There are numerous reasons for why a citizen of ANY nation abandons their homeland, in the light of that which is transpiring throughout the ME region, it is easy to understand why so many unfortunates are flocking to the US (and other nations) BUT, among the reasons, there might be those who only seek to reek havoc where they end up as a positive intention to exact revenge upon the nation (US in particular) which is responsible for their plight.
Whilst there are a few ..... and I mean a few ..... that this could apply to, does that attitude not apply also to those that have a beef ......... in any country, any race and any religion?
To put it into perspective, apparently you are 400 times more likely to be struck by lightning twice on the same day than you are to be killed by a Muslim terrorist! In fact many more innocents of multiple religions have died in Europe and even more in Islamic countries.
THIS latter intention must surely be the basis of President Trump's policy and who can blame him?
No you can’t blame him for wanting to control who he lets into the US, but you can place the blame on him for using religion as the deciding factor.
He must be perfectly aware of the facts which have brought about this mass exodus from the war torn areas of the world and the part that the US has played in the creation of them, therefore, for as much as one may sympathize with those that are now suffering the consequences of 'American Foreign Policy', one should also be able to determine that the 'FEAR' that was imposed upon those who now seek refuge, is now surfacing in the land which started the schemozzles in the first place.
Absolutely ......... but you may have noticed in a recent comment on Iran, he said that Iran should be grateful to Obama for ‘.....
being kind’ ..... and that he is not. But what grounds does he or the US have for being ‘
unkind’ to Iran ? Nothing in their history over the last 2-300 years indicates
THEY are the problem! Much more evidence exists to indicate that it is the US, Israel and the UK that are the problem and that Iran is the victim?
Good luck to Trump, he has got a lot of cleaning up to do and it will be no mean feat if he manages to wriggle out of THIS situation intact.
IMO: I still believe he is being undermined by his selection of those he has in his team. Not all of them, but I am sure a large number are still working for and under the general direction of the Deep State. You only have to look at Trump and alarm bells ring. His facial expressions, his off-the-cuff remarks, his general demeanour ..... all say one thing;
‘I am the boss and you do what I tell you’ but he has no idea of how to ensure they do that! The man is way out of his depth and those that seek to unseat him, as his policies threaten them directly, will do all they can to topple him. It's called REGIME CHANGE !!!!!
With Hilary, you knew she was Deep State, Elite, Establishment through and through. Given a choice of the two I would still go for Trump but would advise vetting his friend even more strictly than his perceived enemies.