months when he starts announcing some massive programs probably approaching a Trillion Dollars.

Fact is, Australia will look at the Nuclear Option is American power and influence declines. Not only Australia but Japan, and South Korea too and maybe even Taiwan.

You guys are creaming your pants over this decline but it will be a more dangerous world with more countries becoming Nuclear powers because they won't have another choice. But Australia is the only country that can do it legally and as time passes there will be pressure on Australia to exercise that option from America first and foremost.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:59 pm

miltiades wrote:Millions indeed, millions of mostly illiterate peasants, just search and you will find the percentage of illiterate peasants who share this so called religion. Is virginity such a wonderful virtue ? If so why do so many brainwashed morons are eagerly blowing them selves up in order to "devirgin" those virgins eagerly awaiting for them in a make belief place ? What culture do those adherents of the " faith" have that the west would possibly want to adopt. Treatment of women perhaps ? Freedom of choice, freedom to subscribe to medieval dark age mythology, or perhaps their respect of life's sanctity. Is it no wonder that millions are struggling to escape their native lands in order to join the 21st century in Europe and other civilized nations. Take a look at Pakistan, Bangladesh, the ME and elsewhere where this virus is widespread and see the conditions that these wretched faithful live under.
A woman stoned to death for using a mobile phone for fucks sake , killed for being raped. What a fucking culture indeed,. Stick it up yours.

Such a shame, you almost made it !. :lol: :lol:
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